Title: Shades
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship, Dark, Smut, Yaoi, AU
Rating: R
Length: Chaptered
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and the plot. This is inspired by the novel 'Fifty Shades of Grey'
Warning: boy-to-boy relationships, language
Summary: Behind every beautiful face lie very dark secrets.
Distaste )
Comments 14
The Jealousy ♡♡♡♡♡ Mi V Min
I love Sanduel baby n his Glares towards Kyu =)
Kyaaa I find the Kyuhyun-Sandeul as Daddy-son relationship cute ;3;
orz the short fangirling moment when you imagine Ming holding a baby Sandeul X3 And then Kyu glaring that the poor baby pfft.
Damn Zhou Mi you got burned pretty bad, didn't you? orz And Wookie you worked hard to get Woon's phone number -w-
hehehe they would make a super cute family, right? :3
Sandeulie shown up.. so cute..^^
glaring at kyu is the greatest thing that the baby can do!! LOL!
Sandeul's the best baby! :D
if zhoumi is only your ex-sub why didnt let him go kyuhyun?
what so special bout him???
go go sungmin! i know you're stronger than zhoumi!!
aaawwww and baby sandeul, why i have feeling sandeul has something important role here? no? ><
thankyou for the update ayen^^
its getting more interesting now! ><
and gudlak with your school project ((;
you'll know Kyu's reason soon! :))
mehehe yes, Sandeul has an important role here ;)
thank you granny! <3
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