Spoilerfest Comment Ficathon!

May 12, 2012 13:40

First came the spoiler free version, now comes the spoilerfest!

The Spoilerfest Comment Ficathon
* Prompt on this post.
* Any and all ratings, pairings, and genres welcome.
* One prompt per comment, but the number of comments you can make is unlimited.
* Prompt responses should have a header with the usual basic info.
* Spoilers will abound, so read at your own risk!

Feel free to promote using the code below - the more, the merrier!:
http://avengersblend.livejournal.com/83370.html" target="_blank">http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u1/Ithidrial/ficathon2.png" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

There's also a collection on AO3 for the ficathon, if you'd like to archive your creations

announcements, ficathon

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