harry potter drabble: "the little things"

Jul 10, 2012 18:17

Sooooo... I've been reading the books again (and again, I have this urge to hug Harry evrytime something bad happens to him, or have Hermione do it =P) and this little piece came up while reading Goblet of Fire.


Title: “the little things”
Rating: G
Words: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione (friendship)
Theme/Prompt: harry100 #15 - aid
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character: hermione j. granger, ship: harry/hermione, fandom: harry potter, rating: g, character: harry j. potter, themed comms: harry100, ff: drabbles, ff: harry potter - gof

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Comments 10

madderbrad July 10 2012, 23:04:09 UTC
Aww, cute!

Nice to see Harry acting so solicitous. Sadly so unlike the Harry we got for most of the canon. But hey, that's why we have fan fiction - improving on the original.

Very nice.


ayumi_nb July 11 2012, 00:23:55 UTC
/Nice to see Harry acting so solicitous. Sadly so unlike the Harry we got for most of the canon. But hey, that's why we have fan fiction - improving on the original./

I know! (even though it is sort of understandable). I was dissapointed in that scene. Harry obviously notes Hermione having difficulties, but does nothing about it. So, I decided to make him act like her best friend should.

And thank you!


avidbeader July 11 2012, 01:15:44 UTC
A nice little moment, there. And there have been other moments here and there where Harry noticed Hermione needed someone and he provided...a troll in a toilet comes to mind.

Thanks for sharing it!


ayumi_nb July 11 2012, 16:49:16 UTC
Yes, of course, I'm not saying he hasn't helped her, but he shouldn't limit his help to dangerous situations, right?

And thank you for reading!


marenkp July 11 2012, 14:41:41 UTC
So sweet! What a nice little drabble to read first thing in the morning.


ayumi_nb July 11 2012, 16:50:13 UTC
hoho, thank you! I'm glad I could make your morning a bit better =)


beege22 July 12 2012, 09:46:49 UTC
There were some other nice 'small' moments where Harry *did* help Hermione, but more would have been nice. Because in canon there was this gap between how much he thought and worried about Hermione and what he actually showed to her - Hermione probably wasn't aware of the degree to which he worried about her and was influenced by her.


ayumi_nb July 14 2012, 01:33:16 UTC
YES! Most of his concern for her remained locked in his mind, and while we were privy to it, Hermione couldn't have known how much Harry cared about her.


beege22 July 14 2012, 14:29:49 UTC
And there are so many of them. Pretty much every time prejudice against muggleborns is mentioned Harry worries for Hermione (CoS and GoF especially) and check out how Harry's attitude towards house elves is affected by Hermione's thoughts on the subject. When the plates materialise at the champion's table during the ball Harry's veru first thought is that this means wmore work for the elves and he looks over to see how Hermione is reacting to it . . . and she's distracted by trying to teach Viktor the correct pronounciation of her name! (later in the dinner Harry and Hermione share a secrte look of amusement over this).

You have to wonder how Hermione would have reacted if she actually known this was going on inside Harry's head. Especially considering the way she reacted the one time he said something nice about her outside of her hearing and it did get back to her - she was absolutely thrilled.


ayumi_nb July 14 2012, 19:52:11 UTC
/You have to wonder how Hermione would have reacted if she actually known this was going on inside Harry's head. Especially considering the way she reacted the one time he said something nice about her outside of her hearing and it did get back to her - she was absolutely thrilled./

I believe (and this is me speculating) that it's because Hermione didn't know exactly what was going on inside Harry's head most of the time (even when she appeared to grasp his trail of thought rather well) that she went for Ron in the end (you know, choosing what was easy, the safe choice, instead of doing what is right and taking the risk).


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