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1/3 namesnotprowl October 24 2010, 03:23:48 UTC
[Barricade pays very careful attention, though about halfway through, he ends up putting a hand across his face.]



[Voice, Locked] namesnotprowl October 24 2010, 17:50:19 UTC
[Coordinates Accepted]

Figured you'd be busy with that. On my way.

[Because now he's all curious what Magnus wants him to install on who.]


[Action?] onetruesikorsky October 24 2010, 18:17:37 UTC
[You'll see soon enough. Very soon. In the meantime he directs his new underlings to do various things - cleaning out a meeting room that is sound-proof, for one.]


[Action] namesnotprowl October 24 2010, 18:56:08 UTC
[Barricade takes his time getting there, more out of caution than anything. And for some pondering time, as well. Still, coming from Zone 7 to Zone 6 isn't exactly a huge trek, and he slips into the place with little to-do.]


[Action] onetruesikorsky October 24 2010, 20:46:12 UTC
[Megatron tips his helm in Barricade's direction the moment their optics lock, and he gestures toward the nearest room.]


[Action] namesnotprowl October 24 2010, 22:12:47 UTC
[Barricade's wings flick and he inclines his head in turn, heading for the indicated room.]


[Action] onetruesikorsky October 24 2010, 22:18:14 UTC
[Megatron waits until Barricade enters, then closes and locks the door behind him. For most it is a very, very intimidating gesture, but Megatron isn't aiming for intimidation, just privacy.]

[And, without further ado...]

I require a personal upgrade... and one that has likely never been done before. An Aurexian powerlink connector on a Malgian frameset. I trust this information shall be entirely confidential. If you are in need of Starscream for research needs, he will be available to you as often as you require.


[Action] namesnotprowl October 24 2010, 23:15:07 UTC
[Barricade notes the locking of the door, but he doesn't seem particularly put off by it. He's fairly certain Megatron isn't going to do anything untoward.]

[Also, he enjoys the sound of this job.]

Likely will need him, t'see how that sorta thing connects to him. And it'll be as confidential as I c'n manage - my Soundwave tends t'get into everyone's business as much as possible.


[Action] onetruesikorsky October 25 2010, 00:05:18 UTC
Yes, so I've noticed with most every normal incarnation of the designation.

Are there particulars you need from my own frame before you begin research.

[He has paranoia issues with anyone touching him, particularly after Professor Sumdac, but he trusts you more than he trusts that blocky Shockwave.]


[Action] namesnotprowl October 25 2010, 00:31:46 UTC
See why I'd rather make friends with the inverse one?

Might oughta get schematics of your systems, if you've got 'em. See what'll need connecting where and the like.

[Much as he'd love to say he dissected a Megatron, he'd prefer to do less poking around in the mech; poking in the wrong place on accident could end poorly.]


[Action] onetruesikorsky October 25 2010, 00:51:29 UTC
[Hn. He has schematics, but they are heavily encrypted and he would really only allow his own Shockwave to prod around, and he has not reported in in some time now. ...if Megatron were capable of worry for his subordinates, Shockwave would be the first he'd worry about.]

...You may direct link to my systems. Read-only files for schematics.

[And if you do decide to poke around he'll know about it.]


[Action] namesnotprowl October 25 2010, 01:06:48 UTC
[He's noticed that Shockwave had gone MIA. Around here, though, that's pretty normal; mechs die or get tossed into jail or deported. It's nothing new.]

Ain't gonna overstep my bounds. I know better. Shall we then?

[The idea of having a use for those data cables under his shoulder plating makes them itch.]


[Action] onetruesikorsky October 25 2010, 01:14:42 UTC
If we must.

[He offers the inside of his wrist, eyeing Barricade skeptically, but accepting enough. A small panel slides aside.]


[Action] namesnotprowl October 25 2010, 01:23:03 UTC
I'd recommend it.

[Barricade shifts on his feet, the armoring along his arm shivering slightly. Out of the back of his shoulder slides a long length of cabling which curls around Megatron's wrist before splitting into a few silver-blue filaments that connect to the offered port. He automatically starts skimming through the schematics once he finds them.]


[Action] onetruesikorsky October 25 2010, 01:51:21 UTC
[If Megatron were a mech prone to being creeped out, he certainly would be. As it is, he only quirks an optic ridge as he watches the much smaller mech, lowering his various firewalls to allow direct access to the schematics of his frame.]

If I am not mistaken, I would say you seem to be enjoying yourself.


[Action] namesnotprowl October 25 2010, 02:09:37 UTC
[Barricade tends to avoid using these cables on other mechs when he can... unless his intent is to creep them out. At this point, it's just necessary. He looks back up at Magnus, automatically filtering through the openings in the firewalls to the information he's after. He favors him with a slight grin, a steady flicker in his lower set of optics as he processes the data.]

Well, ain't every day I use one of these on someone, let alone a Megatron.


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