Picspams: Takitsuba Life Guru Series

Jul 08, 2010 12:23

Need help with your life? Boiling in the summer heat? Eager to impress your friends in the kitchen? Confused about your feelings?
In this series, Life Gurus Tackey and Tsubasa will teach you how to:
1. enjoy yourself in every weather;
2. look like a pro in the kitchen; and
3. know if it is love.

1. How to Enjoy Yourself in Any Weather

 T&T: Just because it's too hot or too cold shouldn't dampen your spirit.

 Tackey: Smile! You'll feel better instantly.

 Tsubasa: Staying cooped up at home can be boring. Go out and have fun.

 Tackey: Dress appropriately. Sun-protect in summer and keep warm in winter.

 T&T: Maximise seasonal fun. Travel by banana boats in summer and snow plows in winter.

 Tsubasa: Enjoy seasonal cuisines too.

 Tackey: Stay hydrated. Ice cold lemonade for summer and warm soup for winter.

 Tsubasa: Friends are perfect for all seasons and weather. Share your fun with them.

 Tackey: Lastly, always carry the sunshine and wind in your heart. That way, it'll always be the perfect weather!

2. How to Look Like a Pro in the Kitchen (Tsubasa Life Guru presents)

 Enlist the help of a kitchen loser when inviting friends over for dinner.

 Even a kitchen loser can be useful, especially for chopping onions.

 Also, in front of your friends, his goofy antics will no doubt make you look like a pro.
Takki: Wow, his chopsticks are so long!

 He lacks hygiene? Even better! Another brownie point for you.

 And when he screws up his portion of the cooking, you'll be a lifesaver for still having something decent to offer.

 Finally, it's good to have friends. Sometimes, they make you look good.

3. How to Tell that It Is Love . Part 1/2 (Life Guru Tsubasa presents)

 Tsubasa: We're hardly two peas in a pod.

 Sometimes we don't see eye to eye.

 And sometimes I can't stand you.

 But when you look at me intently, I blush and my heart goes doki doki.

 Then I can't help but spread my legs.

 And lift them up, just for you.

How to Tell that It Is Love . Part 2/2 (Takki Life Guru presents)

 You think he's drop dead gorgeous from any and every angle.

 You secretly take pictures of both of you.

 And your favourite pose is the one kissing him.

 You want his lower half to be your better half.

How to Tell that It Is Love . Part 2/2 (Tsubasa Life Guru presents)

 You think he's God's gift to mankind, every part of him is perfect.

 Every time you catch him trying to kiss you in a picture, you want to scream, 'Stop trying to kiss me and kiss me!'

 Your favourite reflection is the one you see in his eyes.

 You wish the ring on his ring finger is your gift, a token of the beating of your loving heart.

Pics are from scans found in

Next up, T&T fanficlet,  The Return to Playzone.

photo comics (mainly t&t)

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