[video] [locked to idw Megatron]

Jul 18, 2011 17:15

[Surely, Magnum's gotten over any of his...pique against Wing by now. And this really is in his best interest to help.]

Megatron.  A word, please. 

transformers: idw | wing, transformers: idw | megatron

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[Locked] not_your_gun July 18 2011, 23:01:34 UTC
Is this about our match?

It has already been scheduled.


[Locked] not_your_gun July 23 2011, 03:30:31 UTC
[That pause is interesting...and telling.]

Good answer, Knight.

I hope you know I have a lot of enemies.

[You know he is right, Wing. Constant exposure would blunt the horror. It's a good reason to avoid it, isn't it?]

Have you ever broken your word, Wing?


[Locked] swordofpeace July 23 2011, 03:45:00 UTC
You forget, Magnum. I hold both your factions equally responsible for the war. You should not be so quick to presume I would turn to their side. That implies I find their side...right.

[And that you, secretly, doubt your own cause.]

They would not be enemies if you did not make them so, Magnum. You have the power to change that.

Have you ever befriended an Autobot? Or have you allowed yourself to be blinded by insignia and old prejudice?

[Wing knows.]

No. The means are as important as the ends, Megatron. What victory would I achieve with tainted hands?


[Locked] not_your_gun July 23 2011, 03:54:52 UTC
Sometimes sides are not so simple as 'Autobot' and 'Decepticon.' Sometimes, sides are simply 'against me.' [He smirks a toothy smirk. Those are the days he has to watch everything he does.]

Insignia and old prejudice, Wing?

[The smirk vanishes.]

Every Autobot that I have trusted eventually tries to kill me. Several of them nearly succeeded, and all of it within the past megacycle.

One does not go from being a civilian to being a warlord by chance.

[His expression is dark and thunderous just in time for you to walk out into the moral highway.]

Would you break your word to save a life?
Ten lives? Now I am curious.


[Locked] swordofpeace August 4 2011, 04:05:27 UTC
And sometimes there are no 'sides' at all. You keep seeking to redraw lines, Magnum. That is...a kind of power, but not any kind of peace.

[They are different things. ]

...And do you think that I will, as well? Because I am not a Decepticon I must be, or behave like, an Autobot? [He says the factions with equal distaste.]

[But his self-righteous fire that had been kindling falters. Would he?]

[He's silent for a long moment. Perhaps enough of a victory for Megatron.

[Probably not.]

I can't answer that in hypotheticals, Magnum.


[Locked] not_your_gun August 5 2011, 02:28:44 UTC
You tote the same ideals they've shoved at me. 'Freedom.' 'Justice.' As if somehow being a Decepticon is automatically lacking in either.

[They weren't. The ideals were just greatly unrecognizable from what they'd been.]

But I am weary from redrawing lines. If you have suggestions, I will take them.

[He's asking for Wing's input. He's...curious, what it will be.]

[It doesn't stop him from smirking.]

It all comes down to circumstance, then, doesn't it. It depends on how many lives you think can be saved by the truth. Or how 'worthwhile' those lives would be.

You, for instance...you'd sooner die than live a life without honor, wouldn't you? You've, in essense, made 'honor' into the cost of your life. One is equivalent in exchange, or greater.

I would kill for the truth. You might let someone die, for it. Does the difference only lie in cirumstance?


[Locked] I have the most inappropriate music playing for this. swordofpeace August 5 2011, 04:04:30 UTC

[A flat denial and then nothing for a long moment and there's a real flare of anger.]

I practice those ideals. Can you say that the Autobots do?

The lines you draw are obstacles. Use that energy, that time, for something else. Forward movement. You can't tell me that anyone--anyone--here is moving forward. We're [he gestures with his hands, frustrated,] marking time, at best, digging ourselves deeper in.

When we all could be digging our way out.

And no. I rate honor more than my life. But that's a very different thing than saying it's more than anyone else's.

But a lie can serve a greater truth sometimes, Magnum. And at the same time, you might discover truths not worth the price you paid for them.


[Locked] Is it clown music? not_your_gun August 8 2011, 02:36:02 UTC
When it comes to the high-ground, Wing, you're standing on a cloud.

[He won't deny that. Wing's had the opportunity to practice his ideals. Not all Autobots got that chance...but still made the same claims.]

So. I should focus on being creative instead of being destructive. I should build and not destroy. I should...ah...stop antagonizing those that don't directly concern me?


[That means giving up some of his hatred of Shockwave--of Nemesis. Of the transtechs. That will not be so easy.]

I'll think about it. [He will. It warrants consideration.]

But I have found that to be true.

[He looks off, as if he does not much like thinking on it, or admitting to Wing that Wing is right about something.]

Though it sounds like you're saying your life is worth less than another's?


[Locked] ACK no way. swordofpeace August 8 2011, 03:08:00 UTC
[Wing cocks his head. Was that some sort of gibe?]

[Possibly.] Not that simple. You'd be right to laugh at me as hopeless, naive, if I said it were that simple, Magnum. But things can be cleared without being destroyed. You can clear a file from a datapad without smashing the screen.

But hatred, anger, these do not serve you. Whatever your wounds are... [He spreads his palms, helpless.] They do not heal if they fester in hatred.

[Wing gives an enigmatic smile.] And you don't? Any warrior who would lay his life down for his cause admits there is something out there larger, more worthy than his mere life.


[Locked] not_your_gun August 11 2011, 02:27:22 UTC
I have no wounds that need to heal. [He retorts, bitter.]

But you at least understand that it is not so simple. [He smirks.] I wouldn't keep you around if you were that naive--I'd break our deal, myself.

[He opens his mouth to rebuke once more...and falls silent. That is hard to counter. Wing may have made his point.]

...I do not think all mechs are created equal, nor do they all become equal. [It was sort of a defining philosophy in Decepticons...and he uses it to turn the words back at Wing.] I would kill another mech to save you, for instance. You're worth more to me, right now.


[Locked] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 02:40:28 UTC
[Wing tilted his head.] You would keep me around, naive or not, if I had some value to you. If you could twist me to fight for you, for example.

[Like Drift.]

And you do. Deny all you want, but where does your...passion come from? [He won't call it hate, not right now.] It's not mere ambition that makes you want to burn the world, Magnum.

[Wing fell silent for a long moment. That was...unexpected, despite the disclaimer.It felt like an admission.]

...I would rather you not. Compounding loss with bloodied hands solves nothing.


[Locked] not_your_gun August 11 2011, 05:57:56 UTC
But your value to me isn't merely in your body, Wing. [Smirks.] I can get fighters anywhere...ones that don't talk back to me.

[Like Drift, yes.]


I will continue to deny it, then, yes. I know what drives me. I won't be hurt by the past. [Its a smooth lie--one he's working hard to believe.]


[He stares at you.]

My hands are already filthy, Wing. What is one more life, if it can save something important?


[Locked] swordofpeace August 11 2011, 06:08:57 UTC
I. [Oh. The smirk, and the way the optics traveled over Wing's face were...meaningful. Wing had hoped Magnum had forgotten that...indiscretion. And just like Hot Rod had suggested, here it was, as a weapon used against him.]

[He shakes his head, just...denying. Or trying to.]

You can be so walled against the past, Magnum, that you do not let the present, much less the future, touch you.

I'm not important, Magnum. [He cycles a vent, shifting as though trying to find some foothold.] If I matter, you realize that makes me a liability for you.


[Locked] not_your_gun August 18 2011, 02:50:31 UTC
Better I control what 'touches' me, Wing, than be swayed by every inconsequentiality.

[He cocks his head, watching your consideration and discomfort openly, as if taking some obscene sort of satisfaction from it.]

So you are.

I'll have that much more guilt to add into my conscious if you happen to die. Do try not to, for me?

[The smirk makes it hard to tell how much seriousness there is behind the words...but he's saying them. That is...something.]


[Locked] swordofpeace August 18 2011, 14:09:52 UTC
But you can't control everything that touches you, Magnum. There is always some variable, some factor you didn't consider.

[His face clouds for a klik--he hadn't expected Drift's leaving the city, much less his betrayal of it. It hurts, but it's good because it pulls him out of that other awkward speculation.]

I...[He falters, reading--perhaps--more into the words than Magnum meant. He regains his composure, tone glib, challenging when he does speak. He'd rather taunt than...go there.] And with your deeds do you still lay claim to a conscience?


[Locked] not_your_gun August 18 2011, 20:37:29 UTC
Of course. But we're adaptable creatures, Wing. I'll make the variables work for me.

[He knows he can, because he knows how successful he is, and how successful he will continue to be.]

If I didn't, Wing, why would I have taken you to be my moral compass?

I do need some gauge on just how far I fall.


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