Tutorial: the making of 'Something Blue Movie Poster'

Aug 28, 2005 08:52

hey :) it's me and guess what I'm drinking... yeah, someone should hide that stuff from me...
surprisingly the Something Blue Poster won so far. I might be convinced to do another tut if some of the other posters will get more votes than this one...

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colorings, movie poster icons, layer masks, tutorial: icon, walkthrough

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Comments 25

aaricia August 28 2005, 07:19:36 UTC
Heh, that was fast :) Love the tut.


stultiloquentia August 28 2005, 07:29:54 UTC
*puts in memories* I really appreciate these.


magista August 28 2005, 07:32:53 UTC
Wow, there was a lot more that went into the background pink than I had realized.

I still long to know how you did the blending effects in the LMPTM and Gift poster icons. I could beg, or I could go and set up six or seven new LJ accounts and go back and skew the votes...

::flutters eyelashes appealingly::


slackerace August 28 2005, 14:49:23 UTC
I second that comment about the background pink and the number of steps involved. Wowzer. Absolutely amazing.

Saving the tutorial in my memories, where all of the Blue tuts reside...


mzzgoddessblue August 28 2005, 08:23:07 UTC
d/l the psd so i can put on my scholar-girl glasses, study it intently, rip it apart, and send up a heartfelt prayer to the Art God that I may have an epiphany on how you do the things you do....

Thank you!!!!!

PS When you say you added a gradient, is that making sure your colours are set to black and white and then simply using the gradient tool? I have never been able to get the hang of making gradients, thus I ask the stupid questions...


tigerdragon August 28 2005, 09:14:50 UTC
Added to memories, thanks! Gorgeous poster, by the way. Would love to see more of your tutorials!


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