What Goes Around Comes Around

Sep 26, 2010 17:54

WHO: namesnotprowl, technoorganic, later brbhatingumoar and calledthemedic
WHAT: Blackarachnia is extremely displeased about Barricade breaking into her lab, and finally gives him what he deserves.
WHERE: Zone 8
WHEN: During Magnum's infection, probably now-ish ;3
WARNINGS/NOTES: Violence, robogore, and general creepiness.

Crawling up the walls, running down your face... )

† transformers: 2007 movie | barricade, † transformers: animated | blackarachnia, † transformers: 2007 movie | bonecrusher, † transformers: idw | ratchet

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calledthemedic September 29 2010, 02:57:11 UTC
Ratchet's working in his medbay - because that's all he's done for weeks now, and being freed of the virus hasn't stopped him from working on it any. In fact, he's more focused on it now, intent to make sure this never happens again.

He's been ignoring attempts to call him unless they use emergency channels, but a text is impossible not to read - and he's gathering supplies and a kit before he's even formulated a reply.

//On my way. I'll use the transwarps, ETA less than a Centicycle. What the frag happened?//


calledthemedic September 29 2010, 21:27:20 UTC
Barricade can't ignore it, and neither can Ratchet. It happened, and control or not, damage was done. He'll repair what he can, and he'll make his amends where it's possible, but that doesn't mean it's something that can be forgotten.

And that mention of Soundwave, of Blackout... Ratchet shudders, small but hard to miss, and there's certainty in his voice- and maybe too a little hate, a little fear..
::I'd never turn a mech to Soundwave, don't worry. I can keep a secret.::

And just as quickly, that certainty disappears, because Blackout... There is nothing sure about Blackout.
"How... how is Blackout doing?"

He says it out loud, because he doesn't think he can keep the guilt out of his mental voice.


namesnotprowl September 29 2010, 22:06:08 UTC
Barricade may not have been infected, but things happened and he learned... more about some mechs than he really wanted to. Things that he can't let go of, but that he can certainly keep to himself for the good of everyone involved.

He does note Ratchet's reaction to the mention of Soundwave, and would relax if he could. "Thank Primus," he breathes. "The Tyran one up my aft is menace enough." And he hates it, because the mech terrifies him. Part of the reason he stole the virus was to regain his freedom.

Barricade also notes the change from mental to physical voice. It's curious, but he refrains from asking. He's not in any shape to interrogate someone, and he figures Ratchet will tell him if he wants. "Ain't heard anything, lately. Not since I put his Spark back in his chassis. Assume he's better, since Magnum's got him working. Well. As better as he gets these days."

He's still a bit bitter over Blackout changing sides. He can't help it.


calledthemedic September 30 2010, 00:18:41 UTC
"Magnum...I suppose his Soundwave would have been able to reprogram him... repair what I did then." He can remember the mess that was Blackout's processor, and the...haphazard way he'd gone in to 'fix' it... not caring what he might be breaking in the process. Blackout had survived, obviously, but... he'd wondered what the damage had been.

The damaged lines mostly replaced, and the majority of Barricade's armour plating in a pile beside him, Ratchet focuses on flushing the lines with new fuel, coolant and lubricants, hoping it'll cleanse the system quickly so they can have the Tyran mobile sooner than later.

Ratchet can feel that bitterness, though he doesn't know why it's there, and he feels momentarily defencive for the mech.
::As better as he gets is a good assessment. He's glitched, and I don't think anyone can fix it.::


namesnotprowl September 30 2010, 01:20:17 UTC
"Somebody repaired him, at any rate." He pauses, curious. "Don't think you coulda done anything t'him that wasn't already done. He hasn't been himself since before I got here." Reassuring isn't his forte, but he'll try anyway.

He hasn't been this... naked... since he made planetfall on Earth. It hardly matters when he can feel his joints starting to loosen up. Barricade rumbles in relief, finally realizing that he is probably going to need to comm Bonecrusher. Frag.

He notes the defensiveness, though he sounds a bit wistful when he speaks again. "Blackout... used t'be the most loyal of us. Had a lot of respect for that. Since my first contact with him here, he's been 'my lording' t'folks on the street. And letting Dirge almost rip his Spark out."


calledthemedic September 30 2010, 01:31:36 UTC
Confident that Barricade's systems were beginning to restore and knowing that there wasn't much more he really wanted to do here (unless absolutely necessary, and since this wasn't a war zone that ruled it out) he withdrew from the Tyran's mind, taking a moment to settle into his own processor before answering. The topic of conversation isn't a comfortable one, especially not while he's inside another mech's head.

"Doing something to him that's been done before was exactly the problem. You do realize Blackout's been reprogrammed? Multiple times. His processor is a mess of patches and workarounds- Soundwave's work, from what I could see. So if his loyalties have changed, someone's gone in and changed them. And considering what we know of Magnum, I'm not surprised in the least." He didn't know anything about Dirge attacking the other's spark, but he wasn't sure if they were connected or not.


namesnotprowl September 30 2010, 01:57:07 UTC
"I doubt that Magnum would have a reason t'give Blackout's loyalties to Jetstorm. If someone altered him to follow a control box obsessively, it wasn't Magnum." Does he trust the mech? No. Does he trust that even Magnum wouldn't be so gallant with Autobots? Mostly, yes. "As for Soundwave reprogramming him... I didn't, no. If it was the Tyran one, he doesn't tell me scrap. Well. Not that Magnum's does, either..."

His firewalls roll back up in his processor as Ratchet withdraws, and he twitches a couple claws experimentally. He'll stay down until he's certain that things are moving properly.


calledthemedic September 30 2010, 18:30:40 UTC
Staying down was a good idea- as much as Ratchet wanted this done quickly so they could get out of here, the toxins went deep. No use standing just to seize up again.

"Control box?" Now Ratchet's confused, because he wasn't aware of that bit of tech at all. "I'm speaking of his processor- the entire thing is composed of overrides and patches. Everything. It's certainly older than his stay in the Nexus, so if it wasn't your Soundwave it was someone just as capable." He vents, because he'd wanted to help, and he knew for a fact he hadn't - and he'd not get the chance to do so again, either. "I... tried, while I was contaminated, to restore some of his free will. I suspect it wasn't successful."


namesnotprowl September 30 2010, 19:14:31 UTC
The last thing Barricade wants is to get up only to faceplant into the floor when he tries to walk. This is really humiliating enough, without that happening.

"Yeah. This cube thing. Whoever has it has him." Though the changes to Blackout's processor... that's new on him. "No one else as capable as Soundwave with that, back home. Didn't know about any of that. Apparently personnel records were way more incomplete than I thought." He rumbles quietly at the last bit. "I don't know. Frankly, I don't know if whatever Soundwave did could be undone... or if Blackout would want it. Being someone's utterly loyal hound has kinda been his thing."


calledthemedic October 5 2010, 18:34:16 UTC
"Programming can always be fixed, if you have enough time and a baseline to where the processor should have been." And Ratchet was an expert at repairs now, even if he wasn't certain he could manage Blackout's processor on his own without a great deal of additional research....
"But Blackout would take... lunar cycles. At least. Probably longer, to go in and rebuild everything. And he can't want it- not while he's like that.He's not even aware of it - which means fixing it to give him a choice to choose I'd have to force the repairs."
And that was something that Ratchet never wanted to have to do. Not again, at the least.


namesnotprowl October 5 2010, 22:35:25 UTC
"Blackout ain't exactly aware of a lot, when it comes t'him. With some things, he can be a moron." Barricade has no problem admitting to it. "As f'r a baseline... with Malus gone, I don't know that there's anyone here that'd know it, anyway. Besides, trauma to him end with trauma to Scorponok. Symbiont's been through enough as it is, without that."
Ratchet wouldn't want to force repairs on anyone; Barricade's a little more selfish, worrying about the drone more than Blackout. He's lost trust in the mech that he won't get back.


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