harry potter drabble: "the expected unexpected"

Jul 15, 2012 15:58

yeah, I know, another drabble... guys! I'm on a roll here!

Title: "the expected unexpected"
Rating: PG-13, just to be safe
Words: 300
Characters/Pairings: Ron, Harry/Hermione
Theme/Prompt: harry100's #10 - couch
Warnings/AN: set during HBP and complete disregard of canon after the canary scene, so I guess it's an AU
Summary: It’s because of the canaries.
Disclaimer: Not making any money here.


Ron’s half expecting her to conjure up those blasted canaries and throw them at him-again. But Hermione does nothing, she just stands there looking at him… no, through him. She’s staring at the couch.

Then her eyes snap towards the portrait hole-and she’s blushing.

Harry stands there, robes all muddied after Quidditch practice, looking at her intently. Green eyes drift towards him (no, thinks Ron, towards the couch) briefly and snap back to Hermione. He’s blushing too.

Without a word, they resume their way; Harry goes to the dorms and Hermione goes to the library.

Ron’s left confused.


(Later, neither would know how to explain it.

Harry watches the canaries fly back to Hermione. He doesn’t know what to say. A part of him wants to make excuses for Ron, his best friend, but another part refuses vehemently, claiming that Ron brought this upon himself.

Hermione’s his best friend too and it’s about time he took her side over Ron’s. So, he settles for stating the truth.

“He’s a git.”

Unexpectedly, and shocking him to the core, Hermione throws her arms around him and kisses him passionately.

The canaries flutter their wings happily. And he kisses her back.)


When he asks about it, Ron only gets a shrug of a shoulder and ominous silence.

(They don’t know how long they were snogging in that classroom, but by the time they return to Gryffindor Tower the party’s long over. They stumble their way through the portrait hole, among ardent kisses and wandering hands, and make their way to the closest flat surface.)

Their blushing cheeks when they catch glimpses of the couch tell him, loud and clear, something happened. But Ron doesn’t want to acknowledge the big elephant in the room.

(They fall on the couch.)

Not just yet.


the end. comments are welcomed =)

character: hermione j. granger, ff: harry potter - au, ship: harry/hermione, ff: harry potter - hbp, ff: aus, fandom: harry potter, character: harry j. potter, rating: pg-13, ff: drabbles, themed comms: harry100, character: ron b. weasley

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