
Jan 03, 2007 20:51

Welcome to axial_tilt! This is a multi-fandom, PG fanfiction exchange culminating at the vernal equinox. Sign-up is open until January 15th. Fics will be made public on March 21st ( Read more... )


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Comments 57

glossing January 4 2007, 17:09:56 UTC
Name: glossing
E-mail address: glossing at livejournal

Fandoms requested: DCU, Harry Potter
Pairings/Characters requested:
DCU: Bart Allen, Kon-El, Mia Dearden, Cissie King-Jones, Selina Kyle, Holly Robinson, Karon (Holly's gf), Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Oliver Queen, Jay Garrick, Crispus Allen, Renee Montoya, Bruce Wayne, Donna Troy, Anissa Pierce, Jefferson Pierce
HP: Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Augusta "Gran" Longbottom, Minerva McGongall
Type/Genre requests: I am good with either type of slash, het that isn't crazily heteronormative, *or* gen. I am a sucker for character-driven teamwork/case-file kinds of things, with good dialogue and deep affection and meaty subtext. Crossovers are okay, though not with BtVS.
Dislikes: I don't want anything homophobic or gothly-dark.
Other notes: My Dear Santa letter from last year's holiday exchanges might be helpful. And this post about meaty gen expresses far better than I what I like in my gen. And my shipfic, actually.

Fandoms offered: DCU, Harry ( ... )


amarin_rose January 4 2007, 18:35:36 UTC
Name: Amarin Rose, amarin_rose on lj ( ... )


glossing January 4 2007, 22:58:36 UTC
Hi! Thanks so much for participating. :)

Can you do us a favor, however? We're working with the assumption (however faulty) that the DCU will count as a single fandom, encompassing all of current comics continuity. This is more for our convenience during the initial stage matching fandoms than anything else; we're still going to use the characters for further matching.

What all this means for you is that we need another, non-DC comics fandom you're requesting and offering.



amarin_rose January 5 2007, 00:21:44 UTC
So would current comics continuity include Legion of Super-Heroes? Because I could offer to write that, Lyle/Brainy, Brainiac 5. If not, uh...Young Avengers (Marvel Comics), Billy/Teddy, Tommy.


glossing January 5 2007, 00:36:47 UTC
LoSH is part of our definition of the DCU, yes; I'll put you down for Young Avengers.

Thanks so much for understanding.


katarik January 4 2007, 19:17:54 UTC
Name: Katarik ( ... )


dorrie6 January 4 2007, 19:51:04 UTC
Name: dorrie6
E-mail address: dorrie6@livejournal.com

Fandoms requested: Harry Potter, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Heroes, Wonderfalls
Pairings/Characters requested: HP-Harry, Draco, Neville, Hermione, Ron (alone or in any combination); Firefly-Anyone (honestly), but especially River/Simon (prefer brother/sister with only a hint of 'ship); BTVS-Buffy, Willow, Oz, Tara (alone or in any combination); Heroes-Anyone (honestly), but especially Claire or Micah; Wonderfalls-Jaye,Eric, together or alone.
Type/Genre requests: I like slash (including pre-slash), het or gen, except for Heroes, in which I'd prefer gen only. I prefer character-driven fic over plot, and I prefer drama or romance over humor. I would (gleefully) accept crossovers between any of the fandoms requested, including any characters requested, and I'd rescind my "gen-only" decree for Heroes if the fic is a crossover.
Dislikes: I do not like cross-generation romance unless both characters are of age, and I'd rather read a fic with no romance than one in which the romance ( ... )


dorrie6 January 26 2007, 19:37:05 UTC
Dear beloved axial_tilt writer: Just in case it's not too late, I'd like to add Remus Lupin to my list of HP characters I'd love to see in a fic. All other requests still apply--no cross-gen unless characters are of age, crossovers are just dandy.

That is all. :)


primroseburrows January 5 2007, 04:59:40 UTC
Name: Primrose (primroseburrows

E-mail address: primroseb@gmail.com

Fandoms requested: Stephen King's Dark Tower series, dueSouth, Slings & Arrows, Babylon 5, The X-Files, The Dark is Rising series.

Pairings/Characters requested: (I listed pairings first, then gen)
Dark Tower: Eddie/Susannah, Roland/Cuthbert. Eddie Dean, Roland Deschain, Jake Chambers, Cuthbert Allgood, Alain Johns.
Slings & Arrows: Geoffrey/Ellen, Geoffrey/Oliver. Geoffrey-Oliver-Ellen dynamic, Geoffrey Tennant, Oliver Welles, Ellen Fanshaw, Darren Nichols, Anna Conroy.
due South:Fraser/Kowalski, Fraser/Vecchio, Fraser/Thatcher, Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, Frannie/Welsh, Frannie/Turnbull, Frannie/Ray Vecchio (adult consentual), Bob Fraser/Caroline Fraser. Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski, Ray Vecchio, Meg Thatcher, Renfield Turnbull, Frannie Vecchio, Harding Welsh, Maggie McKenzie, Bob Fraser, Caroline Fraser, Diefenbaker (please only have him in pairings with others of his species, and NO, that does not include Remus. Well, okay, maybe in crack!fic. *g*)
Harry Potter: Harry/Draco, ( ... )


dorrie6 January 5 2007, 12:46:22 UTC
Thank you so much for signing up! I do have to ask for some clarification on your requests, though. First, you listed six fandoms, and I have to ask you to cut it down to five. Sorry! it's really just to help us simplify the matching-up process. But also, You listed pairings for HP, when I think maybe you meant to do The Dark is Rising series?

Take a look, and just let me know here what you really want to do. :)

I'm so glad you're here!


primroseburrows January 7 2007, 17:04:43 UTC
I thought it was five. Yay, dyscalculia! I actually was diagnosed with something that makes it hard for me to do addition and lists. *throws up hands.

And I thought I put Harry Potter in there. Yay ADD! Woe. Um, okay, hmm.

Okay, take out The Dark is Rising, since I didn't have pairings listed.

I got the offered part right, right? Not so many numbers/things/lists to deal with.


dorrie6 January 7 2007, 17:07:51 UTC
Hee! Yes, you got the offered part right. :) Thank you!!


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