
Jun 30, 2009 20:49


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► It isn't mandatory to let everyone know if you're going to be gone for a day or so, but it might be to everyone's benefit if you do. If you are going to be gone for more than a week, please let us know here.

► Hiatuses may last up to one month and one month only. If you need more time than one month, you must provide a specific date of return, and this also MUST be cleared with a mod. Once the hiatus expires, you will be considered inactive and be dropped with the next Activity Check.

If you are on hiatus during the Activity Check, you will be exempt from posting. However, you can't go on hiatus during the Activity Check without posting proof of your activity beforehand.

► Indefinite hiatuses are not allowed.

► Hiatus posts don't need to be made on the OOC comm, bit it's common courtesy to let your castmates and fellow RPers know that you are going to be gone. If you do make a post on the OOC community, you must still leave a comment in this entry. If you don't announce your hiatus here, you are responsible for what happens in your absence, and there IS the possibility YOU WILL GET DROPPED, and please keep in mind you can be dropped for excessive hiatuses.

► Hiatuses can be placed for a friend who can't access a computer or the internet, etc.

► Do not use a hiatus as a way to get around the activity check, because we will follow up.  Also, please note: One post to simply save the character from getting dropped isn't acceptable. That will be the kind of thing we are checking for.

► When you return, reply here to your original comment but don't delete it, so that we get a chance to see it.

Hiatus Form:

Player Name and Journal: Name
Character(s) and Character Journals: Character Name
Reason? Optional
Approximate time period: Ballpark estimate; better to guess longer

Sometimes, for whatever reason, you have to drop a character. It happens. While we'll be sad to see them go, them's the breaks.

When you drop, please fill out the form below and choose a fate for your character. There's three basic things which can happen when a character is dropped: either your character's exit visa processes, they get deported, or they're killed.

► Exit Visas -Most people in Axiom Nexus want to go home, and most people who go home apply for an exit visa. The process, however, takes a soul-crushingly long time, and visas take forever to process; furthermore, as members of Shockwave's experiment, you are all Persons of Interest, which makes it very unlikely that you'll ever get out. Still, every so often the immigration bureau gets its act together and one actually goes through. Feel free to have your character post the happy news!

► Deportation - If your character is dangerous, a criminal, a troublemaker, a Megatron or a Prime, chances are if they get caught they'll be deported - often not to their homeworld but to a random universe of the Axiom Nexus Security Force's choosing.

► Death - The Offworld Zones are a dangerous place. Accidents happen, as do crimes. Sometimes, characters are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and bad things happen to them.

If a player indicates that they want a character to get killed and leaves the death open for other characters to take, another player can claim that death for their character. This lets more menacing characters keep up their appearance of menace and gives a reason for a character's sudden disappearance. IF the player does not wish a death to be claimed, or if the death isn't claimed, it's assumed to be an accident or by an NPC.

► You have three days to change your mind about a dropped character. Sometimes, it takes a day or two to realize that you've made a mistake - And that is okay! So long as you speak to the moderators within three days of your drop, you will be able to bring your character back without re-applying.

Drop Form:

Player Name and Journal: Name
Character(s) you are dropping and journal: Character Name
Reason? Optional
Requested fate? Exit Visa, Deportation, or Death. In the case of Deportation, please specify the crime; in the case of death, please specify cause of death and person responsible.

hiatus, drop

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