
Jan 03, 2007 20:51

Welcome to axial_tilt! This is a multi-fandom, PG fanfiction exchange culminating at the vernal equinox. Sign-up is open until January 15th. Fics will be made public on March 21st.

Writers in all fandoms are welcome to participate. We do encourage you to try to bring others along from your primary fandom(s) to help ensure you'll get the gift you'll most enjoy. Requests may be made for slash, het, or gen. All fic must be rated G, PG, or PG-13.

For more information, or to join the exchange, read on!

Guidelines for participation

Requesting your gift: Please list between 2 and 5 fandoms in which you would like to receive gifts. You may also request specific pairings, characters, crossovers, genres (slash, het, gen, drama, romance, humor, etc.), and anything else that you feel will help your writer understand what you enjoy. Keep in mind that a certain amount of specific information can be very helpful, but a very narrow request may make your assignment difficult. Make an effort to give your writer several workable choices, so that this exchange can be fun for everyone! This is also the place to let your writer know if there is anything in particular you would really *not* want. Remember, all fics will be rated G, PG, or PG-13.

Offering your gift: Please list between 2 and 5 fandoms in which you feel comfortable writing a fic of at least 500 words. Please do not offer any fandom you would not want to have to write, as anything you offer could potentially be your only choice, depending on your recipient's requests. Please be clear in your offer if there is any particular pairing, character, crossover, genre (slash, het, gen, drama, romance, humor, etc.) you do *not* feel you could write within your chosen fandoms. You may also designate a particular pairing or character in each fandom you offer as your first choice in that fandom, keeping in mind that we may not be able to give you your first choice. Remember, all fics must be rated G, PG, or PG-13.

To join the exchange, please use the following template:

Name: (including Livejournal username, if it is different)
E-mail address: (be sure to use a reliable address, as this is where your assignment and any follow-up correspondence will be mailed)

Fandoms requested: (between 2 and 5)
Pairings/Characters requested: (please use full names, or at least first names if you are sure that is enough)
Type/Genre requests: (slash, het, gen) (drama, romance, humor, etc.) (crossovers)
Dislikes: (anything you would definitely *not* wish to receive--please be specific)
Other notes: (anything else you think would be helpful to your writer)

Fandoms offered: (between 2 and 5)
Pairings/Characters excluded: (please use full names, or at least first names if you are sure that is enough)
Types/Genres excluded: (slash, het, gen) (drama, romance, humor, etc.) (crossovers)
Pairing/Character first choices: (you may choose one pairing and one single character in each fandom offered)
Other notes: (anything else you think would be helpful to us as we match up assignments)
Pinch-hit? (let us know if you'd be available to pinch-hit in the event someone drops out)

After signing up, please join the community to be informed of any announcements, requests, or changes to the exchange.


Full exchange schedule

Sign-up closes January 15th.

Assignments are distributed on January 21st.

All fics must be completed and submitted to the community no later than March 15th, at which point they will be checked over by your mods to be sure that they are appropriate to their recipients and to the rules of this exchange. All submissions will be moderated. If it is determined that your fic is not appropriate, you will be given until March 18th to make necessary changes. If you do not submit your fic by 11:59 PM EST on March 15th, we will assume you have dropped out of the exchange, and your assignment will be given to someone else. If you know that you will not be able to complete your assignment, you must notify us by no later than March 10th, so that we can give your assignment to someone else. If you fail to notify us in time, *and* fail to turn in your assignment on time, you will not be eligible to participate in any future incarnations of this exchange. All fics must be rated G, PG, or PG-13, and must be at least 500 words long.

Fics will be made public on March 21st.

Note: This is *not* an anonymous exchange, and you will be posting your submissions under your own name, to be approved and made public by the mods.


ETA: Fandom-specific notes
(As the need for future fandom-specific notes arise, we'll post them here.)

A note on comics-fandoms: We are understanding "DCU" to encompass the whole swath of current comics continuity. That said, if you're hoping for fic about a lesser-known character, it would behoove you to rally some like-minded friends to join to increase your chances.

What does not count as "DCU", and should be identified as separate fandoms: any Vertigo titles, the DC Animated Universe (Batman Adventures, Teen Titans Go!, JLU, etc.), Smallville, and the movieverses for Batman and Superman.

What *does* count can be roughly divided as follows. If it helps you identify characters you'd like to request, use these subdivisions. Note, however, that even if you request/offer "DCU-Gotham" and "DCU-Teams", that counts as a single fandom and you'll need a non-comics fandom to complete your sign-up.

Gotham: Batman, Detective Comics, Catwoman, Robin, Nightwing, Birds of Prey, Batgirl, Gotham Central, etc.
Supers: Superman, Action, Superboy, Supergirl, Man of Steel, etc.
Junior Teams: Teen Titans (v.1, v.2, v.3), The Titans, Young Justice, Outsiders (current).
Teams: Justice League (various), Superman/Batman, JSA, Outsiders (original), etc.
Arrows: Green Arrow.
Flashes: Flash (various).
Lanterns: Green Lanterns (various).
Future: Legion of Superheroes, Supergirl & the Legion, etc. Generally set in the 30th/31st century.

It'd be helpful to note, as well, if you're comfortable writing/receiving post-Infinite Crisis/"One Year Later" fic or not.


This is our first exchange at axial_tilt, and we hope to make it as enjoyable as possible for everyone involved. The rules and guidelines above have been put into place with that goal firmly in mind. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us at axialmods@gmail.com

Comment in this entry to join the exchange! If you do not want to commit to the exchange, but think you might be available to pinch-hit in March, please fill out the "offer" portion of the sign-up only, and write "pinch-hit only" in the subject line of your comment. If you are later asked to pinch-hit, and find yourself unavailable, this will not disqualify you for future exchanges.


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