Been searching all along but there's no trace to be found

Aug 13, 2009 19:26

Who: Ironhide (movieverse) and Open
What: Crawling back to recoup and think.
Where: The Tyran Base/House/Thing
Summary: Having been on the search for two straight days, Ironhide hauls his sorry aft back to base under coercion.
Notes: In progress, OPEN to anyone who'd probably be in the Base/House/Thing/Sex Grotto/what are we calling it?

Like they all have just vanished but I know they're around )

† dragonlance | kang, † star wars | luke skywalker, † ace attorney | pearl fey, † runaways | victor mancha, transformers: 2007 movie | ironhide, transformers: 2007 movie | ratchet

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Comments 43

if pearl wasn't what you had in mind, just tell me. XD pearlyspirit August 14 2009, 02:43:37 UTC
Pearl had been doing her very best to watch out for any suspicious robots she hadn't seen before, like Mr. Rod had told her to. She wasn't allowed to leave the warehouse, though, which was ok- she just kind of wished she had her ball or something for when Ms. Sarah was busy. That was probably kind of selfish, though. After all, someone had been kidnapped, and if it was anything like that incident with Mystic Maya, they were all probably very worried.

So she'd done her best to help by looking around the warehouse for people who weren't supposed to be there. The little girl stopped as she heard something, looking into the room Ironhide was in. He was saying a lot of words she didn't know (but the ones she did were not very nice), but he at least looked like he was supposed to be there.

Not that she knew what to do when coming across a giant robot in a bad mood. "Um," she said, very quietly and moving out from behind the doorway, "Are you alright?"


governorkang August 14 2009, 07:07:28 UTC
Kang was pissed.

He hadn't wanted to get involved in the Autobot/Decepticon war. Really, he hadn't. But, it was obvious that this Megatron didn't care who or what got in his way when he wanted something, and he knew it was only a matter of time before organics got caught in the crossfire.

That, and he liked Mikaela. A personal reason, but it wasn't the most important one.

It didn't mean that he was against all Decepticons, just this one, and any that allied with him. Muttering curses under his breath, the bozak headed for the Tyran Autobots' warehouse, tail lashing behind him. He'd heard the crack, and the scream over the network. Megatron wouldn't kill her, he was pretty sure of that; she was a bargaining chip, a way for him to get ahold of the girl's mate. But, torture was another thing altogether. She was strong. Kang was sure she'd make it through ( ... )


show_my_cannons August 14 2009, 10:09:22 UTC
He stopped pounding his head into the wall long enough to glower down at the child. Who was this? What was she doing here? For a brief, crazed instant, he wondered if this child too was going to ask him some ridiculous query about the "tooth fairy", whatever that was. Instead, however, she had the courage enough to ask him if... he were all right. What kind of question was that supposed to be? Didn't she know what had happened ( ... )


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non_mac August 14 2009, 20:11:57 UTC
It had been a long day, and Victor himself hadn't been able to do much. He could only imagine what everyone actively searching for Mikaela was going through.

He got a pretty good idea when he peeked into the building, and there was Ironhide. Seeing him there was so very surreal on a number of levels - Victor had seen the movies, sure, and actually seeing Ironhide, being in the same physical space as him, was weird. And the movies had never dared to show the old soldier looking so utterly... defeated. Watching Ironhide only served to drive the point home - this was real. Mikaela was missing, and no amount of (bad) screenwriting was going to bring her back.

Carefully, the cyborg approached the Autobot, well aware of the arsenal he would be facing if he startled the mech too badly. He cleared his throat in attempt to announce his presence, and said, "Ironhide, right?"


show_my_cannons August 14 2009, 20:23:50 UTC
His head swung around, lifting long enough to keep his armor from scraping the wall. At the question, he just grunted an affirmative, before straightening himself. This human looked... mildly familiar. He remembered that face... and a flash of energy that should not have come from a human at all.

"And you are Victor."

It wasn't a question. He stared down at the boy, his expression bordering on a scowl, though such seemed to be the only thing he was capable of making, at the moment. Joints complained as he leaned up against the wall, scraping concrete.

"Have you begun searching?"


non_mac August 15 2009, 06:16:57 UTC
"I am." Victor confirmed, though Ironhide's tone indicated he didn't need confirmation.

He frowned slightly, giving a small nod. "Of course, as much as I can on my own." Victor himself wasn't anywhere near as mobile at any of the Autobots, nor did he have their resources. The only other thing Victor had to draw on aside from his powers was faith, and he'd been praying as much as he possibly could already.


show_my_cannons August 15 2009, 06:33:27 UTC
Another low growl, not threatening, just the general sort of sound Ironhide tended to make from time to time.

"How much can you lift?" he asked. "Have you tested it...?" How the boy was supposed to test the extent of his power was... unclear. Couldn't very well send him after Barricade, and Ironhide himself was far heavier than a normal car. So there went that option.


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