Fanfiction: Duck Lake (Part 2/2)

Apr 04, 2011 12:44

Characters: Tackey, Ryo, Jin, Pi and Tsubasa
Genre:  AU, fluff and romance
Rating: PG
Summary: In a terrain of scheming royals and dark magic, can true lust love find its way?
Note: For Read more... )

ryopi fanfics, stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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Comments 10

Kyaa!! Thank you so much!! I'm so happy to get your present. lunarfaye April 4 2011, 05:52:23 UTC
I'm at meeting in my office now. Can't wait to read this one. (after I read this tonight I'll come back with more comment ne). Thank you so much Avery_Averette.


granity20 April 6 2011, 10:24:54 UTC
this is fantastic averette-chan!!!!!super fantastic!!!!!

i love this so much!!!!!


avery_averette April 11 2011, 05:18:02 UTC
Thank you for loving it!!!!! It makes me happy that I'm able to steal a bit of your time and amuse you a little.


granity20 April 11 2011, 15:03:02 UTC
your creations always amuse me!!!!


dorayaki_chan April 7 2011, 06:27:40 UTC
hey you ha ha ha i nearly forget that you are this crazy good :)this is so amusing and good at lighten up the mood:) i,ve been down with this flu since i got back from my religious trip to mecca and medina(got too excited and over whelm and i kind of over work my body in the process :P #but it was all worth it of course#) days ago it really nice to read something that make you smile :)


avery_averette April 11 2011, 05:25:17 UTC
I'm glad I haven't lost the touch.
It's so good to hear from you! Glad to know that you've been able to make the all-important trip to Mecca. Your first? My colleague (her third) recently came back from it too and fell slightly ill. Hope you body has gotten back to the usual routine. And thanks for letting me know your latest development because you have been missed.
Nothing quite expresses seeing an old friend again. Thank you for dropping by and saying hi.


Absolutely awesome lunarfaye April 9 2011, 10:59:33 UTC
I laugh so much thinking of takki got vote for the worst style ever award. Pardon? Is this real update news or just fic? Lol I have takki's favorite checked pants in my mind all the time I was reading this. Also haven't heard name "chin chin ii" such a long time. I got flash back of his as well. Good laugh and very romantic at the ending. Thank you so much Averette. Your fics always cheer up my day. 


Re: Absolutely awesome avery_averette April 11 2011, 05:40:44 UTC
You got flashback of chin chin ii?! You don't mean you've seen it in the flesh, right? Mitai! Mitai! As for Takki's dress sense, I'm more concerned about what's on the inside - rock hard abs and Takki Junior!
*Ok, switching from lusty fangirl mode to lousy writer mode.* Thank you for enjoying the fic. I'm happy that I've spread a little joy. And thank you so much for making it possible.


Lol did you said Takki jr? lunarfaye April 12 2011, 00:14:35 UTC
Actually, I've never seen chin chin ii in fresh back to old day since I've just fall in love with them both about last year. But I watch an old file of japanese tv show that kinki kids asked him about his Chinese or Taiwanese name (not sure about it). I remember that he was so cute when koichi make fun of his name"chin chin ii" Tsubasa was really cute when he was shy and tried to change the topic. lol just think about him that time I'd like to laugh again. Only a chance I saw him fresh is last year in matsuri concert in Kobe and Yokohama. So sad that I can't go to TT special live. Anyway, I wanna apply to your fics' fanclub.  I'm gonna follow your LJ's update ne. Sadly that my English is not so good so it's too difficult for me to write TT 's fic by myself in LJ to share with you. Maybe not only language skills but also my literature skills that make it 's more difficult. 


chicas amateur con cam anonymous April 26 2011, 14:29:35 UTC
Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.


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