Naruto Fic: "It’s All About Trust"

Mar 30, 2010 21:06

Finally, something light and not angsty =D! Though, that's just me, it gets serious at some point, but it is meant to be good humored, really.

Hope you like it!

Title: "It’s All About Trust"
Rating: PG
Words: 1,807
Characters: Tsunade, Sasuke, (Sakura)
Pairings: Sasuke/Sakura
Theme/Prompt: Theme #074, Protégé. Table's HERE
Warnings: Ehh, nothing ( Read more... )

character: haruno sakura, ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: uchiha sasuke, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, character: tsunade, rating: pg, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au

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Comments 8

tsuchiya_sama March 31 2010, 03:46:29 UTC
nicely written. it left me feeling all warm and fuzzy. =D it's "awww sasuke!" worthy indeed!


ayumi_nb March 31 2010, 18:18:12 UTC


empathapathique April 1 2010, 05:31:27 UTC
another AMAZING piece to add to the bunch. I really enjoyed using Tsunade's perspective to tell the story. The whole thing was lively, funny, but still very in character. And Sasuke, of course, was great :)


ayumi_nb April 4 2010, 00:22:13 UTC
tsunade rocks hardcore, that's all i'm gonna say.

it was fun to write from her pov

thanks for commenting btw


juniper_11 April 1 2010, 20:17:05 UTC
I like. Both the fact that he admits his affection for Sakura and the fact that Tsunade beat him senseless.



ayumi_nb April 4 2010, 00:22:43 UTC
he deserved the beating, about time someone did it XD



Благодарю за информацию ambrosioco January 27 2012, 01:27:28 UTC
Извините за офф-топик, не подскажете, где можно такой же симпатичный шаблон для блога взять?
... )


Re: Благодарю за информацию ayumi_nb January 27 2012, 02:53:40 UTC
um, assuming you are asking about the layout of my journal, i found it here :

i think it's called "fire layout"


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