Fanficlet: The Return to Playzone

Jul 26, 2010 12:48

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Pairing: TakiTsuba
Genre: Angst, fluff and romance
Rating: PG13
Summary: The reason for the silence - Tsubasa is Playzone.
Disclaimer: I play with the boys (in my mind) but they're hardly mine.

The Return to Playzone

Through eyes half-awake and half-dreaming, Tsubasa peeps at the morning sunbeams. Golden and radiant, they're soul-lifting. Why can't everything in life be so effortlessly beautiful?

Although he is bathed in their soft warmth, little has changed since last night. The beautiful glow offers little hope or wisdom. He is still at a loss. How does he break the silence?

Why can't they be like normal people? Why can't they go for drinks or yakiniku after the show? Why can they hang out like regular friends? He can't even say they talked. They hardly exchanged words in private. Why does it have to be so difficult?

Tsubasa closes his eyes. His head is whirling again.

Time doesn't bring relief. It only brings more pain. And right now, he can feel himself being pillow-slammed.

'What's that for?' Tsubasa asks, surprised. 'What did I do?'

'It's what you didn't do!'

'Okay, what didn't I do?' This time he sits up on the bed, ruffling his hair and eyeing his attacker with tested patience.

'You didn't.... you didn't do what you used to do.'

This is killing him. Human interaction is very trying business.

'Okay, what did I used to do?'

'Has it been that long?! Or have you changed?! You just don't care anymore! You don't lo.. lo... you just don't feel that way about me anymore!'

By now, Tsubasa's blood is simmering.

'Just tell me already!' Exasperated, he throws a pillow at his accuser.

'You... you used to kiss me... touch me, cuddle me after you wake,' his pouting bed partner reminds him. 'But now, when I peep, all I see is your back and you sighing away. Just what were you thinking? What's so important, more important than me?'

It's not only his head that's whirling; even his emotions are swimming too.

As calmly as he could muster, he answers, 'I was thinking of what to tell them. We met up, at long last. But I've nothing to report to them. I can't even say that we had a good talk. All you said last night in the dressing room was "Shit. It's no use." Then you went and tore off my clothes. After a few rounds, you ordered me back here. That's not conversation at all.'

'I'm not good with conversations! You know that. So I show it with my action, my body,' comes the heated defence.

Tsubasa knows but he hopes that the willful little boy would be more considerate to the other people in their lives too. Nonetheless, he gives in. That willfulness was what made them possible in the first place.

Brushing aside yet another of his partner's numerous faults, he tenderly and coyly coos, 'So you know about the morning kisses and cuddles? I always thought you were sleeping.'

'I was only pretending to sleep. If I were awake, you'll just sit back and let me do all the work.'

'But I thought you liked it.'

'Yeah, but it also makes feel like such a perverted sex maniac all the time.' Too embarrassed to continue, the heavily blushing man turns mute and pretentiously engages himself with tugging at invisible loose threads on a pillow.

Tsubasa too turns grave, doing more thinking.

'So is that the real reason for the separation?' The thinker finally utters.

'The real reason?'

Two years again, his partner suggested a cooling off period to explore other areas of their careers, to try new things.

Facing up to the shady truth, Tsubasa answers softly, 'That we're having too much sex?'

It's uncomfortable but it's the truth.

'We're not young anymore. If we continue to screw like we did, it'll only ruin your chances of actually developing a real relationship. You know - a wife in apron and bratty kids.'

Tsubasa feels like pressing down the younger man and suffocating him with the pillow that is receiving more touchy-feely attention than him. But he presses him down and suffocates him with kisses instead.

'To me, this is real. Waiting over two years for a blockhead to come to terms that this is it, is also very real to me.'

Cradling the pretty face with teary eyes in his arms, Tsubasa continues, 'I dared to let you go because I know in my heart that we're meant to be. No matter where you go, you'll still come back to me.'

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,' the deserter sobs into Tsubasa's neck. 'I'm so stupid.'

'It's okay. Love's stupid, anyway,' Tsubasa gently comforts. Then hesitating a little, he adds, 'Besides, I think you'll look very good in an apron too.'

Stroking the soft hair and thinking delicious thought of an apron-clad naked torso, Tsubasa suddenly jolts.

'Just what do you think you're doing?!'

'Making it up to you. I'm making my way back to Playzone.'

'Takki! You lousy horn dog!'



To Matchy-san: Happy Birthday!!
To fans (please read between the lines): All's well with Takitsuba. As you can see, we're both equally sleep deprived. 
Pic from

In Takki's defence, he may be a horn dog.

But he's not the only hentai one around.

Illustrations are from yaoi manga, U Don't Know Me, found in

Note: At his concert, Tackey Summer Resort, Takki mentioned that after attending the opening night of Playzone, he 'talked' with Tsubasa for about an hour in the latter's dressing room. I think we know what that means.

Thank you for reading. Next up, Thurs, another Playzone-inspired ficlet, Desk Ornament. In the works too is, Thicker Than Blood, inspired by Tackey's solo con, Tackey Summer Resort.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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