the art of fake vectoring

Nov 14, 2006 22:56

for some weird reason people are wondering about the fake vectorish effect I used on some icons I made... therefore a quick recap of the effect...
the result is kinda like this
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tutorial: effect, colorings, tutorial: filters

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Comments 22

darynthe November 14 2006, 23:18:52 UTC
Best effect ever. It even inspires me to learn Photoshop. I only work on Corel Draw and I am sure this is impossible over there. Thank you, so generous of you. :)


awmp November 14 2006, 23:27:45 UTC
hmmm, I don't know anything about the Corel softwares but that I try to avoid them ;)
but Corel Draw is a vector program anyway, so you might want to consider to change to Photopaint (is that the name of the Corel photo software? heee, I can't remember...) for icon making...

or you know, just use Photoshop. I love that one better on any day *g*

and you're very welcome :)


darynthe November 14 2006, 23:32:20 UTC
Oh, I mean Corel Photopaint. Never mind me today, I am knocked out by a horrible cold. :p


awmp November 14 2006, 23:38:36 UTC
heee, and here I already admired you for doing pixel work in a vector program ;) which is possible after all, but kinda exhausting...


gillo November 15 2006, 00:26:25 UTC
You explain things so clearly - I always learn something from you. Thank you!


awmp November 20 2006, 21:31:30 UTC
You explain things so clearly
I'm glad you think so, because I'm always wondering if I distract and/or confuse people with my babbling to much :)


gypsyjr November 15 2006, 01:01:10 UTC
Your tutorials/walkthroughs are the best. Thanks!


bakednudel November 15 2006, 03:43:38 UTC
Thanks SO much! I'm so glad I friended you since I keep learning about filters (also in Photoshop Elements) that I never used!


liam22 November 15 2006, 03:59:51 UTC
Yay, you're not dead. lol.

Wonderful tutorial, I just love that effect. Thanks bunches for posting.


awmp November 20 2006, 21:33:40 UTC
Yay, you're not dead. lol.
heee, well, I feel like dead, does that count for something? ;)


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