Alanna and Thom birthday party

May 25, 2006 12:06

Lilly's always associated Alanna and heat. For one thing, she's got that fiery red hair. For another, she's a total hottie. Also, there was that time she tried to move into their hot tub for the winter. Lilly's still not sure she was joking ( Read more... )

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awesome_lilly May 26 2006, 22:54:09 UTC
Lilly bounces over shortly after Alanna comes in, grinning happily.

"Happy birthday, 'lanna! What do you think of the decor?"


awesome_lilly May 29 2006, 17:18:24 UTC
Lilly steps closer to Alanna again, leaning in.

"They look like her breasts-"

Unfortunately, she's a little bit drunk and her leaning is not the best it's ever been. Lilly overbalances, her face landing squarely between Alanna's "squires".

Muffled, "-smell like them too."


last_adam May 29 2006, 17:20:20 UTC
Adam reaches out with a hand on Lilly's shoulder and pulls her back. One finger juts out, pointing directly between her breasts.

"No, they're not YOURS. I know those are Alanna's breasts, I damn well know what they smell like."


a_lioness May 29 2006, 17:24:41 UTC
Alanna heaves a sigh of relief. For a moment, her breasts were in danger of having an existential crisis.

She watches the poking with an interested expression.

"Not sulfur," she adds helpfully, certain this relates back to a previous conversation. Somehow.


awesome_lilly May 29 2006, 17:31:03 UTC
Lilly frowns at Adam's finger.

"Okay, the breasts you're pointing at are totally mine. Alanna's not allowed to claim them for Tortall, even if she does have a flag or something. And Sirs Jell and O-"

There's a pause, as she assimilates Alanna's words.

"-apparently don't smell like your balls. Which is good. Cause ew, sulfur."


last_adam May 29 2006, 17:41:17 UTC
"Alanna's not claiming your breasts for anything, and I'll thank you to keep your hands off of hers."

He takes Alanna by the wrist and tugs gently.

"And if you don't mind, me and my balls -- which DON'T smell like sulfer, thank you -- will be taking Alanna away now. FAR. AWAY."


a_lioness May 29 2006, 17:48:42 UTC
"To the hot tub?" she asks hopefully, taking a step towards Adam, but twisting so she can see Lilly. "And they don't, by the way."

Because it seems vitally important that she is clear on that fact.

"Although I suppose he is taking my word on it. I don't think he's THAT flexible."


awesome_lilly May 29 2006, 17:54:14 UTC
"Isn't he all weirdly powerful, though?" Lilly asks. "I mean, if you can bring about an Apocalypse, you should be able to smell your own balls, right?"

This makes sense to her.

"I could. Well, I don't have balls, duh, but I have this necklace that makes me not have a fixed spine anymore so I could totally smell the balls I don't have. Anyway. Have fun in the hot tub! Don't melt Sir Jell and Sir O!"


last_adam May 29 2006, 17:57:16 UTC

Lilly doesn't need to know about Adam's ability to smell his own balls. Or lack thereof. If he couldn't. Which he totally could.

Either way, Lilly doesn't need to know. That's for Adam and Alanna. Later.

Or, perhaps, as he pulls Alanna away, sooner.


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