[letters] holiday loot

Nov 03, 2006 13:15

Dear Santa-people:
Thank you so much! I hope you're as excited for these exchanges as I am.

JBBS: I can't really remember who I ended up asking for. But I love them all, I know that. I've got a big thing for teammates and teamwork, and good friends who end up making out a lot. I *do* recall that I asked, if possible, for no Cassie and Gar; I just didn't feel like dealing with either of them this year (and I'd add Jericho to the list. Guy bugs me). My only other anti-requests are things like rape, non-con, groundless angst (ie, "zomg, I've CAUGHT TEH GAY" and the like) and overly sympathetic/woobifying treatment of villains like Deathstroke and Joker. Um. I'm not being all that helpful; I think the most important thing is that you enjoy the writing and the characters. I'm sure I will, too.

Yuletide: I was fairly detailed in my requests, but please treat those as general guidelines, to be disregarded should your brain head in another direction. I love porny gen, plotty porn, character-work, all that kind of thing. I do not love rape, non-con, and uber-darkness. Just, you know, have fun with it and I'm sure to love it.

Dear self: No, you should *not* acquire a new fandom-source because one of your Yuletide assignments is tempting you. Stick to the match.

fic exchanges

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