Happy Birthday to pastelstar(I hope your uhem, xmas package will arrive soon *sigh*, and heee how fitting that my PPS is what it is today ;P
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Total agreement on all levels. Although I think that the dubbed version isn't that bad. At least viewers who have never heard the real voices are going to enjoy it. :)
Ich hab mich zwar gewundert, was das bedeutet, konnte aber nichts damit anfangen. Mir hat VM gefallen. Es geht mir jetzt so wie bei Buffy: Da ich die Originalstimmen noch nie gehört habe, vermisse ich nichts *gg* Aber die DVDs werden ja sicherlich kommen :)
hm, über was gewundert? (bin heute langsam...) mich irritieren stimmen, die ich mit anderen charakteren assoziiere... der rest der sychronisation war einigermaßen ok. allerdings haben sie manche sachen doch sehr langweilig übersetzt... (z.b. den marshmallow witz) :)
und ich freue mich definitiv schon auf die DVDs *g*
Über die Bedeutung von "Duncan killed Lilly" in den User infos; weil es nur einmal vorkommt (keinen Link ergibt). Ich habe nämlich geneugiert, ob es überlicherweise VM oder Veronica Mars ist, damit ich einen Link habe *gg* Und ich bin die alten VM Icon Posts durchgegangen. Sollte ich mitkriegen, daß es die DVDs gibt, sage ich Bescheid :)
LOL That's hilarious about the voices! I'm currently having a solo-marathon of VM season 1, so your post came for me at the perfect time :-) You just listed some of the funniest moments of season 2 (I can't wait for it to come out on DVD!)
heee, you don't know the pain we're suffering here soemtimes because of all the dubbing ;) I need the first season on DVD asap. but I wanted to wait for the German version (which will also have the original version) because then I can make my friends who don't want to see the undubbed version watch it, too ;)
You have my sympathies regarding the dubbing. I know a lot of Swedes think that subtitles suck, but at least those you can ignore. Ignoring the dubbing would mean ignoring the entire show. When, oh when will digital TV become so prevalent as to give us the option of dubbing/no dubbing and subtitles/no subtitles on ALL channels?
As for favorite moments this season, I've gotta say I don't got that many. I'm not too fond of the true love cliché being applied to my OTP, but I gotta say that the line gave me much pleasure too, simply because it was the first sign in forever of the writers even thinking of V/L.
And I gotta agree on missing Lilly. I don't particularly like her, but I love the character and I think she brought so much to the show and the mystery of the first season.
that's why I watch most shows on DVD these days... at least then I can chose the language on my own. on German TV almost anything is dubbed. Germans don't like subtitles. and the majority of people don't mind the dubbing... I guess I'm odd *g*
hmm, I don't think I can call these moments I've listed favorites, but at least they made me giggle a lot, which is always a good thing ;) and that the writers show even a sign that the VM/Loagn topic is not completely dead to them is very welcome to me... even if it is in this very mocking way. at least it felt like lovingly mocking :)
I love the character of Lilly. and I even like her. she reminds me of my bff (and what does this say about me? heee) the mystery of S1 felt so much more personal than this one. which is waht really bothers me about this season. I'm not really interested in the bus crash. no one I cared about died. it's just a random mystery... not more important than any other motw... for me at least...
Lord, I hate dubbing so. Swedes seem to generally think subtitles suck, but I think that's because they don't realize just how much you have to edit your translations to fit them into 37 or so letters per line. Translating is the easy part, it's making it all fit and make sense that's the problem
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we had a huge DVD project a few week ago with dozens (literally) of different subtitle languages, and I feel your pain. I had to make sure that the timings were ok (and that with languages I don't know a shit about...) and the worst thing was to fit it in the line (41 characters if I remember *g
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i was actually really suprised at much i was ok with the synchronized version of VM yesterday! Yes, Veronca's voice was odd at first, but i got used to it (but i never watched roswell, so maybe it doesn't distract me as much). Keith's voice did sound familiar, but i couldn't place it, so thanks! heh. And yes xander's voice is so so wrong, i do not believe it can bring across logan's emotional bandwidth so to speak :-/ we will see.
lol@the duncan theory. i wonder what they will make out of this - but i really wanna believe it was aaron ;)
I almost know the pilot by heart, so I even noticed small changes from the original. but they did an OK job with it. they sucked at some lines which become very important int he fandom (like... she's a marshmallow...) but in general it was ok. it took me a while for Keith's voice, too. but when I was in another room and only heard the voice I instantly thought of Doc Ross. *g* and yes, I have to agree on xander's voice for Logan will not be able to cover all the emotions that Logan will run through... :/
I've always had this theory. even when the finale aired. and after that, too ;) I want the creep back. so blame Duncan as much as you like, dear writers, as long as this means the old creep comes back.
Comments 34
and Xander for Logan? that one kills it for me.
the rest is OK, I guess. I've seen shabbier dubbings ;)
I dislike Wallace's voice the most. He has the same voice as Ephram from Everwood which is veeery strange. *g*
and I hope they become better, I'd like to see some good ratings for VM overhere ;)
mich irritieren stimmen, die ich mit anderen charakteren assoziiere... der rest der sychronisation war einigermaßen ok. allerdings haben sie manche sachen doch sehr langweilig übersetzt... (z.b. den marshmallow witz)
und ich freue mich definitiv schon auf die DVDs *g*
Ich habe nämlich geneugiert, ob es überlicherweise VM oder Veronica Mars ist, damit ich einen Link habe *gg*
Und ich bin die alten VM Icon Posts durchgegangen.
Sollte ich mitkriegen, daß es die DVDs gibt, sage ich Bescheid :)
I need the first season on DVD asap. but I wanted to wait for the German version (which will also have the original version) because then I can make my friends who don't want to see the undubbed version watch it, too ;)
As for favorite moments this season, I've gotta say I don't got that many. I'm not too fond of the true love cliché being applied to my OTP, but I gotta say that the line gave me much pleasure too, simply because it was the first sign in forever of the writers even thinking of V/L.
And I gotta agree on missing Lilly. I don't particularly like her, but I love the character and I think she brought so much to the show and the mystery of the first season.
hmm, I don't think I can call these moments I've listed favorites, but at least they made me giggle a lot, which is always a good thing ;)
and that the writers show even a sign that the VM/Loagn topic is not completely dead to them is very welcome to me... even if it is in this very mocking way. at least it felt like lovingly mocking :)
I love the character of Lilly. and I even like her. she reminds me of my bff (and what does this say about me? heee)
the mystery of S1 felt so much more personal than this one. which is waht really bothers me about this season. I'm not really interested in the bus crash. no one I cared about died. it's just a random mystery... not more important than any other motw... for me at least...
lol@the duncan theory. i wonder what they will make out of this - but i really wanna believe it was aaron ;)
it took me a while for Keith's voice, too. but when I was in another room and only heard the voice I instantly thought of Doc Ross. *g*
and yes, I have to agree on xander's voice for Logan will not be able to cover all the emotions that Logan will run through... :/
I've always had this theory. even when the finale aired. and after that, too ;)
I want the creep back. so blame Duncan as much as you like, dear writers, as long as this means the old creep comes back.
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