Fanfiction: Forever Young (one-shot)

Apr 06, 2010 16:44

Characters: Tackey and Tsubasa
Pairing: TakiTsuba
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: Tsubasa wants to be young again, to believe in love again, to be in love again.
Disclaimer: I’m not young enough to be so foolish as to dream that I own them (or their songs).

Forever Young

Tsubasa likes long drives, long drives down empty roads; to him it meant freedom. But today, driving through the paradise that is Hawaii, this freedom feels more like loneliness. The sun licks his skin seductively like a patient lover. But it only leaves him feeling cold, like a cast-aside one-night stand. Maybe he shouldn’t be listening to their old songs; songs that resonate of hope, the kind born of foolish young love. Young love that believed everything was possible and forever was easy.

Now, he knows only too well that love can’t guarantee. At this point, the roads start to blurr. His vision has clouded over and the sting from his nose is so acute that he had to cough to distract himself. Still he reached over to the stereo and repeated the song, Epilogue, from their debut album.

The bell which informs us of the end tolls incessantly for us.
Time, please stop! There are things I want to say just as things are…

Time is so limited and there’s nothing I can do about it.
But I want to confess just one thing…I will never forget you.

We’ll pass away the time, yet there’s one thing.
I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU, that can be called “Eternity”
This emotion which is almost painful…

A lonely sigh escapes as I open my eyes and wake up.
Don’t lock up your heart, there’s no need for tears.

As we repeat this journey, there will be the track where we met.
I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU, always praying
That you will never lose your smile.

The moment which we call “now”, the tears up till now.
It all seems to be embraced, embracing all of us.

We’ll pass away the time, yet there’s one thing.
I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU, that can be called “Eternity”.
This emotion which is almost painful…

As we repeat this journey, there will be the track where we met.
I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU, always praying
That you will never lose your smile.
This emotion which is almost painful…

This emotion is not almost painful, it’s painful; so painful that he couldn’t even feign a smile and brush it off. All he could do is to drive faster. Maybe he could outrun all that hurt inside; but only if it wasn’t buried so deep. Like the tears that he swallowed and didn’t cry. He thought they were gone. But they only pooled into a reservoir in his heart and are now threatening to overflow and drown it.

The speedometer increases. And his tears dry. He could still remember a time when the wind wasn’t the only thing that kissed his tears away. Once there was a pair of warm, soft lips that would lightly and gently trail his tears from his jaws to his eyes then to his lips. Often what followed was a pair of sturdy arms engulfing him as if to protect him.

Today, the arms aren’t there. They haven’t been for a while. Tsubasa can’t remember when they started to disappear, when like wings they caught the wind and took flight. He wonders if they remember the empty shell that they left behind; if they sometimes think of him and feel fallen.

The stereo, oblivious to the driver’s pain, continue to bombard him with memories. The next song delivered was Takki’s early solo, Miracle.

The memories of my time with you
Grow fainter, little by little.
And suddenly it…gets painful
So bad I can’t breathe.
But I’ll keep walking.

The passing, passing miracle
Wasn’t enough
I’m clutching something in my hand
With the pieces of my pain…
The feeling you gave my feelings,
The outline of your sleeping face,
The warmth I felt when I held you,
Flits through my trembling heart.

The passing, passing miracle,
And your shining tears,
You gave me the strength
Not to show them in my eyes.
So here I am.
Our eternity
Is telling me something.
I’ll turn it into a sign that I’ll survive anything.
Even now, it still shines in my heart.

If we could have the miracle
Of meeting again.
This time, surely…surely
I know I’ll protect you.

’Hide-kun, please lie to me. Please keep lying to me. If you will keep lying to me, I will believe you.’

The road is still empty. The wind, his loyal companion, is blowing louder and fiercer, wiping out the music. The eyes behind his shades are beginning to water again.

The rest of the lonely drive was a medley of howling wind and blinding tears. Then faintly, Tsubasa hears their voices croon another old song, You & I. They sound so raw and unpolished - young. Maybe if he were to look back from the future, he would think that they now still sound so young and untouched. Maybe they’re still very young after all.



 Thank you for reading, love you for commenting.

stories, fanfiction (mainly t&t)

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