Yesterday was a bit of an interesting day. I had my interview for a hospital security position to head to. It's raining, so I make sure I'm prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for was the fact someone has apparently fucked with my car. The driver's side windshield wiper blade was missing. And not like someone stole it, no. The housing
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Comments 5
You could always do what I do and write stuff to read. Or I could write something for you to read. I've done stories by request like.. once. And I'm bored.
Or you can go through all the stuff you have on that harddrive of yours. I'm sure there's something in there you haven't read yet.
As for interviews, I've never been asked what my interests and hobbies are, though my answers really easy: I like to read. What I read, employers really don't need to know. The interview you had makes sense. You'd think more employers would want to know things like that, instead of the open-ended social questions (even though I know why they ask them).
For my job, I first went to take a test. Then they called me for one interview with the QA dept, and another with HR. That process took way too long.
People steal the weirdest shit.
I would just say I like to read, but then I've been asked what I like to read as a follow-up question. My problem there being I don't tend to read more mainstream authors. I mean to, but I find the other stuff more interesting.
At least mainstream enough that people would hear of him
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