STILL a better script fic than 90% of the ones on FFNet

Apr 05, 2013 15:59

So as I said on Tumblr, thanks to Wayback Machine-magic, I found a fansite I created in 2000 -- as in, when I was twelve. And on it, I found one fic. One. And oh my God, it was glorious. Leonardo DiCaprio-versus-Gary Oak glorious.

Because I totally don't have better things to do, I'm sharing it with everyone!

Keep in mind that it's unedited save for the fact that I changed my name from one screen name to another (because I was stupid in the 90's and used my real name as a handle). So, yeah, I really couldn't spell. In my defense, proper fanfic writing practices were not a thing back then. Also in my defense, the 90's were hilarious.

So with that said, please enjoy what I apparently titled, "What Happens When Another Person Writes the Fic." Or as I like to call it as of now, "That One Fic Where Sailor Venus Fights Britney Spears Because Ash Ketchum Made Them Do It."

(Author's Note: At the first part of the fic, it's in story form and ChibiMouse tells it. When you suddenly see (" and "), that's Ash. [Like it always is.] After a few lines, you see it in script form. In (* and *) is just movements. Oh, and I do NOT own Pokemon. It belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, and other companies that I've forgotten the names of! Enjoy the fic!)

As our story starts......

("Can I please ask you for a little favor?")

Ash?! What are you doing here?! Wait until I cue you, Misty, Brock, Togepi, and Pikachu!

("But I'd like to ask you for a favor.")

Oh, okay. What?

("I'd like to write the fic.")


("Yeah. Just this once.")

Absolutely NOT!!!!!

("Come on. I bet I could write a fic just as funny, dramatic, and packed with action as you can.")

Are you saying you can do a better job than I can?

("No.....Well, actually maybe.")

Fine then! The rest of the fic is all yours! But if you don't write a decent fic, then you have to let me write a fic for and about you. (*Heeheehee*)


*Beggining of Ash's Fic*

("Okay, let's see.....First of all, we need characters. Since I can't be two places at once, I'd like to put Gary in charge. Oh my gosh, did I just say that?!")

(*Gary appears*)

Gary: Well, I can't believe that a loser is writing the fic and I, Gary Oak, have to act out the stupid scenes.

("One more word and I'll turn you into a girl!")

Gary: Like I was saying.....Ash is the best!

("Thank you, Gary. Okay, I'm definately putting Brock in.")

(*Brock appears*)

Brock: Hey! How about Misty?

("If I gave you Mina from Sailor Moon, would you forget about Misty?")

(*Mina appears holding Artemis, both looking confused.*)

Mina: Why am I suddenly here?

Brock: (*Hearts for eyes.*) Uh....who's Misty?

("That's an odd group, but it's still a group of characters. Now, Gary's gonna have to take care of Pikachu....")

(*Pikachu appears in Gary's arms*)

Gary: Now wait a sec....

Pikachu: Pik....a....CHU!!!!

(*Pikachu thunderbolts Gary*)

("Comedy part one complete. Okay, scene. The scene is.......On a road near Pallet Town.")

(*Scene appears around them.*)

("Great. Now, we'll have Gary, Mina, and Brock battle......Leo DiCaprio, Brittney Spears, and Ramna from Ramna 1/2.")

Gary, Mina, & Brock: WHAT?!

("Don't worry, it's my fic. They're all Pokemon trainers.")

Mina: How about me? I don't have any Pokemon.

("I'll lend you mine.")

(*A pile of Pokeballs appear in front of Mina. Leo DiCaprio, Brittney Spears, and Ranma appear in front of the group.*)

Leo: Since when do I do cameos on cartoons? I know this isn't on my contract.

Brittney: Yeah. And I don't do cameos either.

Ranma: Shut up and go along with the fic.

("Battle one: Gary versus Leo. This should be interesting.")

Gary: Okay, Arcanine, go!

Leo: Pokeball go!

(*Arcanine and a Gloom appear*)

Gary: Hey, where did you get these Pokemon from, Ash?

("I sorta borrowed gym leaders'.")

Gary: Whatever. Arcanine, Fire Blast!

Leo: Uh....Gloom.....uh.....Solar...

(*Arcanine's Fire Blast hits Gloom before Leo could think of an attack.*)

Leo: Gloom, return! Pokeball, go!

(*A Weepinbell appears*)

Gary: Arcanine, bite it!

Leo: Weepinbell, Razor Leaf!

(*Weepinbell's Razor Leaf stops and hurts Arcanine.*)

Gary: Arcanine, return! Rhydon, go!

(*A Rhydon appears.*)

Gary: Rhydon, horn drill!

(*Rhydon's horn drill defeats Weepinbell*)

Leo: Okay, here's my last Pokemon. Pokeball, go!

(*A Tangela appears.*)

Leo: Tangela, Vine Whip!

Gary: Rhydon, Body Slam!

(*Tangela's Vine Whip does not affect Rhydon, but Rhydon's Body Slam does.*)

("And Gary wins! Woohoo! {I never thought I'd say that.}")

Leo: Tangela, return!

Gary: Rhydon, return!

("Battle two: Brock versus Britney!")

Brock: Aww man! I get a chance to ask Britney Spears out on a date, and I have to battle her!

Ranma: Hey, maybe she'll marry you like Shampoo has to!

(*Shampoo walks by. Ramna steps behind a nearby tree.*)

Brock: (*Sighs*) Onix, go!

Britney: Pokeball, go!

(*An Onix and a Psyduck appear.*)

Brock: A Psyduck?

(*In a place far from there*)

Misty: Hey! Where did all of my Pokemon go?!

(*Back at the battlefield*)

Brock: Onix, Body Slam!

Britney: Uh oh! Psyduck, attack with anything! I don't care what attack you use!

Psyduck: Psy?

(*Onix's Body Slam hits Psyduck.*)

Britney: Psyduck, return! Pokeball, go!

(*A Goldeen appears and just flops around.*)

Britney: Oops! Goldeen, return! Pokeball, go!

(*A Starmie appears*)

Britney: Now that's more like it! Starmie, Water Gun!

(*Starmie's Water Gun weakens Onix.*)

Britney: Starmie, Tackle Attack!

(*Starmie hits Onix. Onix is defeated. {Come on folks. Rock type Pokemon are weak against Water types.}*)

Brock: Onix, return! Hmmm......Rock type Pokemon are weak against Water types, so I can't use Geodude. Ah! Zubat, go!

(*Zubat appears.*)

Britney: Starmie, use another Tackle attack!

Brock: Zubat, Supersonic!

(*Zubat's Supersonic confuses Starmie.*)

Brock: Zubat, Razor wind attack! (*Is that one of Zubat's attacks?*)

(*Zubat's Whirlwind causes Starmie to slam into a nearby tree.*)

Britney: Starmie, return! Last Pokemon! Pokeball, go!

(*A Staryu appears.*)

Britney: Staryu, Water Gun at full blast!

(*Staryu's Water Gun causes Zubat to slam into Leo. Leo is knocked down and so is the Zubat.*)


Brock: Zubat, return! Vulpix, go!

(*A Vulpix appears*)

Brock: Vulpix, Fire Spin!

(*Vulpix's Fire Spin easily burns Staryu into a crisp.*)

Brock: Vulpix, return!

Britney: Staryu, return!

Brock: Does this still mess up any chance of you going out with me?

Britney: SHUT UP!

("Third and final battle: Mina versus Ranma!")

Mina: Pokeball, go!

Ranma: Pokeball, go!

(*A Squirtle appears in front of Mina, and a Ninetails appears in front of Ranma.*)

Mina: Squirtle, Water Gun!

Ranma: Ninetails, get out of the way!

(*Squirtle's Water Gun attack misses Ninetails, but hits Ranma. Ranma turns into a girl.*)

("Well, this is interesting.")


Mina: Squirtle, fight it with another Water Gun!

(*Ninetails' Fire Spin is exstinguished by Squirtle's Water Gun. It also goes down Ninetails' throat, so only small clouds of smoke come out of its mouth.*)

Ranma: Ninetails, bite and scratch Squirtle!

Mina: Squirtle, Scull Bash!

(*Squirtle's Scull Bash defeats Ninetails.*)

Ranma: Nintails, return! Pokeball, go!

(*A Rhydon appears.*)

Mina: This will be easy. Squirtle, weaken Rhydon with a Water Gun!

(*Squirtle's Water Gun weakens Rhydon.*)

Mina: Squirtle, you can finish it easily with a Scull Bash!

(*Squirtle's Scull Bash really does defeat Rhydon.*)

Mina: Wow, you really DON'T know how to fight.

Ranma: Rhydon, return! Pokeball, go!

(*Magmar appears.*)

Ranma: Magmar, Fire Blast!

Mina: Squirtle, get in your shell!

(*Squirtle disappears into its shell, and Magmar's Fire Blast doesn't affect it.*)

Mina: Squirtle, aim your Water Gun at Magmar's mouth!

(*Squirtle aims its Water Gun at Magmar's throat and fires. Small puffs of smoke comes out of Magmar's mouth like Ninetails'.*)

Ranma: Magmar, return! Guys, we've lost! That was my last Pokemon!

Leo: Let's get out of here before anything else happens!

Britney: Good idea!

(*Ranma, Leo, and Britney run away.*)

Gary: So, what do we do now?

("I think that's the end of the fic.")

Mina: Great! I need to get back to Tokyo. Come on, Artimis!

Brock: Before you go, would you like to, you know, go out to dinner in Pallet Town and maybe a movie?

Mina: Sure!

(*Artimis jumps into Mina's arms and they walk away with Brock.*)

Gary: Okay, where are my girls at?

(*A red convertable pulls up and Gary hops in. His cheering section cheers and the convertable pulls out of sight as "Where My Girls At" by 702 plays.*)

(*End of fic and script section*)

("What did you think of it?")

You don't know how pathetic I thought that was.


Now you have to do the part of our deal that says that I can write anything about you that I want, and put you in any fic that I want.


(*ChibiMouse’s fic and start of new script section.*)

(*In a park, a cute little girl in a cute pink dress with cute blonde hair walks by Misty.*)

Misty: Why hello........Ashley!

Ashley: I do NOT know why I got stuck dressed up as a girl.

ChibiMouse: Okay, Misty! Do whatever you want to do!

Misty: (*Takes out mallet*) And this is for replacing me with a girl who does not even know what a Pokemon is!

(*Misty chases Ash{ley} through the park.*)

(*Jessie, James, and Meowth appear*)

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

Meowth: Forget the motto!

James: Yeah! I think he tried to replace me with Leonardo DiCaprio!

Jessie: (*Blushing*) I kinda liked that.....

Meowth: He replaced you with Britney Spears......

Jessie: WHAT?! Prepare for trouble is right! Let's get him!

(*Jessie, James, and Meowth join Misty in chasing ~a now wig-less~ Ash{ley}.*)

ChibiMouse: Well, that's it! Hope you enjoyed it!

Ash: I sure didn't....

Misty: There he is! Let's get him!

(*Ash screams and runs from Misty and Team Rocket.*)

(*The End ^o^*)

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