This architectural drawing shows the proposed Annex to the I.S.S. Apartments and the innovative two-story garage with a ramp, by Lèdreaux & Minutti Architects & Engineers. The buildings were constructed in 1930. The image omits the "mother ship" I.S.S. Apartments (aka the Normandie), which would be on the left, and the villas on the right:
If the architects saw the Annex today, would they be upset by the contrasting paint on the dentils on top of the building? And with the glazing of the balconies?
Top image: Realty Market 上海地产月刊 Apr 1930. Bottom: baidu.
Click to be taken to the location.
The beauty of the art deco garage is most apparent when you stand on its roof or look at it from the interior windows of the Annex building: