Pepper [CLOSED]

Jul 11, 2009 17:36

Who: G1!Starscream and IDW!Jetfire
What: A challenger appears! It's a race! Jets compete as jets do.
Where: Allllll over the place.
Summary: Jetfire had challenged Starscream to a flying match. Being an egotistical afthole, Starscream could not refuse.

Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies, you never know just how you look through other people's eyes... )

† transformers: g1 cartoon | starscream, † transformers: idw | jetfire

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jetfyre July 12 2009, 02:14:52 UTC
He stood on a skyscraper's rooftop, already quite high over Axion Nexus but he longed to be even higher. Jetfire had thought he'd outgrown his need to prove himself to others, but he'd never outgrown his love of flying. And this was what it was all about, flying. Who did it fastest, who did it best.

Or at least, that's what he told himself. True, his pride couldn't let Starscream get away with calling him the things he did, but he also had an ulterior motive. His current roommate didn't know anything about immortal sparks, but this one might. And with a little luck, he might be able to discern what this Starscream did or did not know about it.

'And speak of the Seeker,' he smirked to himself, catching sight of a familiar red and silver jet soaring towards him.


jetfyre July 20 2009, 17:14:33 UTC
There he was to his left, looking as winded as Jetfire felt. How long had Starscream been there? Through the loud noises of their vents and cycling air, the wind rushing past them, and the creaking of the tower itself, it was hard to discern who had landed first.

After going over through his (admittedly chaotic) memory files of the last couple of kliks, Jetfire sat down on his aft with a lound clang and began to laugh.

"Hey .... looks like we landed at the same time," he grinned, but then frowned as components currently buried deep within his chest started to ache.

"Not that it means anything now, fragger. What were you thinking, attacking me in midair? Too afraid you'd lose if you didn't try something?"


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 01:43:17 UTC
Flight- flight like that is such a rush, Starscream joined him for a few seconds with his own brand of screechy laughter.

"So it is a draw." He smirked. Oh well. At least he didn't lose. That's what matters.

"Oh come on now." The Seeker rose to saunter over and examine his handywork. He peered, running a finger over one of the deep gouges he left.

"Hah! Not bad. I got you pretty good." The jet sneered, "But it's nothing some quick spot-welding won't fix. Stop being such a sissy."


jetfyre July 21 2009, 03:31:13 UTC
"I'm not upset at the damage itself, Starscream. It's the fact that you felt you had to do this in order to win," Jetfire ground out, flapping his hand to shoo Starscream's servos away. "I thought you'd be skilled enough not to need to resort to cheap tricks."

Crossing his arms across his canopy, partly to show his anger, and partly to hide his superficial wounds, Jetfire glared at the other jet.

"I may not have won the race, but I think you owe me that explanation about Sparks we agreed on."


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 03:41:22 UTC
"You speak as though you know me." He grumbled, shrugging and holding his hands up as he backed off the other flier, shaking his head lazily.

"Fine, fine. Whatever. I'll have you know, my specialty is chemistry and physics, not the mechanics of the spark, but ask away." He's not really pleased about it, but if it will stop Jetfire whining, he'll divulge a small amount of superficial information.


jetfyre July 21 2009, 03:48:24 UTC
"I - I've never met the Starscream from my universe before," Jetfire admitted with a slight frown. "All I knew about him was intelligence reports and holo-vids. But this place sure gave me a crash course on Starscreams," he smirked.

He was surprised Starscream had so readily agreed to his request, but decided to capitalize on it while Starscream was in an accommodating mood. Perhaps their race had put him in a good mood, if that was even possible.

"... Do you think an immortal spark is possible?" he inquired, keeping his voice low as if he was afraid someone would overhear his 'crazy' question.


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 03:54:28 UTC
Optics instantly narrowed, and for a moment, he looked like he was ready to start yelling, attacking. Demanding who told him that- who had-

He forced himself to settle, crossing his arms and redirecting his gaze back out over the city.

"While it is scientifically possible to loop that kind of energy into a self-sufficient spark that is able to contain it's individual mass without a containment field holding it together... It is simply too unlikely to base any assumptions in. It would be an anomaly. One in an impossibly large number."


jetfyre July 21 2009, 04:01:45 UTC
"But possible," Jetfire mused more to himself than his current compantion. At least these Maximals had believed it possible, if Ravage could be trusted (which Jetfire wasn't entirely sure of).

"But what about the ramifications of such a thing be? Would the Spark be unstable, causing personality instabilities as well? Would the Spark energy itself be in constant flux, causing its owner pain?"


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 04:06:39 UTC
"It would be too stable. That is what would make it so capable. Any instabilities in the individual would be due to the mental stress of immortality." He snapped, showing annoyance.

Jetfire is edging into the far-too-personal zone. His dental plates grinding softly behind his face plate, Starscream gave the other flier a dangerous glare.

"Any pain would have been cause by outside forces acting upon the spark itself."


Clueless Jetfire is clueless jetfyre July 21 2009, 04:15:20 UTC
"Hmm, I suppose you're right," Jetfire nodded. He noticed Starscream's rising anger, and he wondered why their current topic was irritating him so much.

Was Starscream being impatient with the topic because he had no interest in it? Jetfire had talked at length about several scientific subjects with the other Starscream, but that didn't mean this Starscream liked such things.

Or perhaps the subject matter was abhorrent to him in some way? Jetfire couldn't see why though.

"Is something the matter?" Jetfire asked slowly. "You aren't getting ... tired, are you?"

Whether he meant tired from the race or tired of the subject, Jetfire didn't say.


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 04:33:30 UTC
If there was one certain thing, it was that Starscream was full of resentment for the Maximals, and his immortal spark. A blessing and a curse. He hated being some kind of spectacle of science to be wondered and prodded at.

"No!" Maybe. He didn't recharge much (Or very well).

"I'm fine I just... pinched a cord between some cogs when I clipped you in the air." A suitable excuse.


jetfyre July 21 2009, 04:51:41 UTC
"Ah, I see," Jetfire nodded, not completely believing him but having no proof to state otherwise.

"Well, it looks like we could both see a medic for our injuries," he stated, getting up and slowly stretching. He absently rubbed at the gouges in his plating, and sighed. "This is going to cost me an orn's pay to get fixed," he mumbled.

Then he looked sidelong at Starscream.

"I just have one last question. In your universe, immortal sparks are just theories .... right?"


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 05:07:45 UTC
That was...

Decidedly uncomfortable.

Starscream decides to pleas ignorant.

"Beats me. I've never heard of an immortal spark in my time." Good thing he was such a good liar. It might have come across as disenchanted otherwise.

"Why are you so curious about this, anyway? And why are you asking me?"


jetfyre July 21 2009, 05:15:46 UTC
Jetfire absently rubbed the side of his cranial unit. How much should he tell this Starscream? He doubted Ravage really cared if he was so candid with Jetfire, and the cat could take care of himself. Still ...

"I met an interesting person here," Jetfire said vaguely, shrugging. "I only met them once. But they told me about someone in their home universe performing experiments related to what we just talked about. I just wanted to know if it was possible. I don't agree with it though. There are some lines that are not meant to be crossed. And," he gave Starscream a pointed look, "that person said a certain Seeker knew more about it. Since you Starscreams are the only Seekers here so far, I decided to try my luck on all of you from the Primax cluster."


fangirlbait July 21 2009, 05:24:52 UTC
Oh that just.

Burned him up.

He couldn't stop the way his armor and plating shuffled as he shook with suppressed rage.

"Well maybe you should think harder about the company you keep."

Nothing compared to the pain he had endured at the hands of the Maximal Council. The humiliation.

His face threatened to turn to a snarl.

Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong."


jetfyre July 22 2009, 00:32:13 UTC
Jetfire made a vague noise at Starscream's words.

Once again, the other's anger surprised him, and he got the distinct feeling Starscream knew more than he was letting on.

But it wouldn't be wise to press him now. They were on a lone communications tower far away from friends or witnesses. And Starscream looked about ready to start using his null rays at any provocation.

"I'll take your advice to spark then," Jetfire relented, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. 'But this isn't over,' he didn't say.


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