Though I hate to be the bearer of sad news: Strax took a tumble yesterday, and has now cracked a corner. I nearly cried. Bill pointed out that all things, even Sontarans, are ephemeral ("All lives end, all ice melts.") Dork.
Yay! I followed the link here from one of your AO3 stories. This is awesome.!
Also it comforts me to know that I'm not the only fanfic writer whose husband hands her weird plot bunnies. I've been trying for ages to figure out a story featuring Bill the Pony in love with a pink donkey.
Ah, my frozen Sontaran. Sadly, he has gone the way of all Sontarans, and died valiantly in battle. (I.E., he fell out of the freezer and cracked.)
Whenever I'm stuck for something, I turn to my husband. He doesn't always have the answer, but he's excellent at ferreting out the actual problem and showing me the way to a solution.
My DH has been an RN for forty years (one year longer than we've been married). He's really useful when writing h/c. Though I remember when I wrote my first one, grilling him about broken legs, and he asked me who had broken their leg. When I told him, his response was "Poor Pippin! What did he ever do to you!"
My mom was an RN before she retired; she serves as my medical consultant when I need a starting point. She's good, too, she takes everything in stride, even when I fire impossible questions about mpreg at her. :)
Comments 20
Though I hate to be the bearer of sad news: Strax took a tumble yesterday, and has now cracked a corner. I nearly cried. Bill pointed out that all things, even Sontarans, are ephemeral ("All lives end, all ice melts.") Dork.
Also it comforts me to know that I'm not the only fanfic writer whose husband hands her weird plot bunnies. I've been trying for ages to figure out a story featuring Bill the Pony in love with a pink donkey.
Whenever I'm stuck for something, I turn to my husband. He doesn't always have the answer, but he's excellent at ferreting out the actual problem and showing me the way to a solution.
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