fic (mm): all the girls that you'll never see

May 08, 2009 11:45

Here's the final product! For those of you at mary_mcawesome, you've most of these drabbles, but I finally finished the little project. In honor of Mary's birthday I wrote 100 words for 11 of my favorite characters of hers, like I did a couple of years ago for Sarah Clarke. Mary's played a lot of incredible women so I didn't get to touch on them all, but ( Read more... )

tv: high society, fic: bsg, lady love: mary mcdonnell, tv: bsg, lj: public, writing: fanfiction, fic: mm

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Comments 30

brittania May 8 2009, 17:37:09 UTC
These are stunning. ♥


averita May 8 2009, 19:18:00 UTC
Thanks, bb :)


meryl_edan May 8 2009, 18:32:17 UTC
I've really loved all of these, and am now even more motivated to keep catching up on Mary movies! You're a terrific drabbler. ;)


averita May 8 2009, 19:18:20 UTC
Thank you! Yes, keep watching! ;)


trialia May 8 2009, 18:57:50 UTC
Beautiful. Just beautiful...


averita May 8 2009, 19:18:29 UTC
*hugs* Thanks!


37_soul_sister May 8 2009, 19:09:54 UTC
beautiful. just beautiful.


averita May 8 2009, 19:18:38 UTC
:D Thanks!


pandj1958 May 8 2009, 19:24:01 UTC
You have a real talent for this. Thankyou for sharing these they were all wonderful.


averita May 8 2009, 19:33:12 UTC
*hugs* Thanks so much!


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