harry potter drabble: "the little things"

Jul 10, 2012 18:17

Sooooo... I've been reading the books again (and again, I have this urge to hug Harry evrytime something bad happens to him, or have Hermione do it =P) and this little piece came up while reading Goblet of Fire.


Title: “the little things”
Rating: G
Words: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Hermione (friendship)
Theme/Prompt: harry100 #15 - aid
Warnings/AN: a fluffy moment between best friends. set during ch6 of GOF
Summary: In which Harry helps his best friend… in an unexpected way.
Disclaimer: Yadda, yadda...


He doesn’t think of it much while climbing Stoatshead Hill. Having fallen behind the Weasleys, his only thought is making it to the top without collapsing.

Until he hears soft coughing behind him.

Turning around, he isn’t surprised to see Hermione struggling to keep up; he’s, however, very surprised it didn’t occur to him to help her sooner. She’s his best friend too.

Closing the distance between them, legs hurting, Harry reaches out to help her. Hermione gives him a bright smile, embracing his waist, and clings tightly to him.

And that’s alright, because together, they will reach the top.


End. Short and sweet, ne?

character: hermione j. granger, ship: harry/hermione, fandom: harry potter, rating: g, character: harry j. potter, themed comms: harry100, ff: drabbles, ff: harry potter - gof

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