Alanna and Thom birthday party

May 25, 2006 12:06

Lilly's always associated Alanna and heat. For one thing, she's got that fiery red hair. For another, she's a total hottie. Also, there was that time she tried to move into their hot tub for the winter. Lilly's still not sure she was joking ( Read more... )

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awesome_lilly May 26 2006, 22:54:09 UTC
Lilly bounces over shortly after Alanna comes in, grinning happily.

"Happy birthday, 'lanna! What do you think of the decor?"


awesome_lilly May 27 2006, 06:42:42 UTC
"Liam named Adam's TESTICLES?"

Lilly has no qualms about being loud.

"Okay, no matter how weird your names might be, I think Adam would have preferred you do the honors on that one."

"What did he name them?"


a_lioness May 27 2006, 06:56:42 UTC
"NO!" Alanna shouts through the giggles. "I MIGHT have named Adam's testicles, and Liam MIGHT have named my BREASTS!"

She blinks.

"When we were together, obviously," she adds. "And I don't remember what he named them. I was usually too distracted to notice. Any suggestions?"

Smirk, smirk.


awesome_lilly May 27 2006, 07:30:22 UTC
This is a serious matter. So serious that Lilly puts down her drink.

She takes a step closer to Alanna, peering closely at her breasts. And then, as she has once before, she reaches out and gets a firm but gentle hold on each breast.

"Hmmm. They feel like- OH! I know. This one-" a light squeeze "-can be Jell, and this one can be O!"

There is a look composed of equal parts wicked grin, drunkenness, and suppressed giggles.

"And we all know there's always room for Jell-O."


a_lioness May 27 2006, 14:52:04 UTC
The blush is immediate and violently red, but Alanna ignores it, glancing down with a detached curiosity.

It's not as if Lilly hasn't done this before.

And she's really far too drunk to protest.

"I dub thee Jell," she nods to each of them in turn. "And O."


awesome_lilly May 27 2006, 17:11:38 UTC
Lilly's seen movies set in medieval times. She bows solemnly to the breasts without letting go of them.

"Sir Jell. Sir O. I'm totally honored to make your acquaintance."

Yeah, she's still holding on. Pretty soon Alanna's going to be able to fire her bra.


a_lioness May 27 2006, 17:33:40 UTC
Alanna is at a loss for words.

A giggle escapes, followed closely by a hiccup. One hand resting on her hip, she finishes her drink and tucks the paper umbrella behind Lilly's ear. Surveying the result, she nods approvingly.

"That was a good bow," she notes, seemingly unconcerned by the extra support. "You would have no trouble fitting in at court. Of course, it might be best not to greet the court ladies in this fashion, but the rudimentary details are certainly there."

She might as well be giving a lecture on battle strategies.


awesome_lilly May 27 2006, 17:49:02 UTC
"The court ladies don't have noble breasts," Lilly points out. "I mean, not officially dubbed so by a knight and all. So we're good there."

She grins evilly.

"Besides, I'm going to be Queen, once Thayet and I tie up Jon in her bedroom. I might make this the new court greeting."

Or perhaps extended greeting, as she's still just holding on and chatting.


a_lioness May 27 2006, 18:01:18 UTC
Not surprisingly, this has become a game of Who Will Cave First? And as such, given the participants, they might be here for quite some time.

Alanna has a brief mental image of Mel wandering out of her bedroom tomorrow morning, blinking, and there's Alanna and Lilly, not to mention Jell and O.

Her lips twitch.

"You are to be Queen? I suppose I should be bowing to you, then." After a moment's consideration, she decides that might be rather difficult currently. "Of course, you do realize that as King's Champion, I am honor bound to keep you from tying Jon up."


awesome_lilly May 27 2006, 18:12:10 UTC
"That's no good," Lilly says, pouting. "Cause you can totally kick my ass."

She brightens.

"What if I have Thayet handle the tying up and have her promise to make it... fun?"

The word fun is accompanied by an eyebrow waggle, and a corresponding waggling of the hands holding Jell and O.


a_lioness May 27 2006, 18:22:22 UTC
Several things contribute to the renewed blush. For one, this is all much easier to ignore without the waggling. For another, unlike Thayet, Alanna is quite familiar with the concept of tying someone up for fun.

She keeps her eyes on Lilly's face, well aware that she will give in if she looks around.

"I think that if that were the case, Jon would hand you his crown."

Alanna feels as if she has a giant sign on her back: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! LILLY IS HOLDING MY BREASTS!


last_adam May 29 2006, 15:20:32 UTC
Is that a clearing of the throat? Why yes, yes it is.

And then there's a face peeking over Lilly's shoulder.

". . . what do you think you're doing?"


a_lioness May 29 2006, 15:30:55 UTC
There's just no good answer to that question.

Mortified, Alanna hastily averts her eyes, squinting at the ceiling with a pained expression. If she jumps back, she looks guilty. If she doesn't jump back, it will appear as if she's enjoying this.

Curse her stubborn streak.

Thankfully, she's had enough alcohol not to give this too much thought.

"Hullo," she says cheerfully, grinning at Adam. "Lilly named my breasts."


awesome_lilly May 29 2006, 16:58:34 UTC
Lilly turns her head and grins just as cheerfully at Adam.

"I did! Please meet Sir Jell-" one breast is lifted "-and Sir O-" the other one gets its turn.

She takes a step back, at long last releasing Sirs Jell and O, and stages whispers to Adam.

"It's considered polite to shake them in greeting. Just be gentle."


last_adam May 29 2006, 17:01:26 UTC
"I'm not going to-

I mean, you shouldn't be-

I mean-



a_lioness May 29 2006, 17:07:07 UTC
"They aren't?"

Alanna gives the breasts in question a very confused look.

"Could've sworn they were mine. Certainly caused me enough trouble."


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