STILL a better script fic than 90% of the ones on FFNet

Apr 05, 2013 15:59

So as I said on Tumblr, thanks to Wayback Machine-magic, I found a fansite I created in 2000 -- as in, when I was twelve. And on it, I found one fic. One. And oh my God, it was glorious. Leonardo DiCaprio-versus-Gary Oak glorious ( Read more... )

fanfiction, !fandom: pokemon

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Comments 5

diddy106 April 6 2013, 14:42:01 UTC
my personal favourite part was when Squirtle's water gun turned Ranma into a girl.


diddy106 April 19 2013, 11:42:12 UTC
Okay, so I only just read the description for the Ranma anime thing... and I realised that it makes my above comment incredibly stupid xD

From an outside observer however, the idea is still incredibly hilarious.


actonthat April 7 2013, 01:39:05 UTC
I was greatly amused by this.


godhandler April 9 2013, 13:51:54 UTC
I love you.


aztecravemonkey April 12 2013, 03:11:43 UTC
I love you too! :D


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