[Accidental Video]

Oct 23, 2010 20:51

((OOC: Powerplaying of Emoscreamer used with permission, as well as TFA Blackout))

[The communicator flickers online, but for a few static-filled seconds there is only smoke and the sound of terrified organics screaming and running.]

No! No please!

Cease fire! Repeat, cease fire! You are under arrest for -- *kkzztt*-

[A brief, blinding flash of purple flares the screen white - there is no sound for about three seconds before it fizzles back.]

[The screen begins to clear - and it appears that Megatron has accidentally bumped the communicator attached to his hip. Emoscreamer is off in the distance as well as Blackout; the jet doesn't look particularly pleased but he's got his own blade drawn, energon slicking the plasma heated weapon and sizzling as he rallies the remaining humans and various other organic off-worlders through the main doors. Blackout is doing much the same. There are various bodyguards, both of mech type and organic scattered around the area, dead.]

[Megatron lowers his weapon, and as more of the smoke clears it looks as if they are in the middle of the main hall in one of the higher-end Casinos in Zone 6. Megatron technically already owns it share-wise, and has lived in the apartment complex above it for a short time as the new 'Base of Operations', though it has been kept generally on the down low. While he wasn't entirely pleased he had gone down a few pegs from Zones, he fully intends to shape this place up, and make a sizable profit off of it in the process.]

[Growling from his old engine, he snatches one of the worthless humans on the run and hangs him by his suit jacket, bringing him up to optic view. The Warlord tips his helm, optics narrowing and about to speak, but he's interrupted by the sudden movement from his Second.]

[There is a quick red, downward slash and suddenly a bodyguard mech that had his weapon raised to Megatron's back is cleaved cleanly in two. There is a pause before both halves clank harmlessly to the ground. Megatron turns, glances pointedly at the cauterized halves, then back to Starscream. Nodding once, and receiving a nod in response, he gets back to business. He sounds as amiable as ever, despite the fact that there was a mech cleaved in two at his back, along with various other dead or dying around them.]

I would like to speak to the former CEO of your little corporation, if you please, for a little... change in management.

[The human is absolutely mortified, but nods so quickly his combover falls to one side. Seemingly satisfied, Megatron releases the human - dropping him a good ten feet or so. The pitiful thing cries out, grabs his ankle, and hobbles off as quick as his crippled frame can manage.]


[Glowering at the remaining bodyguards that had thought better of their actions, he begins his orders.]

Clean up this mess. I expect these carpets fully steamed and clean of all bodily fluids in two cycles. Now go.

[The mechs all stumble into action, hushed into silence as they begin to work.]

[Somehow the communicator grabs his attention. With a low hiss and a flash of crimson optics, it clicks offline.

† transformers: animated | megatron

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