Title: Zero Tolerance
Characters: Zero, Azkadelia
Warning: Death scene, though I focus on smells rather than icky stuff otherwise G.
Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own this, else why would I be here? I own Cass and Zero's mother I guess.
Summary: Home's where the heart was.
Just thought I'd introduce myself with this little fic focussed on Zero. I plan to continue it as an arc.
Bacon. All kinds of different smells, each one more sickening than the next, but that was the main one. Not that that Zero didn't like bacon. Although he never eat it again. It was the source of the smell. And it wasn't seared pork.
The place is sodden, water still making its slow and steady journey down blackened timbers, and the floor doesn't so much as crunch as creak beneath his feet. He's shaking as his eyes alight on two ugly forms. Bile rises in his throat and it's all he can do not to throw up.
His ears hear a creak behind him and to the left but he doesn't bother to look up. I'm supposed to protect them. One thing I had to do in my miserable life and I've failed. He shuddered with anger.
"I'm so sorry," said a voice, soft and cultured. Unable to pretend she wasn't there any longer, Zero looked up at the new queen, or Sorceress as she preferred to be known.
Pale-skinned with dark brown hair and full lips, she was beautiful but in the way that a china doll was beautiful - unmoving and easily breakable. Zero was hit by a memory of a beautiful young girl smashing a doll into a million pieces and the hilarious 'oops!' look on her face. His brief amusement was replaced by crushing grief.
The Sorceress looked at him, obviously trying on an expression of sympathy, but it didn't reach her eyes. Although you wouldn't find a lot of warmth in the eyes of a woman who overthrew her own mother. He wondered why she couldn't wait a few years. "I had no idea our conversations would lead to this. The rebels will not be underestimated again."
She had already presented him with the evidence of who had been responsible. He knew who they were. He didn't consider Cain a friend, just a colleague, but a decent man. Decent men don't do this. Go after the family? I'll go after his. Make him suffer as I am. Worse.
Zero knew what she wanted. Cass was a strong opponent of The Sorceress. When she had approached him to join her coup, he was tempted by the riches offered but Cass had argued with him, passionately reminding him of his duty, his ideals. He no longer cared. "Help me find Cain and I'm yours."
Cain and Zero