indulgences/fundraiser fic (and bonus kink bingo fill)

Aug 15, 2012 17:44

Title: Indulgences
Pairing/Group: Taguchi Junnosuke/Nakamaru Yuichi/Tanaka Koki, KAT-TUN
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, unspecified drug use, crossdressing
Word Count: 4087
Summary: Every once in awhile, it's okay. But Koki will keep that information to himself.
Notes: Written for yue_akuma for the Fund-Raising Project for the Habagat Victims at je_philippines, using this prompt: NTT being high and forcing Koki to dress as a lolita. Lots of molesting and sex ensue. I'm also using this to fill the crossdressing square of my kink bingo card. I hope this is what you envisioned. :3 ♥

I also have to thank je_levy for cackling with me over this, as well as hitting it with the beta-stick too. ♥

Usually the three of them didn’t indulge, but sometimes Junno would have something new to try. Koki figured it wouldn’t hurt just every once in awhile; stress and all, so they needed to cut loose sometimes. Nakamaru would be reluctant, but in the end he’d try too (just a little, okay), and they’d spend the evening blissed-out, watching television or playing video games and lolling against Junno’s couch and each other, if it was that sort of thing. Otherwise they’d blaze through the night, attention in hyper-focus and dungeons getting cleared between spurts of scribbling lyrics.

Whatever it was that Junno had procured this time had begun life as multi-colored tablets, and ended as rainbow dust rails on the immaculate glass of his coffee table. Nakamaru had the honor of going first once they’d finished divvying up their portions, a rolled-up note passed between them serving as a straw.

Nakamaru had only been in for a couple hits, passing the straw to Junno and melting against the couch. That wasn’t really a good indicator of the evening refreshments’ potency, though; most everything hit Nakamaru hard. Junno made a weird little pleased sound, and finally it was Koki’s turn. He leaned forward over the table, straw against one nostril, and inhaled deeply. Whatever this was, it was strong; Koki went for one more line before relinquishing his hold on his fine motor skills.

“Oh,” he murmured. “Oh.”

Junno chuckled beside him, and the next thing Koki knew was that he’d somehow moved from where he’d melted into the couch and into Junno’s lap. This was okay though, and even more okay when Junno cupped his cheeks and pulled him down for a sloppy kiss. A kiss wasn’t all he got; along with his tongue, Junno slipped him a tablet. Koki accepted it easily, and mumbled into Junno’s neck. “I think I’m just going to lay here, okay.”

He heard Junno and even Nakamaru laugh at his declaration, and his eyes slipped shut. “Just gotta... rest for a minute, yeah. Rest.”

When Koki opened his eyes again, he was sopping wet. He still felt pretty boneless, kind of tingly, and then he realized that somehow he’d "rested" his way into Junno’s bathtub. He flailed a bit, trying to make sure he still had both kidneys, but he couldn’t get very far; Junno was in the tub behind him, arms wrapped tight around him and hands clamped around his wrists.

Junno attempted to make soothing noises, though they came out half-laughing. “Hush, Koki. We’re almost through,” he said, and that was even less reassuring.

“What, through with what?!” At least in his head, he’d thought he’d been loud.

Junno’s thumbs stroked his wrists, and it felt pretty fucking amazing. Koki relaxed back into the hold, and asked, “Where’s Yucchi?”

His question was answered with a sharp pinch on the inside of his thigh, and Koki was reminded that yeah, he had legs too. “That hurt!” Koki shouted, and he tried to struggle again when he actually managed to tear his gaze from the tiled walls to his legs. There wasn’t enough room for the three of them in the tub, and Nakamaru was kneeling beside them.

Nakamaru simply glanced at him once before he returned his attention to carefully dragging a razor through the foam on his legs. “I’d stay still if I were you, Koki,” he said placidly. “Besides, this wasn’t even my idea, so take it up with Junno.”

“What the hell, Junno.” Koki had meant for it to come out as a question, but apparently he’d yet to regain normal speech. He tried to ignore how good it felt to slump against Junno in the warm water, and the light pressure of Nakamaru’s fingers around his ankle.

“We’ll have so much fun, though, Koki,” was Junno’s earnest response. “You should see the things I’ve got picked out for you to wear.”

Koki groaned. He knew he should’ve been more suspicious when he’d met up with Junno earlier that week; for some reason he’d ignored the fact that the store Junno had waltzed from with a huge bag had been a girls’ boutique. Nothing he could do about it now, so Koki relaxed. It was nice to be spoiled a bit, anyway.

“So much fun, Koki.” Junno’s words tickled the side of his neck and ear. Koki turned his head a bit, hoping that he’d get the hint and do something else. It was too much effort to make words.

Junno did get the hint, and began mouthing along the side of Koki’s neck and shoulder. One of his hands let go of his wrists, and fingertips slowly walked their way down the center of Koki’s chest, pausing to tweak his nipples and tug at his navel piercing. That was as far as Junno went though, and Koki had to make the effort to turn his head so that he could bite Junno. He deserved it for being a tease.

“Done,” Nakamaru announced, interrupting Koki mid-bite. Junno’s laughter shook him a little, and the next thing he knew, Koki was bundled into a towel. He didn’t feel very steady on his feet, but between Nakamaru and Junno he managed to stumble his way to Junno’s bedroom. Before Junno let him flop into his bed (the sheets looked so shiny and soft), he finished drying Koki completely.

The sheets were just as soft as they looked, and Koki wanted to slide his freshly-shaved legs along them. That took too much effort, though; besides, just as soon as he’d gotten settled, he was being manhandled. Nakamaru had him by one ankle again, and Junno had just slathered a glob of lotion against his shin. “Too cold, Junno,” Koki mumbled, resigned to his fate. He could only hope that Junno had picked something cute, at the very least.

It didn’t take long for Junno, with Nakamaru’s help, to finish smoothing lotion into Koki’s skin. By the time they were through, he smelled like some sort of flower, or maybe fruit, and he was more than ready for Junno to get on with it. Koki sprawled out across Junno’s bed, feeling as if he were on the verge of melting into it if they didn’t hurry up. From his vantage point, the two of them were even taller than usual.

“Bloomers or panties?” It was kind of funny to hear Nakamaru talking about girls’ underwear.

It sounded like it was the hardest decision Junno had ever had to make, hemming and hawing and making some kind of weird thinking noise. “Panties,” he finally said, and Koki groaned.

Nakamaru must have been in charge of moving him around, because Koki spent the next few minutes glaring up at him as he positioned Koki in the best way to get him dressed. At least he thought it was a glare; everything was still a bit tingly and fuzzy. Junno seemed to take great delight in sliding the thin pink satin shorts along his legs, and Koki wasn’t in a hurry for it to be over. Not that he was going to tell anyone.

Once Junno had finished stuffing him into the panties, Nakamaru pulled Koki into a sitting position. A matching satin camisole slipped over his head. Nakamaru was gentle as he let go of Koki, and he turned his back on him to confer with Junno again. It sounded like they were discussing the merits of below-knee or thigh-high stockings.

“Just pick something!”

“Koki’s got a point, you know,” Nakamaru muttered. “You know full well how impatient he gets.”

Another weird Junno noise, and Koki wished he’d turn around so he could see how hard he was rolling his eyes. “Below-knee! You aren’t very stealthy when you stare at them, Junno.” It was hard being the voice of reason.

Crisis solved, Koki allowed Junno to roll said stockings onto him, never mind that he was still feeling loopy from whatever they’d had earlier. They were black, and sort of sheer. Needless to say, they felt really good on his skin. Koki watched as they maneuvered the next piece of clothing onto his body; it was scratchy black material, some sort of underskirt.

“What’s next, Junno?” Nakamaru always asked the hard-hitting questions, which was good, because Koki kind of wanted to know, too.

“The skirt, then the shirt, and then the corset,” Junno said. Finally, some decision-making.

Nakamaru helped Koki sit up while Junno pulled the skirt over his head. It was a tiered confection of alternating pink and black tulle ruffles. All of the ruffles were overlaid with more tulle and a half-skirt; it was black and trimmed with pink lace. “Stand up, let us fix your skirts,” Nakamaru said, steadying Koki on his feet.

Junno tugged the skirt down over the petticoat, stopping to trail fingers up the backs of Koki’s thighs under the pretense of fluffing the layers up. Koki nearly fell when Junno pinched him; thankfully Nakamaru’s grip was very strong. He scowled at Junno, trying not to smile when he made a big production out of rubbing the spot he’d pinched in apology.

While he was standing, Junno pulled the shirt over Koki’s head, and followed it closely by the corset. Pieces loosely in place, Nakamaru helped Koki stay upright as he perched on the edge of the bed, feet firmly planted on the floor. The shirt was the same shade of pink as the layers of his skirt, with a square neckline and short sheer sleeves. It had a black ribbon bow in the center of the collar, helping to disguise the fact that Koki was rather flat-chested.

Behind him, the bed dipped as Junno climbed up to smooth the shirt down before tightening the corset. It was a band of simple black cotton, just wide enough for the top hem to sit below his chest and edged in black lace and adorned with three sets of buttons. Each set was joined by a bit of thin silver chain, and none of them actually held anything closed.

“Take a deep breath, Koki.” Junno whispered it against the back of his neck, even though he’d already started to pull the corset laces tight. Once he was done, he got up again and adjusted the front of the shirt, pulling at it to make it seem like the corset was holding a little something up.

“Are you done yet, Junno?” Koki was ready to see what else Junno had snuck past him on their shopping trip.

"Mmm, not quite. I'm not finished dolling you up."

Koki heaved a sigh. At least they were done dressing him. Nakamaru let him flop backwards again, and Junno swooped in again with shoes. They were pink ballet flats, the kind that had ribbons, and Junno seemed to be taking great delight in making sure they weren't twisted as he looped them around Koki's calves.

"Finger," Junno murmured as he paused. Nakamaru dutifully held one finger against the ribbon, and Junno finished tying the bow with a flourish. They repeated their actions with the other shoe, and then Koki was left to his own devices. Mostly those devices were staring up at the ceiling, and occasionally lolling his head to glare at turned backs.

Again, Nakamaru helped him sit up, this time by looping arms around his waist and sitting behind him on the bed. It was kind of nice, and Koki might have made a contented noise. "Can you hold your head up, Koki? That would really help," Nakamaru asked.

It took some effort, but Koki managed. "Everything feels sort of wobbly," he said.

"You'll be okay," Nakamaru whispered against his ear. "We've got you."

Junno returned his attention to Koki, an unsettling mass of blonde curls in hand. "What, why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm not a doll!"

Nakamaru cut in. "No, you aren't. Except for right now. I mean, you did agree to play dress-up earlier."

Koki would have loved to elbow Nakamaru right then, but the other's hold on him was too tight. He forgot about that, though, because Junno was in front of him, grinning serenely as he combed fingers through Koki's hair. "Koki, you're so cute when you're annoyed," he said, swooping in for a quick kiss.

Then Junno was serious again,concentrating as he settled the wig on Koki's head. He pawed at the strands for a few minutes, distracted by the curls. Nakamaru cleared his throat, snapping him out of it. Koki knew better than to think he was done, and he wasn't surprised when Junno pulled a makeup bag from the apparently bottomless bag full of girls' clothes.

Koki preemptively closed his eyes so Junno could do his makeup. First there was some sort of cream that felt sort of silky against his skin, and then a dusting of powder. Junno smoothed fingertips and soft brushes across his eyelids. It felt like some sort of extra long eyelashes were being gently pressed against his own; they sort of tickled his cheeks.

"Almost done," Junno breathed, carefully dragging a pencil along his lids. "Just gotta do your lip gloss."

Koki made a noise of assent in the back of his throat, and then asked, "Can I open my eyes yet?"

"Not yet. Mascara first." The words were followed by a dragging sensation against his eyelashes. "Okay, now you can open them."

It took more effort than Koki expected, extra length sort of weighing his eyelids down. He fluttered them for a second, getting used to them.

"Already making eyes at me," Junno exclaimed, one hand pressed against his chest. "So cheeky, Maria-chan!"

"Yucchi, hit him for me," Koki muttered.

Nakamaru laughed, jostling Koki. "Can't. Gotta hold you steady."

Koki huffed and rolled his eyes, but still obediently parted his lips for Junno to paint them with gloss. He'd kept with the pink theme, and Koki couldn't help flicking his tongue out for a taste. It smelled like honey, and tasted like it too.

Junno put the bag away and returned to loom over Koki. He looked down, sort of a strange look on his face, and then took Koki's hands in his. "One more thing."

Junno's expression didn't bode well. Koki took a deep breath, and let it out. "What."

"We have to do your nails!" Junno said it like he fully expected Koki to be just as excited as he was; when he realized Koki was nowhere near as enthusiastic about it, he quickly added, "They're press-on, so it won't take as long?"

Koki rolled his eyes. "Fine," he ground out. "Then we'll get on with it?"

"Promise," Nakamaru said, nuzzling against the side of Koki's neck. He relaxed into the hold, eyes following Junno as he went to his bag one last time.

Junno knelt in front of Koki and took one of his hands between his own, dusting a kiss along the knuckles before opening the packaging. Koki watched silently as Junno peered at the instructions and sorted through the plastic pieces. At least the nails were black, and not too ridiculously long. Junno's hands were warm as he placed adhesive and pressed against Koki's fingertips; for each of his ring finger nails the nails were encrusted with pink gems. All in all, it was a little ridiculous, though endearing at the same time.

"There, all done," Junno whispered. His eyes cut up to look at Koki, and then his entire demeanor changed. Koki could only stare as Junno stood and leaned forward to hiss hot and filthy into his ear. "All dolled up, Maria-chan, and now we're going to make a mess of you."

Koki gasped when Junno pulled him from Nakamaru’s grasp and twirled him around once. His head spun and dug his fingers into Junno’s arms. “Can we stop spinning now?”

Junno did stop spinning, bending Koki forward over his dresser, nearly touching the mirror. Koki stared at his reflection, entranced with the picture he made. His eyes were smoky, silvery highlights of shadow beneath his brows, pale pink swept above the sparkly grey of his eyelids. The same sparkle had been used as liner along his lower eyelashes, and a thin line of black disguised the edges of his false eyelashes.

Nakamaru joined them, a dark glint in his eyes as he surveyed their reflection. “Let’s take turns, Junno.”

The heat in their gazes made Koki feel a little nervous; Nakamaru nudged Junno out of the way and wrapped his hands around Koki’s waist, holding him in place. Koki licked his lips when Nakamaru locked eyes with him through their reflection and pressed his mouth along Koki’s jaw. “You’ve got far too many layers on to feel how hard you’ve got me, Maria-chan.”

With those words, Nakamaru pulled Koki back by the hips, rubbing against him despite all of the ruffles between them. Koki could only watch as Nakamaru flipped his skirts up; his mouth dropped open in surprise when Nakamaru pulled down his panties and slapped him hard on each ass cheek. Junno swooped in to assist, a bottle of lube open and dribbling its contents along his crease.

“You’ll be so wet and messy,” Nakamaru breathed, dipping a finger along the slick mess. He didn’t waste much time, slipping one finger against Koki’s rim and past its resistance. Koki gasped, transfixed as his girlish mirror-self writhed.

“Yucchi,” he started, trailing off as Nakamaru added another finger. His train of thought was completely derailed when Nakamaru knocked his legs apart and pushed him forward even more. All Koki could do was try and hang on, careful of his nails. Somehow without him noticing, Nakamaru had added a third finger, spreading them as far apart as he could.

“Ready, Maria-chan?” Nakamaru asked, unfastening his trousers and pushing them down just far enough, and pausing to let Koki catch his breath. He’d barely finished nodding when Nakamaru thrust into him. Koki couldn’t help crying out; Nakamaru stilled until Koki nodded.

After that, all Koki could do was concentrate on breathing. His mirror counterpart was flushed and panting, blonde tendrils sticking to the sides of her face and lip gloss. The scratchy petticoat was rubbing him in so many distracting ways, and Koki felt like he wasn’t going to last. By the time he realized, though, Nakamaru had pulled out, and Junno had taken his place.

Junno bit down on the side of Koki’s neck, and then pried his fingers from the edge of the dresser. He walked them backward to the bed; before Junno pulled them down, Koki felt him shove his pants down. They fell completely to the floor, and Koki moaned as he felt Junno grind against his ass. Fingers snuck under his skirt and held him open as Junno perched on the edge of the bed and carefully guided Koki onto his lap.

They sat there for a moment, Koki staring at the disheveled girl in the mirror as Junno’s big hands held her upright. He still had his mouth attached to the side of Koki’s neck; he bit down, hard, as he began a bone-rattling pace. It took most of his concentration, but Koki managed to get a hand under his skirt and around himself. Again, Koki felt like he was teetering on the edge of orgasm, and this time, Junno pulled out.

Nakamaru leaned into his personal space, holding Koki’s cheeks between his palms as he licked his way into Koki’s mouth. “My turn again,” he murmured, and Koki barely nodded.

This time Koki was pulled to his feet, though he didn’t stay standing for long. Nakamaru urged him to climb onto the bed. A hand on his hip kept him from settling onto his back, and Koki dropped his head against his arms as he realized what Nakamaru wanted to do. “Yucchi,” he mumbled, not sure he was capable of much else.

A warm weight draped across his back, and one of Nakamaru’s arms looped around his waist. “Are you okay, Koki?”

“Yes,” he gasped, shivering when Nakamaru held his skirts out of the way once more as he re-slicked Koki. This time Nakamaru was much more gentle, sweeping Koki’s curls out of the way so he had better access to his neck. Gradually he sped up, rocking into Koki; soon enough Nakamaru was gasping into the back of his neck as he pulled out, splattering his release against the backs of Koki’s thighs.

Before Koki could collapse, Junno pulled Koki to lie on his back, caging him with arms and legs to either side of him. He was tender as he nosed against Koki’s chin, drawing him in for a slow kiss. Junno leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “You should know, you’ve done so well, Maria-chan. Let me take care of you.”

“Please,” Koki said, sighing as Junno pulled away. He settled in between Koki’s thighs, using his hold on them to pull Koki closer. One of his legs settled over Junno’s shoulder, a delicious stretch as Junno leaned over to press into him. His other leg ended up draped over Junno’s arm when he braced himself for his first thrust.

This round was just as intense as the others had been, and Koki was able to catch his breath a bit. It was almost surreal to feel Junno above him, in him, but to see stockinged legs with their ribbon laces instead of his own calves. He was almost overwhelmed by all of the layers, scratchy and warm, on edge from the orgasm he’d almost achieved earlier.

Koki nearly sobbed with relief when Junno made the effort to pull one of Koki’s hands down to wrap around himself. It was almost as if someone else were touching him; the unfamiliar nails poked and scratched his thighs as he struggled to keep up with Junno’s pace.

It seemed that Junno realized, and slowed down enough for Koki to get his bearings. He let Koki’s leg slip from over his arm so he could lick along the remainders of Koki’s lip gloss. “Maria-chan, so pretty, so filthy, so mine,” Junno whispered against his lips. The unadulterated note of possession in his voice shocked Koki, and had him working his hand along his length even faster.

“Yes, yours,” he agreed, breath jolted out of him when Junno sped up. Koki was so close, he could very nearly taste it; one more stroke and he was gasping, clamping down around Junno and feeling every bit of effort he had to use to fuck him through the static of his orgasm. Koki moaned, his noises making way for whimpers once he’d come back to himself and Junno still fucking him. He’d ruined his skirts, he just knew it.

Koki’s mind was taken off of the sticky mess of his skirts when Junno’s hips stuttered to a halt as he finished, pulsing deep inside of Koki. It felt really weird, especially since Koki was still coming down from whatever they’d kicked their evening off with; as soon as Junno relaxed and let Koki’s leg down, that felt even weirder, pins and needles and the sensation of having been stretched too thin. Junno gasped a little as he slipped out of Koki and rolled to the side, unable to keep from sneaking a hand between Koki’s legs. Fingers dipped into him, disregarding the cooling come; Koki batted at Junno, too sensitive for anything more.

“Stop, Junno,” Koki mumbled. “No more, I need to rest.” His eyes slipped shut as Junno and Nakamaru laughed, and Koki felt sort of weightless, like he’d been picked up.

Hours later, Koki woke up, too hot and with muscles too stretched for an evening he hadn’t spent at the gym. He was squished between Junno and Nakamaru, and as he rubbed at his eyes, he realized he still wore the false lashes and press on nails he’d been dolled up with. Koki risked a look down, groaning a little at the ruffled pale yellow camisole and frilly white bloomers he’d been dressed in after he’d closed his eyes for a rest. He flopped back down, mollified when Junno sleepily pulled him closer and mumbled. Koki didn’t mind indulging, every once in awhile.

kuntting around, rating:nc-17, fic, kink bingo, ntt(tnt dynamite), 12

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