
Jun 22, 2009 21:16

I've got a meme I've done @ gealach_ros ♥, @ luisadeza ♥ & raspberry_pop

+ Leave me a comment saying "MORDRED IS HOT STUFF". (I know I'm vile)
+ I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
+ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
+ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

@ gealach_ros

1/ Which 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Hmmm... Trustworthy, friendly and lazy (TOT)

2/ Besides Pierrefonds - what is a MUST SEE in France?
Wow! There are so many beautiful things to be seen in France oo
Hmmm... I suppose I'd say Paris, because is definitely a MUST SEE. This is a so beautiful town with so many beautiful things to see, to feel.
Versailles would be another one, sure.
And then, if you are a lover of the Arthurian Myth you definitely should go the the FORÊT DE PAIMPONT (BROCELIANDE) ^_______^

3/ Your favourite dessert?
I'm not a huge fan of dessert and I generally don't eat sugary stuffs... But I'd say... Some fruits tarts?

4/ Top! or bottom!Arthur?
I love both but I prefer Top!Arthur^^
(Even if my Arthur is never topping with Mordred... Hmmm... Should think about it XD)

5/ Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni are...?
Sorry xD

@ luisadeza

1/ What do you think is stereotypically French about you?
Oh God... Well... I have no idea XD
You know I have Serbian origins and my hubby is Serbian too... And he is used to telling me when he wants to grumble about my personality "this is your French education" XDXD
But my vile temper can't be a French touch, does it? xD
But... Let's say I can't survive without bread and cheese xD

2/ Morgana or Gwen?
Morgana for sure!
Morgane LeFay has always been one of my favorite character ever^^ And I really like her in Merlin! They kept her dark side but introduced her as a lovingly and beautiful character^^

3/ What's your favourite Gerard Butler movie?
Without hesitation : The Phantom of the Opera. I'm a huge lover of the Musical and I definitel fell for that movie. It was so poignant. Erik has always been a character that touched me a lot, like Mordred, Quasimodo or Hamlet. A beautifuly dark character.

4/ If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you want to go?
Hmmm... Actually I really want to visit Irland and I'll next year. But if I can go anywhere... I'd say Japan (again) or New Zealand or Russia... I know I can do it... But it is rather far and expensive^^

5/ Colin or Bradley?
I really adore Colin, but I don't even have to think about it, BRADLEY!! I do have a very BIG soft point for blond and "prats" XDXD (Colin would be too cute for me XD)

@ raspberry_pop

1/ 1.) What's your favorite genre to read/write in fics? Any particular reason why?
My favorite genre in reading and writing is Fantastic! I'm a huge fan of that genre^^ I even wrote my thesis about it^^
Fantastic's stories have always amazed me. I'm a native to Serbia and folklore is still really important and present there so I totaly grew up amongst those stories^^ And I'm so fond of the rich and diversified genre^^

2/ If you could influence one historical event in history, what would it be and how would it play out?
Hmmm... I just wouldn't xD
But if I really have to choose... Perhaps the murder of the French royal family? How? I'm not really sure but I think I'd firstly ask them not to leave Versailles.

3/ Where/who do you get your inspiration from when you write?
Hmmm... Rather difficult question. I... don't know. I need to be alone and in peace in order to write but I'm not actually sure here the imagination comes from. There are just so many ideas opping into my head all the time XD I just know that it is always painful for me. When I write I suffer but I need to write. -_-

4/ What's one thing that you absolutely cannot leave the house without?
I'm not even sure there is a think I couldn't leave my house without oo My keys for sure or I wouldn't be able to open the door xD And I suppose my MP3. (Because I've totally forgot more than once my mobile XD) Generaly I have a handbag with my papers and some girl's stuff XD

5/ Who's your favorite fictional villain?
Oh! Good question. Now I'm not sure what you're calling a villain xD
For sure I'd say Mordred!^^ For me Mordred ISN'T a villain but an antohero but I think everybody is calling him a villain... So... What I love about my favorite villains is for them to be all grey and not black, you know, and fighting against the darkness lurking into them.
So I'm rather fond of Morgane Lefay, Erik (Phantom of the Opera), Jason Tood (Batman)...^^
But as a true villain... perhaps Malificient in Disney's Sleeping Beauty^^


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