Twilight drabble: "Once Upon a First Time"

Jul 02, 2009 00:11

Uh... Yeah, another drabble for prompt #58 - glass. The mods haven't closed the challenge yet, so I might just post it right?

Anyway, I plan to work more on this lousy plot-bunny, and develop something more consistent. I kinda got attached to this set of ficlets.


Title: "Once Unpon a First Time"
Beta: Not betaed yet...
Rating: PG
Characters: ( Read more... )

ff: twilight - ah, fandom: twilight, ff: aus, character: esme cullen, ff: drabbles, ff: twilight - au, themed comms: twilight100, rating: pg, character: carlisle cullen, ship: carlisle/esme

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Comments 2

thalia_csiny July 3 2009, 15:44:15 UTC
I really like this piece. The characterization is spot-on. :D Well done! Thanks for sharing! :D


ayumi_nb July 3 2009, 23:12:07 UTC
^.^ thanks!


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