HP Day 3

Jul 20, 2010 11:35

The Nine/Rose porn is going to need something of an overhaul. As I said to amberfocus, anger may lend itself to porn, but it doesn't exactly lend itself to style.

Andrew is having trouble with the sleeping recently. This might be teething - that second tooth is still only thinking about actually breaking through the gum. Tylenol and teething tablets only help so much, and I've tried three different types of OraJel and equivalents and he hasn't liked a single one. When he does go to sleep, he's out, which is good. I actually managed to move him from his car seat to his crib the other day while he slept, and he didn't so much as bat an eyelash. How I did that, I have no idea, and I wish I did, because I'd dearly love to repeat the performance.

Today was Day 3 of green beans. Friday or Saturday we'll start on egg yolk. (It's the egg white that's the allergen; yolk is okay. Cholesterol is apparently a non-issue in babies.) After that, it'll depend on what I find organic at the grocery store. I get to choose from the following: broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, apricots, tahini, tofu, plums, okra, cantaloupe, watermelon. Some of these options I find incredibly amusing.

At some point soon, I need to start adding in meats and dairy. Both have me nervous. Dairy, okay: yogurt and cheese and all that, I can handle those. But pureed meat? And I have to keep a smile on my face and say, "yum yum"? Yeah, that'll take a bit of practice.


Day 1: Discuss how you got into Harry Potter:
02. Your favorite book.

03. What house would you be in?

I claim Ravenclaw. I've taken a few of the online quizzes (most of which are bogus, I'm sure), and I usually end up either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff - more often Ravenclaw than Hufflepuff. I'd be okay with Hufflepuff, but I'd like to think Ravenclaw. Given the amount of research I tend to do on my writing, I think it's a good fit.

andrew, harry potter, meme

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