Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

Dec 22, 2010 15:20

 Wishing you a bright and beautiful Christmas and new year!

 May you have someone to spend the festive season with.

 Someone who puts you at ease
 and makes you happy.

 Someone who eats with you  
 and shares with you.

 Someone who has fun with you
 and laughs with you.
Have a frolicking good time!

And here's a bit of naughty entertainment to spice things up:
Revenge of the Condom (Read between the lines for more fun.)

 Tsubasa: We shouldn't do it. It's wrong. Takki: But I want to. It'll be fun!

 Takki: You hold it. Tsubasa: But I'm scared.

 Takki: Why do I have to do all the work.
 Tsubasa: I'm sorry, Takki.

 Takki: Wow! That sure was quick!! But I had fun!!! Tsubasa: Me too!!!!
Long and Saucy
 Tsubasa: Hungry? Takki: Always!
 Takki: Sauce, please.

 Tsubasa: Mmm... long and saucy.
 Takki: Hurry, I'm hungry!

 Tsubasa: Wait. I've something better - something longer and saucier!
Have a saucy good time for a very long time! Enjoy!!

Pics from mag scans of TV Life No. 24 (11/26/2010) found in

Next up, T&T fanficlet, Arigatou (Thank You).

photo comics (mainly t&t)

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