I w-w-went t-t-to go g-g-get g-groceries, and wh-wh-wh-when I c-c-came b-back, th-the J-Jolly was g-g-g-gone--I've j-just f-f-f-found the internet c-cafe, and---w-w-well--?!
Um....oh b-b-bother, th-th-this C-City d-d-d-does h-have a w-w-way of th-throwing you f-f-f-for a l-l-loop wh-when you l-l-l-l-least expect it.
Y-y-y-yesterday was...int-t-teresting. I think everyth-thing I b-b-baked yesterday has an extra shot of c-c-caffine in it...I'll have to m-m-make all new ones.
It's been...t-t-too quiet around h-here. Miss Zaheela? Miss River? Would either of you b-b-be open for a g-g-game of chess or s-something?