cuff me if you can/fundraiser fic

Sep 03, 2012 15:33

Title: Cuff Me If You Can
Pairing/Group: Taguchi Junnosuke/Tanaka Koki
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, AU, misuse of handcuffs, rimming
Word Count: 10757
Summary: Perhaps Officer Koki had been too enthusiastic on his first day.
Notes: Written for locquiz for the Fund-Raising Project for the Habagat Victims at je_philippines, using this prompt: Junno as a mafia boss and is vvveeerrryyy interested in Koki. On the other hand Koki is a police officer with Nakamaru as his partner. It was really fun to write this; there was quite a lot of laughter involved. I'm glad I had the chance to play cops 'n' robbers of a sort.

I have to thank the ever-wonderful je_levy for all of the excellent brainstorming and cackling and beta-sticking, as well as for getting feels all over the place.

It was his first day on the job, after what seemed like months and months of endless academy training. Tanaka Koki was going to keep the streets safe, help lost pedestrians, and lovingly caress his baton. (It was the telescoping sort, really neat.) The only downside so far was that his uniform was a bit big-- sleeves a little long and trousers kind of loose. On the bright side, his trousers did look kind of cool tucked into his boots.

After roll call was over, Koki made a beeline for his new partner. Nakamaru Yuichi seemed like a laid-back sort of guy when he'd answered his name being called out. He was also very lanky, big nose and sort of delicate-looking hands, and very neat dark hair.

"Ah, the new recruit. Nice to meet you; let's get to work." Koki hadn't even had the chance to introduce himself. This guy was to the point.

Koki trotted along after him as he walked to the office they would share. It was kind of cramped, tucked away at the end of a hallway. Nakamaru wedged himself into his chair, wincing as his knees knocked against his desk. Koki settled in across from him, feeling very eager to get started.

The first thing that happened, though, was Nakamaru sliding a towering stack of papers toward him.

"We've got to get these reports sorted," he said. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies. You didn't really think it was non-stop excitement all the time, did you?"

"O-of course not." Koki felt silly for tripping over his words, and he hoped Nakamaru hadn't noticed. Dutifully he began rifling through the papers, organizing them by type of incident reported.

It was hopelessly boring. Koki thought his eyes were going to fall right out of his skull. At least that might prove to be exciting. He'd just begun to despair of ever leaving his desk; however, one name kept coming up, in passing mention, involving a series of isolated incidents. Whoever this Taguchi Junnosuke was, he probably didn't need to mingle with the general public.

"Yucchi." Koki froze, realizing how he'd addressed his partner. He forced himself to look up at the other man, expecting the worst.

Bemusement was his only response as Nakamaru gazed back at him. "What's on your mind, Koki-chan?" he asked calmly.

"Don't call me that!" Koki snapped before regaining his composure. "I was just wondering about this person who keeps getting mentioned in all of these reports. Shouldn't something have stuck with this Taguchi guy?"

Nakamaru only raised his eyebrows in response at first. "We've tried plenty of times. He's a slippery one." With that, Nakamaru went back to his own reports, dismissing Koki's question.

Koki was a little incredulous. They had a duty, to protect and serve. How could Yucch-- Nakamaru be okay with that? He stood, slapping his palms down on the desk as he made his declaration. "I'm gonna nab that guy!"

He stormed out of their cramped office, and hollered over his shoulder. "Smoke break okay!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Koki caught a glimpse of Nakamaru nonchalantly sliding his phone open and tapping out a text. They weren't even supposed to have their cells while they were on duty!


Taguchi Junnosuke was a self-made man. He'd clawed his way to the top of his organization, and had everything he could want. Power, money, girls and even boys. Fast cars and fancy clothes.

It was a bit dull, to be honest. He’d been suffering through a report from one of his more serious men, so it was such a relief to feel his phone buzz in his pocket. Even more fun to see that it was from his liaison in the police department.

“Let’s continue this later. Important call.” Junno casually flapped a hand to dismiss the man, and eagerly opened the text.

Got a new partner, the sort that wants to bring you in. Thought you’d want to know. His name’s Tanaka Koki, seems like a real spitfire.

Oh, now this would be fun. Nakamaru was so good to him. He’d attached a picture, and Junno’s new pastime pouted from his screen, dark curls peeking from beneath his hat.

Thanks. Hope your sister’s doing well in her studies. Your usual and a bit more will be in its regular place; leave me his dossier when you pick up.

Junno attached the picture to a message for his captains. He didn’t want them to unnecessarily give Koki too much of a hard time. They already knew not to give out any useful information.


Weeks of poring over reports passed. It just seemed that nothing managed to stick on Taguchi; Koki wondered how one man could be mentioned so many times but hadn’t actually ever been charged with anything. Something was fishy about the whole thing.

It seemed that most of the reports were confined to roughly the same area. Koki figured it was time to do some legwork.

Perhaps legwork hadn’t been the best idea, though. It was the height of summer, the air outside thick and humid, and Koki vastly preferred breathing his air over drinking it. Also his trousers, though loose, somehow managed to give him wedgies. Not only did he have constant wedgies, but Koki also hadn’t thought his decision to wear leather combat boots through at all. At least he could wear a short-sleeved uniform shirt.

Aside from his wardrobe woes, Koki was thirsty. He’d made a poor decision to have one of the doughnuts (this one had had lemon jelly filling) that Nakamaru had brought in that morning. Fuck Yucchi and his doughnuts, and even his sense of non-urgency in protecting the populace from the likes of shady characters like Taguchi.

None of the citizens seemed to know anything about him; it was like Koki was after a ghost. Grannies didn’t seem to recall anyone matching his description, business owners simply shrugged, and Koki had a hard time believing that not a single person knew anything. Nerves frazzled and shirt sticking to his back, Koki ducked into a club. He assumed it was a club; the only sign it had simply said GIRLS. Sounded like his kind of place.

It was blessedly cool and dark, and seemed to be deserted. Made sense, since it was mid-afternoon. Koki could totally ask around here, maybe he’d luck out finally.

Or maybe not. He was the only person in the entire place; he’d at least thought the bartender would be wiping down glasses and putting them away. Perhaps Koki had seen one too many films featuring policemen. He could still snoop around though.

The club had a stage running the length of one wall, complete with pole in the center. There was an open area of what Koki assumed was the dance floor, tables and chairs crowding around it. There were also booths nestled along the wall opposite the bar. Koki had two choices of where to begin: there was the backstage area, and there was a partially-hidden staircase near the bar. It probably led to a VIP area or something; that seemed promising.

Koki crept up the stairs, a little nervous but not scared enough to draw his baton. He still kept a hand on it; he could still get the drop on somebody if he needed to that way. This section of the club was similar to the downstairs part, just a little more intimate. The pole from the stage continued to this level, only there were chairs and small tables gathered around it much closer than the other one. It was pretty swank, cool blues and purples and velvet upholstery.

A hand clamped down on his shoulder, and Koki might have screamed a little. So much for getting the drop on anyone. The hand turned him around, and he was faced with a tough-looking sort of guy. Sunglasses indoors, sharply pressed suit. The kind of generic thug that he’d normally avoid just because things would be easier.

One meaty hand tilted his head up, and Koki figured he was probably in trouble. Nakamaru didn’t even know where he’d gone, and Koki might have been panicking a bit. He’d not tell anyone that; he had an image to maintain.

“Oh,” the thug muttered, “you’re the one the boss wants to see. Hope you don’t mind waiting.”

With that declaration, one end of Koki’s handcuffs became acquainted with his wrist. Then he was tossed over the guy’s shoulder and carried bodily to the pole. He was dumped carelessly, and just as Koki was about to get up and do... something, the other shackle of the handcuff clicked shut around the pole. He patted at his belt for the keys, making an irritated noise when the thug chuckled, drawing his attention to the keys in his huge hand.

The giant turned away, ignoring Koki’s protests as he dropped the keys out of reach on one table. “Don’t you worry, the boss is a nice man. He’ll take good care of you.”

Koki tired himself out, jerking at his handcuffs and yelling. It would be okay if he just rested his eyes for a little while.


How positively delightful, Junno crowed inside his head. He might have said it out loud, though, judging from the look his secretary shot at him. He simply waved, cheerily calling over his shoulder as he left. “I’ve got to go check on things at the club. I won’t be available for the rest of the day.”

He hadn’t even had to do much of anything; Koki had inadvertently come to him. The manager had called him, chuckling as he’d told Junno about the surprise he had waiting in the VIP lounge. Usually the trip to his most lucrative establishment seemed to drag; maybe it was because he had a treat waiting that it took no time.

Junno locked the doors behind him, secure in the knowledge that it would be only him and Koki; the manager had asserted that he’d make himself scarce. Just to keep things interesting, Junno crept up the stairs silently. He wanted to know what Koki would be doing by himself.

From the landing, it looked like he was... asleep. Well. That made it much easier for Junno to sneak. He strode over to the pole, hands shoved in his pockets as he looked down at Koki. He was cuffed by his left wrist, and curled on his side in the floor at the base of the pole. It looked uncomfortable from where he was standing, but that was okay. Maybe it would make it easier to make Koki see reason that way.

Junno kind of wanted to keep watching, but it would be more fun to see Koki’s pouting in real life. Gently, he poked the toe of his shoes against Koki’s side. He jolted awake, doing his best to lunge but was stopped short by his handcuffs.

“Let me go!” Koki jangled the cuffs, like that would entice Junno to actually let him go. “I mean it! My partner will come looking for me!”

Nakamaru had been right; what a spitfire. Junno should probably let him know where Koki was, because he was fairly certain Koki had snuck away. He pulled out his phone to that end, and settled into one of the chairs.

“Of course,” Junno began. He smiled at the way Koki glared at him, hat askew. “You know...” He trailed off, imagining it before being interrupted.

“What?! Finish your sentences, asshole!”

Junno had to laugh at that. There was no way around it, he wanted to keep this one around. “How would you like to work for me, Koki~? You could even use the same uniform.”

“Why would I ever wanna work in some skeezy club?” Koki sniffed, turning his nose up a bit.

Junno had to set him straight; it would only be fair. “Well, Koki, all of the lovely girls and boys who work here for me make far more than what you get. Doesn’t it sound nice? I’d treat you well,” he murmured. It looked like Koki wavered a bit.

“Like hell I would! Who do you think you are, anyway?”

Ah. Or not.

“You’ve been wandering all over the neighborhood asking around about me. Oh, that’s right, you’ve got no mug shots or anything, just passing mentions of my name.” Understanding dawned in Koki’s eyes, and it wasn’t long before he was spluttering furiously.

“Well, dearest, you can stay up here and think about what you’ve done while I go pour myself a drink. I’ll bring you one too, but you only get it if you strip. Think of it as an audition, if you want.” Junno stood, and added as an afterthought, “Oh, and then I might just let you go.”

Koki sputtered as he watched Taguchi walk away. That ass! Who did he think he was, trying to bribe him like that? He was supposed to serve and protect the general populace, not get naked for crime lords.

Except, well, this particular crime lord was particularly convincing. And easy on the eyes, all long legs and big hands and shiny dark hair and maybe Koki should stop that line of thought right there. He also really wanted to get up and stretch his legs. Come to think of it, his wrist sort of hurt, too. Maybe he shouldn’t have jerked at his cuffs so hard.

Koki sighed. It looked like he was going to have to do this so he could at least get home. Thankfully Nakamaru never asked too many questions. He wrapped both hands around the pole to pull himself to his feet, just in time to hear an appreciative whistle.

“I-I’m only doing this because I want to go home!” Again with the tripping over his words. Koki licked his lips and spoke again. “It isn’t like I’m considering your job offer.”

Yeah, that was weak. Koki felt himself flush as Taguchi took a seat close to where he was cuffed. The drinks he’d brought looked very delicious, especially since Koki was still parched from his earlier doughnut life decision.

“Go ahead, you pretty thing. By the way, call me Junno, okay?” The jerk smiled like it was some sort of gift, and Koki glared as he grabbed the brim of his hat and unceremoniously threw it at Junno’s stupid smarmy grin. All it earned him was a bemused chuckle.

Koki frowned, and began to unbutton his shirt as well as he could one-handed. This had to be the least sexy striptease in the history of the world, but you couldn’t tell from the way Junno kept staring. His eyes were dark and intense, and Koki might have felt sort of special for being the cause. Finally he finished with the buttons, and cleared his throat.

“Do you just want me to half shrug out of my shirt? It’s not going anywhere if I’m stuck to this pole.” Koki fussed with the untucked tails as he waited for an answer.

“No, just leave it.” Junno’s voice was rough. “Shove up your undershirt for me, let me get a good look at you.”

Koki followed the instructions, looking curiously at Junno when he made a noise in the back of his throat. “Keep going,” Junno said, adjusting himself absently.

Heh. Koki could totally do this. He pulled at his belt buckle slowly, smirking at the rapt way Junno watched. A sucked in breath was the only sound in the room as Koki slowly opened the fly of his trousers. He only pulled them open wide enough for Junno to get a glimpse of the black waistband of his boxer briefs.

Suddenly, Koki felt his back slam against the pole, arm twisted awkwardly. Junno was all around him, hands grazing wherever they could, and Koki couldn’t help whining a little at the painful pressure in his wrist. He barely registered the click of the cuff being unlocked or ringing against the pole; somehow Junno had unlocked him and bundled him into his lap.

Koki was okay with that, caught up in finally being free and the heady scent of Junno’s expensive cologne. Junno’s hands were squeezing his ass, and from where he was straddling his lap, he could feel Junno’s burgeoning erection. Koki moaned a little, choosing to ignore the smug chuckle against his throat. He surged forward, fingers clenching the crisp lapels of Junno’s jacket as his cuffs still dangled from his wrist.

“Knew you’d see things my way, Koki,” Junno gasped along his collar bones before licking a trail up his neck and to his mouth. Their tongues tangled together, and Koki was incapable of words anymore. That was fine with him, though, because Junno had gotten a hand down the front of his pants and had started squeezing.

Koki groaned at the contact, rolling his hips for more. Junno easily gave him more attention, hooking fingers into the waistband of his underwear to pull it down just enough to free his erection, barely glancing at the neon pink cotton. It took a considerable amount of effort, but Koki pried his hands off of Junno’s lapels and slid them to his slacks to return the favor, and get even more delicious friction.

There was a minor scuffle as Koki fought to get a hand around the both of them, but he was successful in the end. He tugged them at a furious pace, eager to get off. It didn’t help that Junno’s fingers kept straying to Koki’s waist to fondle the barbell in his navel. Who would’ve thought Koki’d have been able to drive a grown man to distraction with just a strategically placed bit of metal?

Koki gasped, feeling the beginnings of his orgasm pool in his gut. He swallowed, and managed a throaty whisper. “‘m close, Junno.”

“Yes, hurry,” Junno moaned in response. The needy note in his voice spurred Koki to go faster, hissing at how rough and dry his touch was. It was delicious, just the right sort of hurt, and Koki threw his head back as he came.

Junno followed him shortly, panting as he struggled to open his eyes and get a look at the mess Koki had made of them. “On second thought, I wouldn’t want you to work here, Koki. I want to keep you all to myself,” Junno said.

Koki wasn’t sure what the warm feeling in his chest was, or if he should even have it, but he’d dwell on that later. For now, he needed to clean up; dry-cleaning was a bitch, and the owners of the shop round the corner would never not pass comment on any dubious stains on his clothes ever again.

Junno saved him the trouble, pulling out his royal blue pocket square. Koki quietly watched Junno wipe away the mess and drop the scrap of fabric in the floor before heaving a sigh. He seemed reluctant to move as he began to put Koki’s clothes right, tugging down his undershirt and gently tucking him back into his underwear, laughing a bit as he took notice of the pink material. Koki pre-emptively punched him in the upper arm, cutting off any commentary before beginning to button his shirt.

Fully dressed, Koki looked around for his hat. He found it, reaching from his perch in Junno’s lap for it; when he had it in hand, he idly played with the brim, unable to meet Junno’s eyes. “I should... um, I should probably go now,” he said.

Koki finally dragged his eyes up to meet Junno's gaze; it was unreadable as he agreed with him. "Let me take you home, Koki. It's the least I could do for stealing your afternoon away."

Koki nodded as he stood. He let Junno sling an arm around his shoulders and guide him
out of the club and to his car. It was... unexpectedly vintage and seafoam green. “Is this an Impala?”

“Yes! It’s even bouncy,” was Junno’s response. “Now get in.”

Koki decided to withhold further questions and comments, and the drive back to his apartment was silent. He didn't know what to say, and Junno apparently didn't feel the need to fill the silence. They slowed to a stop in front of Koki's building, and as Koki stepped out of the car, he finally spoke. "This doesn't change anything, okay? I'm still gonna be coming for you!"

"Oh, please do." Junno's smile was a wolfish grin as he sped away.

Dammit. Koki had wanted to get the last word. He stormed to his door, unlocking it as violently as he could without disturbing the neighbors, and then stomped (quietly) to bathe. It had been a long day.


More long weeks passed, with Koki alternating between poring over reports and doing his patrols on foot. Nakamaru usually came with him after that debacle at the club; Koki had no idea how he knew about that anyway. At least he had the good grace not to rub it in his face. His ears still burned with the memory.

Occasionally Koki would run across Junno while on patrol. He'd mention little infractions he'd run across. It was always the same-- Koki couldn't get a rise out of him with anything.

"You had a parking ticket!"

"Oh, I paid that ages ago."


"The light was on 'walk', you know."

It was equal parts frustrating and hilarious, and Koki had to bite the insides of his cheeks to keep from laughing out loud. Every once in awhile, Junno wouldn't be driving himself, and his driver would slow to a crawl beside him.

Usually Junno would roll the darkly tinted window down, sun glinting off of the side of his hulking Rolls Royce, and ask Koki silly things. Most of the time, he'd ask if Koki had any "grey poupon", whatever that was. Today, though, Junno seemed to be feeling extra cheeky.

"So what's the going rate for rent boys of your stature?"

"I'm not short!" Koki yelled. As an afterthought, he added, "And I'm not a rent boy."

"Of course, of course. Come have dinner with me."

"I'm still on duty right now."

"Then I'll come pick you up." Junno grinned as he hung out of the window.

"Later." Koki glanced behind himself, as if someone were watching him. "Just-- let me finish my shift, okay?"

It looked like Koki's agreement had made Junno's year, and Koki had that warm feeling in his chest again. Koki bit his lip, trying to suppress a silly grin, and added, "I get off in three hours, so let me get home before you come looking for me."

Junno leered at Koki. "Oh, I already know when you'll be getting off. Bye now!"

The car slowly sped up, and Koki gaped after it. Again with the last word!


Junno couldn’t help but fret a little while he waited for Koki to come home from work. He’d really wanted to sneak into his flat, but he’d decided against it. Even if the apartment manager did owe him a favor, Junno thought it would be more fun to wait until he had a legitimate reason to be in Koki’s home.

That didn’t stop him from lurking in the neighborhood though. Or maybe not so much lurking as “inconspicuously waiting.” Either way, Junno had had his driver park close to Koki’s building; he had plenty of things to while the time away. He settled in and sprawled across the back seat of the Rolls and watched Macross until he was distracted by a gentle tapping at his window.

He sat up, nearly knocking Koki over with the door. Once he’d pulled Koki into his lap, Junno turned off the car’s entertainment system. Koki cocked an eyebrow at him as he asked, “Were you just watching anime?”

“Yes?” Junno wasn’t sure why Koki was making that face. "Now, what's the going rate for your evening?"

Koki squirmed in his hold, fists clenched against his chest. "I already told you, I'm not a rent boy."

"Wanna pretend, just for tonight? I mean, you did approach me just now."

Koki paused in his struggles, a thoughtful look on his face. "We-ell...."

"It'll be fun," Junno added, goading Koki. "I could take you to one of my establishments, we could have a nice meal, and then back to a hotel... what do you say?"

"I'm not on duty tomorrow... so I think it would be okay."

“Perfect. Starting now, you’ll listen to my every whim, and indulge them too. Okay?”

Koki looked a little nervous at that, but he nodded as he bit his lip. Junno pulled him down, holding him in place as he whispered, barely touching Koki’s lips. “Good; I knew you’d see things my way.”

Junno waited until Koki was whining in the back of his throat and struggling against his hold before closing the distance between them. Their teeth very nearly crashed together with the force of their kiss, and Junno was so very pleased with Koki's compliance. Reluctantly, Junno pulled away and spoke.

“Change of plans-- we’re going to get straight to fucking.”

"Yes," Koki moaned, writhing against Junno. He was already hard, and Junno couldn't resist squeezing him roughly. That earned him another throaty moan, and Junno slipped both hands under the thin cotton of Koki's shirt. Without being prompted, Koki lifted his arms so Junno could pull it over his head.

Junno dropped the shirt into the floor, more concerned with running his hands down Koki's back. Koki hooked fingers around Junno's tie, attempting to loosen it. "Ah, hands to yourself, darling," Junno murmured against Koki's throat. "Unless you're hinting that my tie be used in more creative ways. I've only got the one, you know, so I'd have to choose carefully. Would it be best to tie your hands behind your back, or perhaps take away your sight, or gag you?"

"Whatever you want, Junno," Koki said, eyes fluttering closed. His hands clenched against Junno’s lapels as he balanced on his lap; Junno loosened and unknotted his tie and considered his options.

Koki would make a pretty picture if he were gagged, the black silk stark against his skin. That wouldn’t do though, because Junno wanted Koki to put his mouth to good use. Muffling noise wasn’t necessary; the dividing glass between him and his driver ensured that Junno could do anything in the backseat with no risk of being overheard. Tying his wrists would be nice, forcing Koki to push his chest out and put himself on display. Junno didn’t really want that either; he wanted Koki to get ahead of himself and let his hands wander, the easier for Junno to discipline him.

It would have to be a blindfold, then. Junno threaded fingers through Koki’s hair, petting him for a moment before winding the silk across his still-closed eyes. Koki moaned as Junno pulled the knot tight and rearranged him across the leather seat. One of Koki’s hands dangled over the edge of the seat, the other raised questioningly.

“I want you to just feel everything and enjoy it, Koki. Don’t worry over your job or my work or any of that,” Junno said. He trailed his fingers down the length of Koki’s chest, snagging against the waistband of his trousers, teasingly fumbling with the button and zipper. Koki whined, thrusting his hips and letting his hand fall across his eyes. Junno finally decided to have mercy, and finished unfastening Koki’s trousers. He laughed a bit as he pulled them down, unable to keep quiet. “So today it’s bright yellow and black?”

Koki’s cheeks reddened at that, the flush crawling down his neck and to his chest as he nodded mutely. What a lovely sight, and Junno couldn’t help the rush of possessive pride he felt; he could almost believe Koki was all his, though he did have some lingering doubts sometimes. Now wasn’t the time to worry about that. Junno had Koki sprawled out on the butter soft leather, mostly naked and definitely wanting, if his erection and impatient noises were anything to go by. He settled back against the seat, unfastening his own trousers and freeing his dick, unable to resist a couple of rough strokes.

“Koki,” he began, gently pulling him into a sitting position. “You’re going to suck me off. When I’m good and ready, I’m going to pull you off of my dick, and then I’m going to fuck you. Still haven’t decided how yet, but we’ve plenty of time.”

Koki blindly reached for Junno once he’d finished speaking, and Junno carefully guided him to kneel in the floorboard between his spread legs. Junno took a few moments to take in the sight; Koki barely had his hands resting on Junno’s knees as he nuzzled his cheek against Junno’s hand. He ran his fingers into Koki’s hair again, this time using his grip to guide him forward.

The sight was positively obscene. Koki’s lips were slightly parted, tongue flicking out to nervously wet them. Junno slowly pulled him forward, taking delight in the surprised noise Koki made when Junno pressed against his lips. Koki obediently opened his mouth, taking more of Junno’s length as his hands clenched on his legs.

“You’re doing so well, Koki. Show me what you’ve got.” Junno had high expectations; so far Koki hadn’t flinched or tried to pull away. Tentatively, Koki began to suck, tongue swirling along the underside. Junno held Koki in place, and slowly began thrusting into his mouth. That earned a throaty moan, and Junno couldn't keep from gasping in response.

He could have finished like that, fucking Koki's mouth, but Junno held off. There would be plenty of opportunities for that, for painting Koki's face with his release.

"Stop," Junno said, pulling Koki away as he'd promised. He shifted his grip to Koki's arms and pulled him up, turning him to face away. Junno mouthed along the lines of his back, biting down gently along the bumps of his spine where he could reach. Koki gasped and dug his fingers into Junno's thighs; it hurt, but in a good way. Junno briefly considered prying them off of him, but he was far more interested in digging the supplies he'd brought out of his pocket.

Junno dug in the inside pocket of his jacket, pulling out a condom and packet of lube. He ripped open the condom and rolled it on first; very carefully he tore open the lube and slicked his fingers. He trailed them along Koki's crease, teasing his rim with one finger.

"You ready, Koki?" Junno whispered against his back, utterly pleased when Koki nodded his approval.

"Please, Junno," he said, fingers still clenched against Junno's thighs. Koki tensed and sucked in a breath when Junno pushed in with two fingers. "Hurry."

Junno chuckled, keeping his hand still. Koki wriggled in his lap, trying to get him to move. "We've got all night, you know. No hurry."

Koki whined a little, and Junno finally began to spread his fingers before slowly dragging them out. He continued his slow pace, stretching Koki open enough to slip a third finger in. Koki kept writhing against the intrusion, gasping as Junno sped up.

"I wonder," Junno began, "if you'd be able to take my whole hand. It's a pity there's not enough room here, or I'd try."

His only response was a broken noise, and Junno deemed Koki ready enough. He used the last of the lube packet to slick himself, and Junno jostled Koki in his lap to line himself up. Koki helped, planting his feet against the floorboard and lifting himself up. He was still tight as Junno slid inside; his fingers dug into Koki's hips and he had to hold himself back from immediately thrusting.

Junno rested his forehead against Koki's back, breathing deeply as he restrained himself. Finally Koki placed one hand on top of Junno's and said, "Go on, I'm ready."

That was enough for Junno to begin, pulling out carefully before slamming back in, bouncing Koki with the force of his thrusts. Junno may as well have been blindfolded himself, his eyes closed tight as he fucked Koki roughly.

"Touch yourself for me, Koki." Junno's voice was nearly unrecognizable, a deep growl. Koki let go of Junno, shaky as he followed the order.

The car was silent, save for the sounds of flesh meeting flesh and their harsh breathing. Junno slowed down a bit, knowing that he was getting close; Koki kept jerking himself. He began to tighten around Junno, and he knew it was nearly over.

Koki gasped and stilled, mostly quiet as he finished. Junno redoubled his efforts, pushing through Koki's resistance, biting down on Koki's shoulder blade as he finished. Koki whined and slumped back against Junno, pliant as Junno maneuvered him onto his side next to him.

Junno tied off the condom, stuffing it and its wrapper and the empty lube packet into the ashtray for disposing of later. Gently he unknotted his tie and pulled it from Koki's eyes. Koki simply laid where he was, eyes closed until Junno ran the backs of his fingers down his cheek. He blinked up at Junno, silently regarding him.

“Surely you aren’t completely worn out yet, are you?” Junno spoke quietly as he cleaned Koki up and readjusted his clothes.

“Course not,” Koki muttered as he struggled to sit up. “You still have to treat me to dinner, and I’m sure we can still occupy our time in a hotel room somehow.”

“Of course,” he answered absently, pulling Koki’s shirt back over his head and into some semblance of order. As soon as he’d finished that task, Junno allowed Koki to settle across his lap; a few quiet moments passed before he realized that Koki had fallen asleep on him.


Koki woke up slowly, blinking against sunlight hitting him from an unfamiliar angle. It took him a few moments to remember that he wasn’t in his own bed; currently he was bundled up in what felt like ten blankets and the center of a never-ending bed. He was alone, it seemed.

There was a door across from the bed, which Koki assumed led to the bathroom. A sitting room seemed to be on the other side of the room, separated from the bedroom by a section of freestanding wall. The sunlight was streaming in from the last wall, a seamless expanse of glass. It made Koki feel a little queasy, and he began his struggle out from beneath the covers.

He felt sore in places that he’d never known could get sore, and it looked like his clothes made a path across the room. His boxers were nearest, and he pulled them on before wandering to check out the rest of the room. It sounded like Junno was in the next room; maybe breakfast would be there too.

Koki scratched his stomach as he peeked into the bathroom. It was mostly a huge tub, very luxurious, and he kind of hoped they’d have time to make use of it. He padded to the next room, where a spread of fruit waited on a sleek glass table. Junno glanced over at him, his phone pressed to his ear and an annoyed look on his face. Koki settled in to wait, wondering if he’d done something to upset Junno. Would this be the end of the line for him?

Instead of worrying about that, though, Koki picked at the fruit. He nibbled at a piece of still very cold watermelon; it was delicious, even if what he really wanted was meat. Koki heard Junno heave a sigh, and waited until Junno had taken a seat next to him before speaking.

“Um, did I do something to upset you?” Koki asked as delicately as he possibly could.

Junno’s eyes cut over to him, gaze pinning Koki in place. He looked like he was weighing his words, and began to speak slowly.

“So I’m sure you know that I have... a dubious sort of job. I mean, why else would you be after me, though I do know that I have dashing good looks.” Junno smirked, then got serious again. “You should know that even though I run an organized crime outfit, it’s nothing heavy. I don’t deal in arms or drugs, or common thuggery. I simply own several well-to-do businesses, and I also run a protection racket.”

Junno paused, and Koki nodded for him to keep going.

“My protection ring is just simple business owners. I don’t ask them for exorbitant amounts of money for my services, and when they can’t pay me I don’t have my men beat them up. That’s a terrible way to run a business.” Junno crossed his legs, smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt, and continued. “Anyway, long story short, a new wannabe crime lord has been edging in on my turf, threatening people under my protection. One of the warehouses under my protection was torched last night.”

“Oh,” Koki said. He wasn’t sure what else to say.

Junno filled the silence, a self-deprecating grin on his face. “I do think fires are romantic and all, but not when they’re arson.” He glanced out of the window, wistful as he added, “I really want to put that guy in his place.”

“Who?” Koki asked, mouth full of a bit of melon. He chewed it quickly and swallowed before he spoke again. “I mean, do you know who it is?”

“My men have been following Tegoshi Yuya. He’s been threatening people and encroaching on my turf, and none of the other families are acknowledging him as a legitimate member of their organizations. He’s obviously not one of mine, either.” Junno fell silent, and sat quietly for a few minutes.

Koki considered his past few months on the force. He really hadn’t seen much of any kind of evidence that Junno was particularly violent. The numerous mentions in incident reports were a bit excessive, but comparing his exploits to flat-out arson was really hard to compare. Junno’s racket was positively benevolent in comparison to Tegoshi’s fledgling operations.

“Maybe... maybe I’ve been wrong in my trying to arrest you, Junno.” Koki flushed as he said it. He wasn’t really sure why it was a blushing matter, but he forged on. “I mean, I haven’t seen you do anything violent, really, and all the people in the neighborhoods never had anything bad to say about you, when they were inclined to discuss you.

“I could refocus my efforts? Then maybe we could catch Tegoshi together, and no more of the people who are under your care would get hurt.”

Koki looked away, unable to keep from biting his lip. It took Junno a moment to prod Koki into looking back, and when Koki did, he was taken aback by the beatific grin on Junno’s face.

“That sounds perfect. I can have my men do most of the legwork, and I can pass it along to you. Then you can make your big case, and neither of us will have to worry about that scumbag for a good long while.”

Koki looked down, unable to keep from blushing. It only deepened further when Junno added, “Now how about we make a mess of you? Then I can clean you up in that big tub before sending you back home and to your work of keeping everyone safe.”


The next day, Koki decided to stay as close to his desk as possible. He needed to recuperate, and patrolling the streets just wouldn’t be conducive to that end. Nakamaru spent the entire morning shooting puzzled looks at Koki’s numerous shiftings in his seat. Finally, it seemed that Nakamaru couldn’t hide his curiosity any more.

“What happened to you, Koki?” he blurted, still puzzled.

“N-nothing. Have you heard any rumors about a Tegoshi Yuya?”

Nakamaru looked like he wanted to press the issue, but he dropped it. “Just a few things here and there.”

“I think he might have had something to do with that warehouse that burned down the other night.” Koki paused, wondering if he should keep talking or not. He’d been getting a lot of questioning looks whenever he’d announce that he was going on patrol. It also seemed like Nakamaru was keeping even more of an eye on him than was absolutely necessary.

“I see.” He trailed off, and Koki waited to see if he’d say anything more. It was an awkward silence, but Nakamaru finally broke it. “Why don’t you investigate, Koki? Tell me if you need any help.”

Koki nodded, unable to speak for the silly grin on his face.


Koki’s investigation went smoothly, much more than his snooping around for dirt on Junno had gone. The shopkeepers were more than happy to help Koki, giving statements and promising to let him, or at least the station, know if Tegoshi threatened them in the future.

In the meantime, Junno’s men had kept track of Tegoshi’s movements as well, documenting his movements and acquiring incriminating evidence. Koki didn’t ask very many questions about how they obtained their information; he simply accepted the dossiers from Junno at their occasional meetings.

Koki spent more and more time in the office, collating his information. He sat at his desk, shuffling his papers into neat stacks, readying his report for the chief. He'd need the backup; Koki didn't want Junno to be around on the off chance that he got pinched as well.

His long nights were lonely, though Nakamaru helped Koki with few questions. They shared an almost ridiculous amount of greasy takeaway and stale coffee in companionable silence. A few times, Koki almost asked him if he knew Junno, but thought better of it. He'd hate to be indirectly responsible for any police action against Junno, even though that had been how they'd met.

The evening was dragging on, and Koki was beginning to feel restless. It must have been obvious to Nakamaru because he cleared his throat. Koki looked up, surprised when Nakamaru spoke.

"Go on, Koki. I'll finish up here. It's pathetic how the both of you are acting."


"Go ahead and go see Taguchi. Neither of you are exactly subtle, and he's even more annoying when he's petulant."

"What!? I mean--" Nakamaru held a hand up, silencing Koki's spluttering.

"Just go." Nakamaru rolled his eyes and dismissed him with a wave.

Koki gathered up his jacket, shooting glances at Nakamaru the whole while. He could feel the tips of his ears burning; he was sure he'd been discreet. Was it written on his forehead that he was seeing Junno? Had he come into work with any visible hickeys? Or maybe Nakamaru was some sort of psychic. If that was the case, Koki was doomed; he'd had far too many untoward thoughts regarding Junno while he was in the office.

He slipped his phone out of his pocket, staring at the screen for a moment. Koki and Junno had been having whatever this relationship was for a while now, but Koki still didn’t have Junno’s direct phone number. He didn’t even know where the other man lived, come to think of it. Sullenly, he made his way home; maybe he could shower and go to the club where he’d first met Junno and find him there.

Koki didn’t have to fret for long; when he arrived at his building, Junno’s driver was waiting for him.

“Get in. Boss wants to see you,” was all the man said. Koki nodded, a bit wary as he opened the door and slid inside. He was alone in the backseat.

The drive passed in silence, and Koki spent it fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeves. He was unaccountably nervous and he wasn’t sure why. Perhaps it was because this was the first time he’d been more or less summoned.

It wasn't long before the car pulled to a stop, and the driver opened the door for him. They seemed to be in an underground garage, empty save for the car he'd just gotten out of and Junno's Impala. Koki jumped a little at the way the driver's voice echoed.

"Just take the elevator straight to the top. The boss has been waiting, you know."

Koki nodded, smiling weakly as he forced himself to walk at a normal pace. Besides, it wasn't like he was nervous or anything. Nor that elevators just creeped him out.

Thankfully the elevator ride was smooth and silent, no screeching machinery or soul-crushing muzak. The doors opened with a chime in a sort of foyer, gleaming marble floors and dark wood. Koki was almost afraid to step onto the immaculate floor for fear of scuffing it, but he hated the elevator more. He also really wanted to know what Junno had wanted with him. Maybe he could even find out how to contact him.

Koki crossed the hall to the only door, knocking lightly. He shifted from foot to foot, still fidgeting with his cuffs. He should have thought to at least change clothes; he'd just have to make do with his uniform.

Junno answered the door, dressed in one of his usual dark suits. He looked pleased to see Koki, as usual, though he did seem a little more somber than normal. Koki stepped inside and squatted to untie his bootlaces, surprised when Junno didn’t crack any jokes about his being in the floor. He kicked his boots off, then trotted after Junno.

Still Junno didn’t speak; it was seriously weirding Koki out. They went straight to what Koki assumed was Junno’s bedroom, but instead of going immediately to the bed, Junno flopped down into an armchair that was nestled in a corner lined with bookshelves. Another chair sat across from it, and Koki perched on the edge, waiting for Junno to speak. For several long minutes, Junno simply looked at him, gaze unreadable. Just when Koki was about to cave and speak first, Junno cleared his throat.

“So, it’s nearly done, isn’t it?”

Koki wasn't sure how to respond. He nodded.

"Of course. One last time, then."

"Wait!" Koki jumped to his feet. "What do you mean, 'one last time'?"

Junno looked away, silent as he slouched into the chair. Koki hadn't seen the jerk for days, and now after he'd been brought here Junno was just going to be quiet? He closed the distance between them, curled both hands into Junno's lapels, and hauled him upright.

"I've been worried stupid over you and somehow Yucchi knows about us and I don't even have your phone number!" Koki paused to take a breath, blinking wetness from his eyes. "I don't want this to be a last time."

Koki bit his lip, falling silent as he stood clutching Junno's jacket. He was startled a bit when he felt fingers brush across his cheek, and Koki looked back up. Junno's expression was still unreadable, but there was a hint of a smile playing along his lips.

There was a brief moment of silence, and then suddenly Koki was surrounded by Junno, just like their very first meeting. Their lips crashed together, and Koki was breathless within moments. That warm feeling in his chest was back, and Koki found himself wrapped up in Junno's arms.

Somehow they crossed the room, and Koki gasped when he fell against the bed, Junno all over him but careful in his movements. Big hands grabbed the back of his belt and Junno rolled them over so that Koki straddled his hips. He began pulling at Koki's shirt, unbuttoning it from the bottom up; Koki helped by unfastening his pants and shoving them down as far as he could. Then he was tangled in his sleeves momentarily before Junno pulled the shirt completely off of his arms.

Koki hooked fingers around the hem of his undershirt and pulled it off. It joined his discarded shirt somewhere behind him. He had more important things to worry about, like reversing their positions long enough for Junno to shrug out of his jacket. Koki watched as Junno loosened his tie and unbuttoned his vest, dropping them on the growing pile of clothes.

Junno grabbed Koki's hands and placed them on the buttons of his shirt in a clear gesture for Koki to undress him. Koki swallowed, a little nervous; this was the first time they'd ever slowed down (or been in private) enough for anything more than loosened shirts and opened trousers. He savored it, dragging his fingers along Junno's skin. It was smooth and soft and Junno's muscles were ridiculously firm beneath Koki's touch; it kind of made him a little jealous.

Finally Junno was shirtless above him. Koki gazed up at him, wonderingly trailing his fingers everywhere he could reach, paying special attention to the few scars Junno had, and the elaborate tattoo covering the length of his left arm.

Junno chose that moment to roll them over again. “Maybe I ought to kill you,” he whispered, and then silently held his wrists together. Koki reached for the handcuffs attached to his belt. Just as quietly, Koki pulled each of Junno's wrists to his lips, gently pressing kisses to them before snapping the cuffs in place. He pushed Junno's wrists to rest against the pillows, and then leaned down to properly kiss him. Junno made a soft noise, almost whining when Koki pulled away and got up.

“What if you just kept me instead?” Koki grinned as Junno's eyes followed his every movement. Slowly, he pushed down his trousers and underwear, letting them pool at his feet. He climbed back onto the bed, tangling his fingers into Junno’s hair and kissing him deeply. The only sounds in the room were their quiet breaths and the clink of the cuffs; Koki nipped at Junno’s lips and then licked his way down his neck, pausing to bite at his collarbones.

Junno gasped beneath Koki, and a glance upwards between flicks of tongue showed that he’d closed his eyes, brow furrowed as his fingers clenched. Koki smirked to himself and continued to make his way further down Junno’s abdomen. He traced his thumbs along the jut of Junno’s hipbones before holding them down so he could take a bite there.

That startled a moan out of Junno, and he looked down at Koki as he finally began to unbuckle his belt. “Koki,” he murmured, voice thick. “I want you.”

Koki thrilled at the words, slowing his fumbling with Junno’s zipper as he looked up. He bit his lip, feeling himself flush, and grinned in response. He managed not to trip over his words as he said, “I want you too.”

Junno grinned at that, and Koki quickly refocused on Junno’s trousers. He curled his fingers into the waistband of the trousers, laughing a bit at the lack of underwear. Koki looked up at Junno; he shrugged as best he could in his position, simply muttering, “Have to expedite these things sometimes.”

Once Junno’s trousers joined the rest of their clothes in the floor, Koki crawled back up the length of his body to lick at his lips. He pulled away just enough to speak, whispering as he asked, “Where’s your lube?”

“Bedside drawer. Hurry, please.”

Koki didn’t respond, far too busy rummaging through the drawer. He found the tube, clutching it tightly as he settled between Junno’s legs. Junno watched, puzzled, as Koki leaned forward again, licking a stripe up the underside of his dick.

When Koki abandoned slurping the head of his cock, Junno gasped. Koki looked up and grinned. “Consider this payback for all the teasing.”

He returned to lapping at Junno, prodding the bundle of nerves on the underside, hands pushing Junno’s thighs farther apart as he trailed his tongue along the veins. Koki went further, dragging his tongue down the soft skin in the junction of Junno’s thighs. He couldn’t help but laugh a bit as he slipped his tongue between Junno’s cheeks for just a moment.

“Roll over.”

Junno did as he was told unquestioningly, and Koki dove back in, using both hands to hold him open. Slowly, Koki slid his tongue along the edge of his rim, waiting until Junno was trembling and whining before proceeding. He pressed his tongue past the resistance, delighting at the way Junno gasped beneath him. Koki sped up as Junno’s noises got louder, and then finally pulled away; he was too impatient to continue. He smacked the back of Junno’s thigh, voice rough as he said, “I think you’ll want to watch this.”

There was a bit of a struggle as Junno rolled back over, ending with Koki straddling his hips and teasingly rubbing their erections together. He scrabbled for the lube, dropped during their scuffle, and then slicked his fingers. Junno was rapt as he watched Koki finger himself; Koki bit his lip as he stretched himself.

Koki plunged two fingers inside himself, gasping a little at the stretch. He could barely wait, and it seemed Junno couldn’t either. His dark eyes glittered up at Koki, and Koki felt as if he could be on the receiving end of that sort of expression for a long time. He slipped a third finger in, quickly finishing preparing himself.

“Hold still, Junno.” Koki braced one hand against Junno’s chest as he guided him inside. He groaned as he was filled, savoring the stretch and burn. Koki knew he’d regret using the barest amount of lube he could stand, especially since the sting operation was tomorrow. That didn’t matter now, though, and Koki let out a breath as he stilled for a moment.

“Go,” he whispered, unable to breathe momentarily. Junno slammed up into Koki, and it took all of his concentration to keep his balance. Koki held on as best he could, gasping and crying out with every bouncing thrust.

Junno held his cuffed hands up, looping them over Koki’s shoulders and pulling him down. His teeth were clenched with the force of his thrusting, stare black and unreadable. Koki held on as best he could, groaning at the momentary friction on his cock; it was barely enough and he snaked a hand between them and around himself.

“Make it fast, Koki,” Junno gasped. “I’m close.”

Koki’s hand flew up and down his cock, and he lost it when Junno planted his feet for his final few thrusts. He was shaken to the core, caged in Junno’s hold as he stilled momentarily. For a few minutes, Koki simply stared at nothing, convinced he’d been fucked blind as he felt Junno empty inside him. He could have stayed there indefinitely, but Junno slid out of him. His voice was rough as he whispered in Koki’s ear.

“You know that you’re mine now, don’t you? You’re mine, and I’ll be yours for however long you want.”

Koki nodded, unable to speak. He laughed a little when Junno continued.

“Though I would like to touch now, so could you let me go?”

Reluctantly, Koki got up, wincing as he climbed down. He felt the mess he’d helped create slide down his legs as he stood, and flushed at the smirk Junno flashed up at him. It took a moment to find the key, and Koki took his time in unlocking the cuffs. Before he returned his full attention to Junno, he replaced them on his belt.

Junno wrapped his arms around Koki when he stood, chuckling at the way Koki jumped in his hold. “I saw the way you kept looking at my arm. If you like, I could easily have you marked similarly.”

Koki flushed at the thought, and nodded. He stumbled a bit as Junno pushed him forward to what Koki assumed was a bathroom.

“Perfect. I always knew you’d be mine.”


The shrill annoyance of Koki’s phone alarm woke him in the morning. He flailed a hand toward the sound, fumbling with buttons until he’d killed the noise. Blearily, he sat up from the nest of blankets Junno had covered them with. Junno made a quiet sound, putting a hand out to Koki.

“Don’t go,” he slurred. “Stay here.”

How Koki wished he could do that, but he had a duty. He could come back later, though. Before they’d finally fallen asleep, Junno had solemnly taken Koki’s phone from him. When he’d handed it back, Koki had a new contact, complete with phone number and address. He still felt a fluttery warmth in his chest when he thought about it.

The thought of being able to come back to Junno’s home whenever he wanted bolstered Koki as he slid out of bed. Koki pulled on his uniform, skipping his boxers. He wandered into the bathroom, running a hand through his hair to put it in some semblance of order, and then peeked in drawers until he found a new toothbrush. He helped himself, brushing his teeth quickly before he decided to just crawl back into bed.

It took most of his willpower, but Koki was able to resist the temptation. He kissed Junno once, pulling away as he spoke quietly. “I’ll be back once everything is all over. Don’t you worry about that.”

Junno whined, but he blinked up at Koki. “I’ll come after you myself if you don’t. Just don’t get hurt or anything.”

Koki flushed, and finally left the penthouse. The elevator took him to the garage again, and he decided to walk; perhaps it would help stretch out his aching muscles. Junno’s building was surprisingly close to the precinct, and Koki kind of wondered how he’d never run into him before his crusade. Really, he was glad that he’d had such silly fervor when he’d first started.

Surprisingly, Nakamaru was already in their office, a cup of steaming coffee set on Koki’s desk, along with a brown paper bag.

“No doughnuts this morning, Koki. A proper breakfast to make sure you’ve got plenty of energy,” Nakamaru said. He had a conniving sort of grin on his face, and Koki simply nodded as he eased into his seat.

“I still think you’re some kind of psychic.”

“I’m glad I’m not,” Nakamaru retorted, grimacing in jest.

Shortly after he’d finished his breakfast, Nakamaru murmured, “You ready?”

Koki nodded, though he did feel nervous. It must have been written on his face, because Nakamaru added, “We’ll be fine.”


Junno hadn’t quite managed to fall asleep once Koki had slipped out of bed. He tossed and turned, tangling himself in the sheets. He’d never had this sort of problem before. It must have had something to do with Koki.

Finally Junno decided to get out of bed. Sleep was a lost cause at this point. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, grimacing a little at the rumpled pile of clothes next to the bed. After his shower, he’d deal with them.

The water was too hot, and then too cold, and Junno couldn’t stop thinking of all the terrible things that could happen to Koki while he was going after Tegoshi. He’d wanted to send a couple of his men to trail Koki and keep him safe, but Nakamaru had persuaded him not to. It did make sense, especially since they ran the risk of getting arrested too, but Junno couldn’t keep his mind off of it.

He dried off, dropping the towel into the hamper and picking up yesterday’s clothes. A flash of neon blue caught his attention, and Junno realized that it was Koki’s boxers. He couldn’t help but laugh a bit, though that didn’t last long. It took only a moment for Junno to give up on trying not to worry, and he sent a text to Nakamaru.

How is everything going? Is Koki okay?

The reply was quick, much faster than Junno expected. Tegoshi ran, Koki and I are separated. I’ll update you later. STAY PUT.

But Koki left his underwear here! Junno couldn’t help sending that message; he dropped his phone onto his nightstand and finally dressed.

He stood in his closet, carefully choosing his clothes. There was no way he’d dress sloppily, especially if he’d have to go and find Koki. Black trousers, and a black shirt and vest with a red silk tie would be intimidating enough. He’d save the jacket and shoes for later; perhaps he could manage to wait.

Junno’s message alert trilled, and he slid open his phone anxiously. Shots fired upstairs, called for backup.

Perhaps he couldn’t wait. Junno very carefully slid his phone into his pocket, and then stalked to his armchair. His fingers dug into the upholstery and he clenched his jaw, trying his best to keep breathing evenly. Koki would be fine.

He had to be fine.

Junno did his best to remain calm. He wouldn’t dwell on any of the what-ifs. He just wouldn’t.

Even though he’d resolved not to, it couldn’t stop Junno from imagining the worst scenarios. Flashes of Koki getting hurt, getting shot, leaving Junno all alone kept playing through his mind. It wasn’t until he’d heard a resounding crash that Junno realized he’d kicked over the glass coffee table in front of him, cracking it and sending its vase of red and purple blossoms to the floor. He stared blankly at the spilled water and petals.

His message alert sounded again, and Junno was only slightly relieved at its contents.

Apprehended Tegoshi. Looking for Koki.

Nakamaru’s terse message hadn’t calmed his fears much. Junno heaved a sigh, pushing himself out of his chair and walking back to his closet. He shoved aside neatly-pressed jackets and spun the dial of the safe hidden there.

A rarely-used pistol lay in pieces inside the safe, along with its shoulder holster. Junno gathered all of the pieces and took them back to the nightstand. He sat on the edge of the bed and methodically rebuilt the gun, blotting everything out of his mind except for all of the ways he’d make Tegoshi pay. Junno slipped the clip home, locking it in place and carrying the gun and holster to his bathroom. He slipped the holster on, adjusting it in the mirror, and then slipped the gun into it. Then he chose a jacket, slinging it on; he adjusted it in the mirror as well, making sure that his weapon was hidden.

Satisfied that he was properly armed, Junno slipped into his shoes and opened his door. He ignored his message alert, determined to find Koki himself, regardless of any consequences.

He was about to slide into the back of his Rolls when a familiar voice stopped him.

“Why don’t you answer your phone, jerk?! Or did you put a fake number in my contacts list?”

Koki stood, hands on his hips, at the entrance to the garage. He seemed relatively unscathed. Junno had to make sure though. He jogged to Koki, stopping short and staring at him.

“What?” Koki looked off to the side as he fidgeted. “Something on my face?”

“No. Nothing.” Junno grinned at Koki and closed the gap between them. “You aren’t hurt, are you?”

Koki shrugged as he answered. “Nope, I only got shot at once. You wanna check and make sure though?”

All of the tension he’d been holding onto all day slipped away in the face of Koki’s flippance. It felt as if his chest unclenched, and he could breathe easily once again. Junno threw an arm across Koki’s shoulders and led him back to the elevator. “Yes, I do believe a thorough examination will be called for.”

can't deny the denden, kuntting around, rating:nc-17, fic, 12

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