[Fic] Fallen Angel

Feb 28, 2010 19:34

Title: Fallen Angel
Author: aya_tenshi
Chapters: (1/?)
Pairing: Akame
Ratings: G
Summary: What if angels walked among us and one of them fell in love with one of us? Jin is an angel who must decide if he’ll forsake his immortality and become human - on the chance that the woman of his dreams might love him. That woman is Kazuya, a doctor who doesn’t believe in angels until she meets Jin. Will love be their mutual destiny? Will they take the risks that shape that destiny? The choice is theirs to make.
A/N: Wow! This is long than I expect it to be.. Please don’t kill me… Again.. This is Beta-ed by yuyako16 XD Let me also thank fangirlism_era who corrected me with the sterilizing thingy.. Hope Everyone would Enjoy this fic!( ^ 3 ^ )v
WARNING: Girl Kame ahead.. Don't read if you oppose on it..

Chapter 1:

Jin sat with his angel friend, Yamapi, on top of the Tokyo tower overlooking the busy streets. He brought out a small white book where he writes his observation as he did his work and roam around the urban city. He started sharing their observation reading one after the other.

“She definitely knew what she likes.” Jin said as he pertained to the girl he brought to heaven last time.
“Pajamas… hmmm… Excellent choice!” Yamapi exclaimed.

Jin looked at him as he saw his friend nodded his head.

“What else?” His curious friend asked.
“In an elevator of a building, a man touched a woman’s bare skin by accident but it made her turn and looked at him in such a way.”
“They….” Yamapi replied implicating something dirty.
“Yes, they did.” Jin replied as a confirmation.
“Ah! What a good day!” his friend replied with a huge smile on his face.

Jin looked at his friend with a smile asking him “Do you ever wonder what that could be like? Touch?”
“No” he answered right away.
“Yes, you do!” Jin exclaimed.
“Yeah… occasionally… yes!” Yamapi answered back as he nodded his head in agreement.

They smiled at each other and turned their heads as they looked at the busy streets.

“Touch…” Yamapi repeated with a sigh at the end.

We all know that angels are our conscience, our guardians, and our protectors. They are also the ones who would pick us up when it’s our time to say goodbye.

Unknown to many of us, angels walk among us. They are scattered here and there. They see and observe every move we make, every choice we take, and hear every word we say. They also have the capability to hear what we are thinking. But there is one thing that they can’t experience, and that is the feeling of being touched. After all, angels are not humans like us.
After their day of work ended, Jin and Yamapi walked to the beach where all the angels gathered as they watch the sun as it began to set. As they walked towards a platform, Jin opened up a conversation.

“A little girl asked me if she could be an angel.” Jin said.
“They all want wings.” Yamapi replied.
“I never know what to say.”
“Tell them the truth. Angels aren’t humans. We were never human.” Yamapi explained.
“What if I just make her a little pair of wings out of paper? “
“Tell her the truth.”
“I told her.”
“And… how does she take it?”
“She said what good would wings be if she couldn’t feel even a little wind on her face.”

They looked and smiled at each other. For some reason, they both knew that that would be the girl’s answer.

They stoop up on the platform and faced the setting sun. All the angels watched the sunset and started hearing a pleasant music that they always love to listen to.


In the busy streets of Tokyo, a lady wearing a sunglass was riding her bike to work. She over takes one car after the other. She has to hurry. It was her duty that day.

She arrives at the hospital where she works, just in time. She hurriedly went to their locker room, changed her attire from casual to work attire, a blue scrub suit.

She entered the emergency unit where she was the head for the day. On that day, doctors and nurses were flooded by patients who needed their urgent treatment and when they need help or treatment advices, they call out her name, Dr. Kazuya Kamenashi.

She was described by her colleague as strong willed. She was awarded as one of the best doctors that the hospital has ever had. She has never lost any patient. She was smart, outgoing, friendly, and above all, beautiful.

“Kamenashi Sensei, they need you in the operating room immediately.” The head nurse told the doctor.
“Hai~ Be right there.” She replied as she was attending a patient who was suffering from chest pain for almost two days.

She had been working overtime for three days straight. She gets her energy from drinking dark brewed coffee every once in a while. She was tired, she can’t deny that fact. But for her, getting tired in work is part of service and getting a rest from it all is not option, especially since there are lots of people who needs her help.


“Are you ready?” His co-doctor teased her.
“Hai! 101% ready.” She answered with a teasing smile.

The beautiful doctor went in to the operation room all geared up. She was ready to once again save another life, or so she thought.

She stepped inside the room and directly went up to the patient and looked at him before the anesthesia takes effect. He looked at her straight in the eye implicating something that Kazuya can’t explain. They looked at each other for a few more second until the anesthesia kicked in.

8:14 AM , they started with the operation. The patient was going to undergo a heart surgery. It took the patient 3 days for him to think about that operation. And finally, on that day, he decided to push through with it.

11:22 AM, It lasted for more than 3 hours. The operation went out as a big success. Everyone in the operation room started to clean up as one of Kazuya’s co-doctor stitched the patient’s cut.

She started taking off her gloves and thanking everyone for a job well done.

“Watch his rhythm. It would be irritable.” She added.

The nurses and her co-doctors nodded yes.

She went out of the room to make a call to transfer her patient in the intensive care unit after everything is done. She dialed the number and waited for someone from the other line to pick up.

Without them knowing, Jin was standing beside the door looking at the patient as the multi parameter monitor started to display abnormality on the patient’s heart rate. Kazuya’s attention was immediately called. She rushed back to the room, wore a new pair of sterilized gloves and asked for the vitals of the patient. Unfortunately, all of it was bad.

They used the defibrillator to revive the patient but it failed. She instructed her co-doctor to do chest compression on the patient as the nurse pumps oxygen in the patient, but it also failed.

“It’s not working! I have to open him!” She proclaimed as nurses helped her geared up.

She cut through his chest and used an internal defibrillator a.k.a. internal paddle to revive the patient. She attempted for few more times before she let go of the paddle and used her bare hands to do compression directly to the heart.

Jin, who was standing in front of the doctor, stared at her. He was amazed at her determination to revive her patient.

“His going…”The nurse who watches the monitor said as he saw a flat line being displayed by the monitor.

Kazuya looked at Jin straight in the eye, as if he could see him, and said

“He’s not going anywhere.” as she continues to do compression on her patient’s motionless body.

The angel stepped backward from shock and amazement.

“She… She can see me?” He thought to himself.

Their eye contact lasted for a few minutes. He was caught up on the dazzling creature’s stare. He felt something from his chest that he has never felt before. He was nervous and confused, and he can feel other emotions that he couldn’t explain.

He stood far from the patient’s body with its soul. They could all hear Kazuya calling the patient’s name several times as she still continued to do compression on her patient’s heart.


Kazuya walk out of the operating room and slowly headed to the waiting area where the patient’s family chatted happily. She took a good look at their smiles and laughter before she walks in to deliver the news.

“Mrs. Kobayashi?” She interrupted as she placed her hands in her pockets.
“Yes? Where’s the doctor?” She replied and questioned as she stood up.
“I’m the doctor.”
“Oh I’m sorry. It just…”
“Don’t worry. It’s alright. I operated on your husband.”
“How is he?”

Kazuya didn’t know how to break the news. It was too painful to do it. She pretended to be strong, took a deep breath, and replied “He didn’t make it.”

“What?” Mrs. Kobayashi replied in shock.

She explained what happened as less painful as she could, but the news was too hard for the Kobayashi family to accept. All they can do was cry.

“I’m sorry.” Kazuya apologized as she bowed down.

She stood there watching the family mourn for their lost. She was guilty of the fact that she failed to bring her patient back to life. She hates herself for losing a patient for the first time.


She ran towards the emergency exit and climbed few more floors before she stopped, sat on a staircase and cried her heart out.

“On my table, on my table…. I’m sorry…” The words she kept on crying out.

She kept saying sorry while thinking why that thing happened. All of these were heard by Jin who was sitting in front of her listening to everything she said and thought of.

She would occasionally look at Jin as if she could see him. She would softly hit her head from confusion and continued crying. She still couldn’t accept the fact that her patient died.

Jin saw tears fall from her eyes. He tried to hold her hands to make her feel that he was there, ready to comfort her, but he is an angel. She wouldn’t feel his hands at all. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was mesmerized by the beautiful human being that for the first time in his existence as an angel made him think “can she really see me?”

A/N no.2: I might post the 2nd chapter by tomorrow or tuesday... I'm still working on it :) Hope to hear your feedbacks... :)

fanfic: akame

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