Naruto Fic: "Bloodstained Grass"

Mar 20, 2010 01:25

This was supposed to be a small drabble, but... uhh, it kind of grew on its own. I couldn't stop it XD.

Anyway, it might be a bit confusing, but bear with me, okay? And it's angsty, VERY angsty. Seriously, I'm feeling very angsty right now, so don't expect something happy.

Title: "Bloodstained Grass"
Beta: In need of one =)
Rating: PG-13
Words: ( Read more... )

character: haruno sakura, character: hyuuga hinata, ff: naruto - post-kg, ff: oneshots, ff: aus, character: hatake kakashi, character: uchiha sasuke, rating: pg-13, ship: naruto/hinata, themed comms: fanfic100, ff: naruto - manga!verse, fandom: naruto, ship: sasuke/sakura, ff: naruto - au, character: uzumaki naruto

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Comments 25

mikochan_noda March 20 2010, 07:54:47 UTC
Oh. Oh. Oh.

There is this ridiculous feeling of me that wants to tear up. Oh Sasuke. ;A; Sakura.

Wonderful story. XD


ayumi_nb March 20 2010, 19:31:13 UTC
thank you =)


twinnet March 20 2010, 15:22:44 UTC
Oh, this was heartbreaking. ;_;
Beautiful story though.^^


ayumi_nb March 20 2010, 19:31:56 UTC
thank you =)


mutedowl March 20 2010, 19:15:21 UTC
That...was...AWESOME!!! XD


ayumi_nb March 20 2010, 19:32:10 UTC


endofjulia March 20 2010, 20:53:50 UTC
The irony of life and it's cycles... so angsty but so wonderful. I loved it! :)


ayumi_nb March 20 2010, 23:26:23 UTC
thank you!


celestial_m00n March 20 2010, 23:14:52 UTC
Ok, this is the first time I read a fanfic of Naruto. I've too lazy to read any fanfic, seriously, LOL. But this time, I don't know why, but I read the title and think right away about eyes colors of Sasuke and Sakura XD Yeah. So I can't help clicking the link to your journal and read it twice times, ahaha. I like your way of writing, It gave me more and more curious ever XD But I don't like the end of this story very much. Ya know, I want she'll be like Sakura, who is the reason made Sasuke changed.
After reading Chapter 487, I think it's over now, Kishi hates Sakura, seriously. On top of that, I LOVE your fanfic, so please, keep up your good work. I'd love to read your futures work, really. And one more thing, sorry for my bad English XD


ayumi_nb March 21 2010, 00:23:28 UTC
Don't worry about your english, i was like you once.

anyway, i understand if you didn't like the ending, i didn't like it either because it was too sad, but i liked it how i finished it.

i'm going through an angsty phase right now, seeing as how the manga is going and all, i'm kinda depressed.

so, thanks for commenting, i'm glad you enjoyed it =)


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