Yesterday was a bit of an interesting day. I had my interview for a hospital security position to head to. It's raining, so I make sure I'm prepared for that. What I wasn't prepared for was the fact someone has apparently fucked with my car. The driver's side windshield wiper blade was missing. And not like someone stole it, no. The housing was still connected to the arm. The rubber blade, the piece that it's attached to, and one piece of where that all attaches to the housing was missing. That's not something that falls apart randomly. And I would have noticed that flying off my car while I was driving. I looked around my car and couldn't find the blade anywhere. So, I take the assembly from the passenger side and move it to the driver side. I drive to my interview with the passenger side arm scraping against my windshield. I would've stopped on the way there, but I didn't want to risk being late.
I ended up being late anyway. The lady who called me to set up the interview gave me bad directions. So, never having driven around that particular area before, I got a lost. The weird thing is I even left earlier than usual to compensate for this. That is how much time I wasted driving around trying to figure out where the hell I was and which way I needed to go. But I made it, only a couple of minutes late.
The interview was different. They basically asked me to described some different situations and how I handled them in my last job. They didn't ask anything else about me. They didn't ask if I've ever dealt with anything specific. It was all very general. They then went on to explain the hiring process and a little bit about what the job is like. And that was it. No, "So tell us a little about yourself." It was weird, but kind of relaxing at the same time. I don't interview well. When people ask me to tell them about myself, I start worrying about just how much I should tell them. I know I'm different, and I embrace that fact. That doesn't always look good in a potential employer's eyes. They can be put off by some of my interests and hobbies.
After the interview, I dropped off my uniforms. Now to just wait for my last paycheck. I kept an eye out for an auto retailer or any place that sold windshield wiper blades with no luck. After the uniforms were dropped off and some bullshit "Exit Interview" form filled out. I headed home. I was going to stop and get my car tags renewed, but I'm not quite familiar where that's taken care of here and with the rain, I decided to handle it later. Luckily, on the way home, I drove by a Napa Auto Parts. Unluckily, they only carry their own brand of wiper blades and charged me $21 for a pair of them. These things better be the best wiper blades I've ever owned. I don't think I've ever paid more than $12 for a pair.
Alright, enough of my bitching. In other news, I recently finished reading
Exodus by
Mel Odom. The book is the first in a trilogy set in the world of
Hellgate: London. I really enjoyed this book. I made me wish the game was more.... involved. The book was written before the game was released, and set about eighteen years before the events of the game. It was a very interesting read and a good story. I'll have to pick up the second book,
Goetia, when I get the money. I'm almost out of new books to read. I'm going to have to reread some of my books to get me through this unemployed slump. I just don't know which ones.
One thing I've been doing that I never really felt I had the chance to do lately is watch some of the shows on my computer I've received from people. Anime in particular. I finished watching
Full Metal Alchemist and
Death Note. I have to say I enjoyed both series. There were only a few minor things here and there that irked me. Now on to some of the prime time television I've acquired.
That's all for now, fuckwads. I now leave you with some Holy Diver.
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