fire emblem drabble: "blinsided"

Jul 27, 2011 01:50

Written for the fe_drabble challenge... god i haven't posted here in like forever...

Title: "blindsided"
Author: me, of course
Rating: PG/PG-13
Words: 190
Characters/Pairings: Mark (the tactician), (the army)
Theme/Prompt: #22 - mistake
Warnings/AN: nothing graphic, just lots of angst, though, this actually happened to me while playing the game XD
Summary: It's only a matter of miscalculation.
Disclaimer: the usual, yadda yadda


He should’ve known better than to believe the odds. Really, he should, but… but it’s so damn hard! It’s so damn hard not to get overconfident, not to get cocky!

(She’s his best unit, dammit! She can take down a horde of Generals and Paladins and you-name-it alone.)

His army is -was- after all, unbeatable. With almost a hundred percent of success, that being ninety-nine percent, victory is his. So why defy that logic? It’s simple math, goddammit! Why should he doubt the odds?

(One percent of hitting success. The odds are in his favor. When it comes to her, they always are in his favor…)

“Just because…”

(…Only this time they’re not and the spell hits its mark.)

The screams of disbelieving agony reach his ears and he stands frozen in place, unable to do anything but (wonder what went wrong, what happened to the odds and) watch his army being slaughtered-

(Sending her into a rampage.)

“…I should.”

(She’s his best unit, dammit…)

-with ease as Lady Lyndis moves erratically, hitting one, then another, friend, too far gone under the Berserk spell.

(…And she’s tearing his army apart.)


the end

comments are very welcomed =)

ff: fe - eliwood's story, ff: fe - canon!verse, character: mark the tactician, themed comms: fe_drabble, rating: pg-13, ff: drabbles, rating: pg, fandom: fire emblem

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