Been searching all along but there's no trace to be found

Aug 13, 2009 19:26

Who: Ironhide (movieverse) and Open
What: Crawling back to recoup and think.
Where: The Tyran Base/House/Thing
Summary: Having been on the search for two straight days, Ironhide hauls his sorry aft back to base under coercion.
Notes: In progress, OPEN to anyone who'd probably be in the Base/House/Thing/Sex Grotto/what are we calling it?

Like they all have just vanished but I know they're around )

† dragonlance | kang, † star wars | luke skywalker, † ace attorney | pearl fey, † runaways | victor mancha, transformers: 2007 movie | ironhide, transformers: 2007 movie | ratchet

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governorkang August 14 2009, 07:07:28 UTC
Kang was pissed.

He hadn't wanted to get involved in the Autobot/Decepticon war. Really, he hadn't. But, it was obvious that this Megatron didn't care who or what got in his way when he wanted something, and he knew it was only a matter of time before organics got caught in the crossfire.

That, and he liked Mikaela. A personal reason, but it wasn't the most important one.

It didn't mean that he was against all Decepticons, just this one, and any that allied with him. Muttering curses under his breath, the bozak headed for the Tyran Autobots' warehouse, tail lashing behind him. He'd heard the crack, and the scream over the network. Megatron wouldn't kill her, he was pretty sure of that; she was a bargaining chip, a way for him to get ahold of the girl's mate. But, torture was another thing altogether. She was strong. Kang was sure she'd make it through.

The human woman he'd seen before let him in, and he made a beeline for Ironhide, quirking an eyebrow ridge slightly at the cursing, impressed at the number of languages, even if he didn't recognize most of them. "You look like shit."

Belatedly, he noticed the little girl. He would have withheld his own cursing if he'd realized she was there.


show_my_cannons August 14 2009, 10:09:22 UTC
He stopped pounding his head into the wall long enough to glower down at the child. Who was this? What was she doing here? For a brief, crazed instant, he wondered if this child too was going to ask him some ridiculous query about the "tooth fairy", whatever that was. Instead, however, she had the courage enough to ask him if... he were all right. What kind of question was that supposed to be? Didn't she know what had happened?

Air rushed through his ventilation systems, cooling off overheated circuitry before he responded. "No," he said simply, in his usual, short, way. "Who are you? Someone's offspring? Why are you here?"

Footsteps announced another organic--and a quick scan indicated who it was. He shook his head, leaning heavily on the wall. The phrase was familiar, meant to indicate the object of one's viewing looked terrible. Glancing down... Ironhide noted that Kang was correct.

"Feel like it," he muttered. "Only here a moment... short rest. Then, we pick up the search again." His good optic flicked around the area, noting a distinct lack of neon armor. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "Any news?"


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Re: Speaking of neon, here he comes grandmasterluke August 14 2009, 21:57:20 UTC
Luke Skywalker felt the quiet worry and tension that filled the room even as he made his way past the door frame. That cloak of his hung loosely from his frame, his hood covering his features in quiet shadows. A small bag was held in his hand, which he pulled open as he made his way inside.

"I've come, just as Prime requested. Have any of you received any information on the young woman? At least in regards to her whereabouts?"

Luke made himself at home near a small table, and looked up at the larger bots, and other human girl.

"Mind if I use this space for a bit of construction?"


pearlyspirit August 14 2009, 23:12:58 UTC
Pearl was about to answer Ironhide when Ratchet did it for her. She would have said that it was nice to meet Ironhide, but he didn't seem like he wanted to talk right now. They were all worried about Mikaela. She'd have to tell him letting.

After Ratchet addressed her, she nodded, looking rather stubborn. "Alright," she said, "I'll do my very best to help!" And make sure no mean robots got in. She went off to do just that, hoping everyone would be alright in the end.


governorkang August 14 2009, 23:46:14 UTC
This Ironhide definitely wasn't good with children. Kang didn't consider himself very good with them, either; he'd helped raise the females, but they had had a very short childhood, and he still felt a little guilty about coddling them as much as he had.

He nodded at Ratchet before addressing Ironhide. "Won't be much good helping rescue her if you push yourself too hard searching," he pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest. "I know you're worried. I am, too. I heard the scream. She's a strong girl, though, and I doubt he'd kill her."

The bozak shook his head, just as frustrated about the lack of information as the others. "Nothing new."


show_my_cannons August 15 2009, 00:00:27 UTC
Another organic child running around. Perfect. "You'd best not leave anything in my cab," he told the girl flatly. "Plastic toys disagree with my internals..." He would never allow the Lennox couple to forget that incident, minor though it had been.

The usual routine of being checked over for damage by a familiar face... helped, somewhat. As much as hated admitting it, Ratchet's mere presence helped. The tension started easing a little, the weariness abating. "I can see she's human," he responded shortly over the radio. Absently, he handed over the bit of rebar, not noticing how he allowed his hand to linger on the medic's for a moment. Or how he'd moved a pace closer.

Aloud, he said, "I know she's injured. We all heard." There was no keeping the bitterness, the anger, out of his voice. "Megatron cannot hide--"

Was there some sort of sign over the doors, welcoming in strange organics? "Prime is not here," he informed Luke. "Do what you like."

He let Kang answer the question on information, and shook his head. "She... is strong," Ironhide admitted. "For a human. But she is human. How would they know her pain thresholds? How would... they..." He couldn't continue. One hand fisted, and pounded back against the wall. "He will kill her once he tires of her. I know it..."


grandmasterluke August 15 2009, 02:19:04 UTC
"I take it you still cannot bring me her boyfriend? This is unfortunate. If you do get a chance to talk to her, tell her to calm herself; to be relaxed, to focus in on herself, and good thoughts. It'll keep her mind from taking her into shock, hopefully," Luke offered before making his way to the table.

Dumpping his devices onto the table, power supplies, housing units, and a crystal; among other things, all of which were incredibly small, he looked to them, "I'm going to build this device, while doing so it'll allow me to focus, and perhaps expand my mind. If any of you can think of the young woman in danger, think hard about her; remember her personality, her unique abilities, anything that might define her person, it'd be helpful. I doubt I'll find her in this first sweep, but it'll build my ability to seek out her presence."

Pulling his cloak free and setting it to the side, Luke slowly took a seat on the floor, his hands resting on his knees as he sat cross-legged; his mind slowly beginning to filter out the noise and surrounding distractions as his breathing slowed, his eyes shut, and he began to flow into a kind of a trance. Even as he did this, each of the tiny pieces began to slowly float into the air, moving to a position directly in front of his face as each piece began to construct individual devices, before the housing unit itself began to lift as well--everything quietly circling about his head.


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grandmasterluke August 15 2009, 03:49:38 UTC
"I understand, I hope you succeed in finding your friend," Luke spoke, though it seemed almost as if he were speaking from some great distance.

As Luke sat there, he began to pull in all the feelings in the room; letting himself become emerged in their outlying feelings, their understandings of the situation, and of the girl of course. Mikaela was on the forefront of all of their minds, so it wasn't hard for him to touch on their feelings of her, their thoughts of her; the emotions that built up her presence in the Force.

Emotion was so strong, that it could leave the presence of another almost lingering in the love, or even hatred, of another. It wasn't substantial by any means; however, it's strength gave him a sense of what, or who, he was looking for. He didn't stretch his conciousness out too far however, no need to strain himself on a near impossibility.

Instead he focused on the equipment before him as it all slowly began to come together, this process could take a couple of hours and he was ready to stretch it out as long as necessary.


governorkang August 16 2009, 03:38:50 UTC
...Kang still wasn't sure whether or not he liked this Starkiller fellow, but he hadn't done anything to piss him off yet, so he was still classifed as tolerable. He couldn't push Mikaela out of his thoughts even if he tried; he'd gotten very attached to the girl in a short amount of time. More than likely, it was because she'd been one of the first the bozak had spoken to when he'd arrived in the city, and hadn't once judged him for his race.

...granted, no one in Axiom knew about draconians. But, it was still a lot of points in her favor. Her mate had thought that he was going to eat them.

Eyeing the objects circling above the human's head, he asked, "So tell me about this Megatron, so I know what exactly we're up against."


show_my_cannons August 16 2009, 04:32:22 UTC
He just growled quietly, accepting the assessment, but not liking it. It only really served to drive home the point of how helpless they all were in this situation. All they could do was promise, tell her it would be all right. How much were they lying to her?

Luke got a passing glance. He wasn't sure what to say to the human, really. He'd contact Bumblebee and the boy when he felt less unsteady.

The familiar ritual helped a little, the medic's hands deftly finding the worst scrapes without him saying anything. He swayed a little on his feet at the sudden relaxation in stiffening joints. The hand on his shoulder steadied him somewhat, though he leaned into it more than he probably should have, were he not so tightly wound and worn out.

This is dangerous... he warned himself.

"Megatron," he mumbled, shaking his head. "Commander of the army before the war... the most cunning and dangerous warrior we had." His voice trailed off, unwillingly remembering. "And then he went mad. Declared Prime a traitor, and sent his warriors to exterminate him, and his team... Now he is the single most cruel being in the galaxy. And the most capable of carrying out his... plans."


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grandmasterluke August 16 2009, 08:40:00 UTC
"There is a fine line between cunning and insanity; to perform the most cunning and bold acts, you have to have a small sense of insanity I'd suppose," Luke's voice quietly asserting he was still concious.

As the objects quietly flitted about him, Luke managed only a tiny bit of sense, "I can feel her--she's still alive. She's a quiet speck in the sea of presences about us. I don't have a good read on her personality, no strong emotions to grasp onto. Her lover would be most helpful, have you had any luck in contactin him or his guardian?"

"As for Megatron, he is a leader with a thirst for power; I've seen my fair share of them, I've known leaders willing to sacrifice their own children for power and prestige. I've known some to destroy whole worlds, full of innocents, in one single swoop to get what they were after. I've even seen some, arrest their own parents, turn on their own children; turn against their entire family, all for the sake of 'order' in the galaxy. Mad men will always exist, but perhaps this time we can stop him."


governorkang August 17 2009, 08:03:50 UTC
"...what, exactly, is a galaxy? I'm not familiar with this word," Kang asked, the tip of his tail moving slightly as he absorbed what the two Cybertronians had told him. Megatron sounded dangerous. Not just strong, but smart, and that was the one of the worst combinations to go up against. "He has to have a weakness, though. Everyone does. Even gods."

Muttering a quiet curse in Nerakese under his breath, he spied a seat that was more suited for someone of his stature than a giant robot, and moved over to sit down, "As have I. Worked for one for a while."

Wait. Speaking of Ariakas...

" loyal are Megatron's subordinates?"


show_my_cannons August 17 2009, 08:40:12 UTC
"Am resting," he messaged back, feeling, rather than seeing Ratchet brace against his weight. If everything wasn't so drained, he'd bat that hand off him. Instead, he just let it stay where it lay, and told himself he didn't like it. "What's it look like I'm doing?"

The human's words faded in and out of understanding. "Wasn't that what I... just said?" he mumbled, rebooting an optic. "Insane. Powerful. Bad combination." He shook his head. "Haven't sent word yet. Not sure if it'd get through." He didn't say why. In all honesty, he didn't really trust himself to try and find Bumblebee's comm with the way his systems were running.

"Galaxy," he said, waving a free hand. "Stars. Planets. Universe." He thought it explained things well enough. "Don't... know his weaknesses. He has... changed."

The question actually made him snort a little in amusement. "Fanatically loyal," he grumbled. "Unless you find Starscream..."


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