I was just wondering -- how many of you find the recent explosion of strollers/prams on our MRT trains a bane?
For the past week, every ride I take (usually at off-peak hours) I'd inevitably end up in a carriage with stroller/s (sometimes sans the occupant) spread across in it's full glory obstructing aisle or entrance. I mean, I honestly have nothing against strollers but how it seems to be taken for granted that the rest of us on foot are more than happy to have ourselves prodded or rolled over by them at peak-hour rides.
And given the techonological genius of design, these things can be folded/collapsed to half its size in a snap. But no, space doesn't seem to be a concept for others when you've righteously become parents.
isn't it amazing how we pay for all that gadgetry and choose not to optimize it??
I mean, I feel it more because I am a parent and it irks me that this particular demographic suffers from temporary dementia and deficient manners once they pop their sprogs. And in public, they display an alarming lack of general etiquette when they not only subject others to the impressively ear-bleeding vocal range of their tots, they proceed to also encroach on the personal space of the rest of humanity.
I'll admit I owned two strollers, only used to walk long-distances around the zoo or to bring unwell kid to the doctor's. Rest of the time I preferred to saddle them in a little sarong-sling like a she-kangaroo would her joey. Point is, there has to be a certain consideration of space and possible inconvenience caused to others especially in limted spaces (note: lifts included), not to mention safety when said stroller finds its way painfully in your knee in a crowded mall.
So back to the original gripe, do you think these strollers are a menace? Isn't it about time they had some sort of bay to park these things in a train?
I suppose the subtext of what bothers me more is that strollers have also become the fine example of a nation who wants to have babies but are too darn lazy or occupied to carry them around. Worse, it's a perfect start to creating a whole lot of butt slothful children who must be ferried to their destinations on wheels. What happened to the good old-fashioned art of walking y'know?
And don't get me started on them heelys...!