FIC: The Unspeakables: Parts 2 through 5 (Harry Potter xover/fusion)

Sep 08, 2012 01:30

The Unspeakables is an ongoing series of stories that place the cast of the Avengers in Hogwarts between the two Voldemort wars. The series is written as a collection of vignettes and ficlets showing different moments of their school years and summers.

Title: Hogwarts' Mightiest Firsties [Year One]
Title: Let Sleeping Dragons Lie [Year Two]
Title: Summer Discoveries (an Interlude)
Title: With a Bang [Year Three]
Author: LilyAyl (on LJ and ff.n); Ailelie (on DW and AO3)
Characters: Steve, Clint, Natasha, Pepper, Tony, Bruce, Jane, Darcy, Charlie Weasley, Tonks, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Bill Weasley, the Malfoys (Thor, Loki, Coulson, Hill, and Fury will eventually be included)
Pairings: Gen (so far)
Rating/Warnings: All audiences
Spoilers: General spoilers for both canons, fewer so far for HP
Summary: The Avengers (minus Thor, plus Jane) started at Hogwarts in 1982. Now, in 1984, they are facing problems they could not have imagined before. Bruce, Tony, and Jane have their friendship tested when Tony keeps a secret. Bruce loses the favor of his favorite professor. Pepper dabbles in politics. Natasha learns more about her family. Clint starts realizing he's let another important person slip away. Steve and Charlie Weasley join forces on a special project. And, Darcy fights back against Binns.
Notes: This series is ongoing and vaguely planned out through Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts.

Read Here on AO3

Or, Here on FF.N

character: pepper potts, genre: au, fic: avengers, character: darcy lewis, character: clint barton, character: natasha romanoff, rating: pg, character: bruce banner, authour: lilyayl, character: tony stark, character: steve rogers, character: jane foster, genre: crossover, genre: gen

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