Happy Birthday to
(I hope your uhem, xmas package will arrive soon *sigh*, and heee how fitting that my PPS is what it is today ;P)
I've spent the weekend over at a friend's, and I've just returned.
yesterday they aired VM for the first time on German TV. dubbed, of course... the funny thing was that I got a text message from a friend that it will be on that day, and my sis called me on my mobile, that it is on right now, when it was. heeee. apparently I've talked about the show a few times in RL, too *g*
but I don't think I can watch the dubbed version because
1) they used Liz' voice (from Roswell) for Veronica, which is weird. her voice lacks the snark...
2) Doctor Ross (from ER) is talking for Keith, which is very distracting. but only proves that they see the hotness factor, too *g*
3) the reason why I really really cannot watch it yet, is Logan's voice. oh, when fandoms collide...
they used XANDER's (from BtVS) voice for him. that is wrong on so many levels *shivers* and heeee, I don't think I've ever seen any comparisons between these too. *g*
also, I start looking forward to new VM episodes again, after I was somewhere between meh and bleh for so much time now... and I feel the urge to post about it again... which is a good sign I guess :)
so here are three random moments that made me giggle this season. feel free to join me in this. I love giggleworthy moments *g*
heeee. the moment I saw this scene I started giggling because, OMG, that is so VM and Wallace's future. the FBI agents. and it's Xena. in blonde. which is so very Veronica. *bwahaha*
this one needs no words. but I have to agree with
dtissagirl (at least I think it was Tissa) who said that Cliff and Keith need their own sitcom. in which they terrorize Lamb *g*
and for this one I was close to crying for laughing so hard. oh, the VM writers... how much I love them sometimes. Veronica goes like "blalah, if true love wants to find me I'm right over at the coffee machine" (or something similar, I'm too lazy to watch the scene again for the exact line) and then Logan comes in looking for her right at the coffee machine. heeeeee. I'm easily amused apparently.
cap credit:
_jems_ via
VM-caps PS: I miss Lilly.
PPS: Duncan killed Lilly.
(see my user info, where this info is cemented since over a year *g*) I'm very much on the old creep's side on this one. heeee.