I've puzzeled and puzzeled until my puzzler was sore.

Dec 11, 2007 09:47

I think I"m over thinking the apprentice list. I still feel like I should be doing more to organize, encourage etc, and I think I stuck my foot in it. I was worried that it would seem like I was disorganized if I didn't at least offer some semblance of order and agenda for the meeting, but I think it came out wrong. I don't want anyone to feel either pushed, or excluded. I've found my favorite phrase these days is "invited but not obligated". I was also thinking that the apprentices and non-apprentices alike could be a mighty powerful and awe inspiring force in this kingdom if they choose to be. In a good way, of course.  :)
It's shaping up to be an awesome party and a fabulous chance for people to branch out and meet new people and I think that's perfect.

On another note, a friend recently posted that she's tired of people asking why she's not a laurel yet, she even gave a fabulous list of reasons why (and managed to not be a negative nelly about it to). I've only had one friend act  incensed, like it was a travesty of justice and get offended "for me". I understand people think they're being supportive, but I don't think it's healthy for anyone to have a goal or definition of themselves that is external to themselves and they have no control over. Do whatcha like, live up to your own standards and if it happens, awesome, if not you're doing what you love and there's one more meeting you aren't obligated to attend. :)

I had a deep discussion with a friend about this the other weekend who was visibly upset about how a competition turned out. I said so long as they do what they're passionate about then nothing else matters. The only one you should truly be competing against is yourself, your standards, your goals. You can get something positive out of just about any experience if you choose to.

Anyway, I'm going to let my puzzler rest for a bit, it's sore. 
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