fire emblem drabble: "blinsided"

Jul 27, 2011 01:50

Written for the fe_drabble challenge... god i haven't posted here in like forever...

Title: "blindsided"
Author: me, of course
Rating: PG/PG-13
Words: 190
Characters/Pairings: Mark (the tactician), (the army)
Theme/Prompt: #22 - mistake
Warnings/AN: nothing graphic, just lots of angst, though, this actually happened to me while playing the game XD
Summary: ( Read more... )

ff: fe - eliwood's story, ff: fe - canon!verse, character: mark the tactician, themed comms: fe_drabble, rating: pg-13, ff: drabbles, rating: pg, fandom: fire emblem

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Comments 2

shotglass August 4 2011, 04:19:26 UTC
Ohhhh lordy! I like this a lot. It's got a nice style to it - I enjoyed the punctuation, strange as that is to say. It's also got a really good and unexpected twist ending. Very cool!

Also reminds me of the time I got Karel berserked in FE6. That was ridiculous.


ayumi_nb August 4 2011, 05:00:18 UTC
yeah, it turned out very confusing, but thanks for commenting =)


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