Naruto Fic: "a change of clothes"

Feb 14, 2011 14:52

honestly, i couldn't not write something about the icon i'm using right now, the temptation was too much =P. hope you like it

prequel to "Bloodstained Grass"


Title: "a change of clothes"
Author: me, duh
Beta: no one
Rating: pg-13
Words: 1,284
Characters/Pairings: Sasuke/Sakura
Theme/Prompt: #096, writer's choice (clothes). table here
Warnings/AN: uh, innuendos, and that. post-ch. 486. au, of course. this is a prequel to my previous fic "Bloodstained Grass"
Summary: In which Sasuke makes a mistake, and Sakura doesn’t have any clothes to wear
Disclaimer: you know, the usal


“I said I was sorry.”

“OH. MY. GOD. Is this the end of the world? Is The Great Uchiha Sasuke really apologizing?”

Sasuke scowls at her naked back and then goes back to scan their surroundings, Sharingan on and his range of awareness amplified just in case someone decides to wander in their direction (and therefore, earning one hell of a beating because he’ll be damned if he let anyone other than himself see Sakura in such state of undress).

“And what do you expect me to say? It’s okay, Sasuke? Well, no! It’s not okay, it’s far from okay!”

His scowl deepens. “Hn.”

Well, what does she expect him to do? Fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness? Like hell he will, Uchihas don’t beg!

It’s not like it’s his fault anyway, she asked for it. She wanted to be trained like an Uchiha, so he did. Speed and a perfect control of fire jutsus are necessary; she needs to excel in those aspects if she wants to hope to be able to stand her ground against him while training.

And against Madara if something ever happens to me.

Because it’s not like he’ll ever let anything happen to her, not if he can help it (God only knows things never turn out like he wants them). Especially not now, with his child growing in her belly.

Our child.

“Great, I don’t have anything to wear.”

“What about your spare?”

“Dirty, because someone didn’t let me wash it the last time we stopped to rest-”

“We are being hunted, Sakura, we can’t afford the luxury to wash our clothes.”

“-and it doesn’t fit anymore.”

The fact that she went on as if he hasn’t said anything pisses him off, but only slightly. Frowning, he turns to look at her, finding her wearing only her leggings and boots with her arms crossed over her chest.

“How can it not fit?” he asks, ignoring her deathly glare (really, she should know better than to try to intimidate him).

“Oh, I don’t know, Sasuke, maybe you have forgotten, but this,” she says, one finger pointing at the little bump on her belly, sarcasm dripping from every word, “was not there when you, oh so graciously, decided to kidnap me years ago, nor when you decided to drag me along with you in your little escapade from Madara’s claws.”

“That,” he replies, pointing at her belly too, and looking sternly at her, “is our child.”

Sakura scoffs and rolls her eyes at him. “Well, of course it’s our child. I wouldn’t be carrying it around if it weren’t.”

Sasuke sends her a blank look, and crosses his arms across his chest. “Hn.”

“And this,” she goes on, still pointing at her belly, “is all your fault.”

“You weren’t exactly complaining at the time, though,” he says back. “In fact, if memory serves well, you were very eager to jump my bones.”

He smirks when his empathized words get the desired effect and watches, feeling all mighty and smug, when she blushes deeply. Because, yes, those had been her exact words the time their baby was conceived.

This, of course, does nothing to deter her.

“I… I-well, of course I was eager, I had drunk myself out of my mind then-”

“No. You were slightly drunk the first time we had sex, but not nearly as intoxicated as you want to believe, seeing as you remember… And now that I think about it, you said those words to me then too. Besides, that happened three years ago, and we’ve been having sex since. That,” he says, motioning to her belly, “only happened three months and ten days ago.”

He feels proud of himself, as it is not every day he can make Sakura stutter and blush as much as she is now (all the way down to her stomach), and if it weren’t for the fact the they couldn’t stay long out in the woods, he would’ve jumped her bones in a blink.

Sakura pouts cutely and diverts her gaze off to the side. “Well, can you blame me? It’s hard not to be very eager to jump your bones when you’re looking like that.”

Sasuke raises his eyebrows in surprise (but only very slightly) at her admission, not quite believing she actually let him win an argument, for that has never happened before. And when he hears her mutter something about sexy idiots with their sexy hair and sexy eyes and sexy smirk and sexy body and sexy shirt that shows off his equally sexy chest, he can only smile while he faces away from her, searching his backpack.

“Of course I was going to consent,” she mutters before shutting up completely when he throws her his spare clothes.

“Put that on, it should suffice while we reach the next town,” he says, trying to sound emotionless but failing miserably, so he starts to pick up the mess Sakura made while looking for something to wear. “Hurry up. We’ll fix your wardrobe problem once we are in town.”

It is as he closes Sakura’s backpack, facing away from her in a poor attempt to hide his blush (his reddened ears are a dead giveaway), that he feels two delicate (but deathly, mind you) arms envelop his waist, following closely by a warm and curvy body pressing up into his back, as Sakura hugs him tight. They stay like that for several seconds, until Sakura drops a tender kiss between his shoulder blades and utter a soft thank you before withdrawing and starting to dress.

Sasuke responds the only way he knows how and can’t help feel a little bit cheated because, hey, he is wearing a shirt and she is not.



“Sakura, no.”

“And why the hell not?”

The sound of a zipper echoes loudly in the deserted woods.

Sasuke turns around, a menacing scowl on his face, and glares at her.

“Because I say so,” he growls, pulling the zipper up, again.

They’d been going at it for over an hour already, ever since he realized the little detail.

“Oh, yeah? Well, you’re no boss of mine, Sasuke,” she snaps back, pulling down the zipper, again. “Who died and made you king?”

And, honestly, he’s quite fed up with her stubbornness.

He strides over her, looking as menacing as he can (but she, of course, ignores him) and grabs her shirt -his shirt- roughly.

“I will be damned, listen to me, Sakura, damned if I let anyone else see what’s meant only for me to see, because this,” he growls again (in vain, because Sakura glares at him annoyed), pulling her body closer to his by the zipper to make his point, “is mine. You are mine. And. I. Don’t. Like. To. Share.”

That being said, Sasuke pulls the zipper up until it reaches her chin, and leaves it there, sending her a look that says end of discussion.

Of course, Sakura being Sakura didn’t take well his possessive streak, and after a well aimed kick in the stomach, he finds himself flying back and soon crashing into a thick tree.

“I am not a possession for you to own, Sasuke. So no, I. Am. Not. Yours!”

Without gracing him so much as a second thought, she storms away, in the direction of the next town, thankfully.

He follows her a few seconds later, after he pulls himself off the ground, feeling his body ache, but smirking in smug satisfaction because-

“And if you didn’t want me to show so much cleavage, you could’ve asked me NICELY, you egotistical BASTARD!!”

-well, because she doesn’t try pull down the zipper again.


the end.

comments are very, very welcomed.

character: haruno sakura, ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: uchiha sasuke, rating: pg-13, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au

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